Format: Paperback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9780861592432
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2025
Series: British Museum Research Publications
Illustrations: 600
This portrait of Santa Isabel in over 600 pictures shows an island transformed by its colonial history yet maintaining a confident and distinctive identity within Solomon Islands and the Pacific Island region.Santa Isabel is one of the largest islands that make up the island nation of Solomon Islands in the southwest Pacific. Politically it is now one of nine provinces, each with its own variation of a shared history.
In a country divided among many Christian denominations, Isabel is distinctive for its early acceptance of the Anglican Church, which united most of the island and its six language groups by the 1920s and then shaped its history up to the present.This book traces Santa Isabel history through a selection of the many hundreds of pictures of the island made first by Europeans and increasingly by its own people. These begin with the drawings and paintings of voyagers from the late 18th century, gradually succeeded by photos from the 1860s onwards showing the arrival of missionaries, traders and warships. From the 1900s there are photos made by the Europeans who established plantations on Isabel and colonial officers asserting British colonial authority. However, the pictorial record is dominated by photos from the Anglican Melanesian Mission. The Second World War, portrayed mainly by military photos, was followed closely by economic and political developments leading up to Solomon Islands independence in 1978 – developments portrayed in both church and government photos. Photos of more recent social, ceremonial and political activities show the unique combination of church, chiefs and local government in Isabel life. A renewed interest in local culture in the 21st century is revealed through photos of festivals and cultural research by both visiting and local researchers as Isabel people explore the possibilities of tourism, resource extraction and environmental conservation.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9788869774836
Pub Date: 31 May 2025
The Photographer’s Guide to Los Santos blends video games and photography, exploring Grand Theft Auto V as both a tourist destination and a creative space. Combining practical in-game photography advice with critical analysis, the guide offers tutorials, modding techniques, and reflections on artistic projects, making it a valuableresource for students and digital artists. This handbook redefines GTA V as a medium for artistic expression, challenging conventional boundaries between gaming and art.
Drawing from exhibitions and in-game performances, the guide incorporates lessons from teaching in-game photography across Europe. The Photographer’s Guide to Los Santos encourages deep, creative engagement with GTA V, positioning the game as a site for both critical and artistic exploration.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781960521033
Pub Date: 01 May 2025
Illustrations: 84 illustrations, including 27 graphite drawings and 55 color photographs by the author
The volcanoes on the Alaska Peninsula and the fifty-seven volcanoes that project into the Aleutian Islands form the northern rim of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Many are in Alaska’s national parks, monuments, and preserves. They continue to erupt, creating new Earth surfaces, and the deposits of lava, pumice, and ash ejected by these volcanoes create primeval ground: a true wilderness where few people on Earth other than volcanologists have traversed.
Gary Freeburg has wandered and lived among Alaska’s volcanoes for regular periods during the last twenty years. The volcanoes he visits are alive and in some cases still steaming, and its lands are coarse and free of distraction: a vacuum of emptiness that embraces solitude and silence stirred only by the winds that blow and the rains that fall. The Earth surfaces that he walks are hard and largely barren of plant life, except where surfaces are shielded by the wind or are near water sources. There, new life returns in the form of lichen and tiny plants and insects and animals—bees, bear, fox, mayflies, and Alaskan hares—taking their rightful place in these vast, remote national parks, monuments, and preserves, reminding us that they are signs of hope that Earth will continue to evolve, regenerate, and renew itself long after we humans are gone.Freeburg’s writings, photographs, and drawings reflect what it is like to seek solitude and live among Alaska’s wild volcanoes. His travels were mostly solo treks in which he was flown in with supplies, a camera, sketchbooks, and journal to share his thoughts and artistically render his experiences. Each day spent in Alaska’s volcanic wilderness affirmed the importance of this place for the author and those who can only dream of such a place. His book seems to explain: How fortunate it is to have magical places and national parks like Alaska’s volcanoes, how fortunate we are to be alive on this magnificent Earth.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781960521088
Pub Date: 21 Apr 2025
Illustrations: 200 duotone photographs by the author
Imagine walking among and learning about 130 ancient cities in 25 countries across the world: from the Mediterranean to the Middle East, from Asia to the Americas. Some are world heritage sites, accessible to tens of thousands of visitors each year, and some are remote and seldom seen. But each ancient city from the distant past conveys a special place in the history of human civilization, and each presents its own story and sense of place.
In Unforgotten: Ancient Cities from a Distant Past, William Frej presents 200 duotone photographs of these ancient cities that are simply unforgettable, capturing as they do their allure, their beauty, their spirit and resonating sense of space. Anne Frej, in her elegant introduction, sets the table for the personal journey that awaits every reader—a journey into deep history and magical architecture and geographical splendor that speaks to us today. And Michael E. Smith, a noted scholar and author, writes about the lessons to be learned from these ancient cities, including his insights into the various urban traditions behind the building of the cities and why their histories remain poignant.As readers explore the ruins and remnants of these amazing ancient cities, a sense of awe and wonder is ever-present. Yet so is the knowledge that human civilization and life on Earth, no matter how grand, is tenuous and fragile. Even as these places reached their apogee and influence in the distant past, there are reasons why these places were abandoned and replaced. So let your curiosity wander as you turn each page, for you will see in words and pictures why they should not be forgotten.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781960521064
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2024
Illustrations: 72 black-and-white illustrations, including 61 duotone photographs by the author
This is the first book to present the stories and portraits of ordinary Tibetan women and men in exile, in their own words. It includes gorgeous photographs of the lands they embraced in Ladakh, where they fled after the Chinese annexed Tibet in 1959.To meet the people and make these photographs, the Johnsons traveled throughout Ladakh, visiting many villages, and interviewing dozens of people.
Most of them had to leave everything behind when they fled: family, friends, and their most precious possessions: their animals, with whom they had a unique and symbiotic relationship.Yet, as Dr. Johnson reveals in his photographs and stories, these refugees are resilient, wise, and hopeful. They have made their tragedy a source of strength, along with their unwavering devotion to their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and to their Buddhist practice, which continues to sustain them.In a world full of exiles, more than 150,000 of which are Tibetan, this book is not only of historical significance, it is timely. It puts a human face on the increasingly complex problem of people being forcibly displaced from their homelands. These remarkable individuals show us the meaning of never giving up, and that everyone deserves compassion, for without it, the future of humanity stands in peril.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9781985900929
Pub Date: 08 Oct 2024
Series: Appalachian Futures: Black, Native, and Queer Voices
Illustrations: 1 map, 11 b&w illustrations, 112 color illustrations
"Affrilachia," a term first coined in 1991 by Kentucky poet Frank X Walker, refers to the cultural contributions of African Americans who live in Appalachia, a largely mountainous region stretching over thirteen states from Mississippi to New York. Although Black Americans have greatly influenced the popular culture landscape in this region, their stories, trials, and triumphs are often undocumented because Appalachia is perceived as wholly white.In this stunning visual history, photographer and curator Chris Aluka Berry gives voice to the broad spectrum of African Americans who have lived in the Appalachian region over the centuries.
Berry, who spent six years in western North Carolina, northeast Georgia, and eastern Tennessee, immersed himself in the communities and lives of Black Appalachians to present the diversity and commonalities of the proud people in the region. His intimate and revealing photographs capture Arican Americans in various settings—churches, homes, revival services, family gatherings, and homegoing celebrations.Completing this comprehensive collection are powerful narratives from the people who inhabit these places, and contributions from Appalachian writers Kelly Navies and Maia Surdam, whose poignant and powerful poems and essays offer historical perspective and broaden the book's archival importance.The first book of its kind, Affrilachia: Testimonies is an inspired historical artifact that honors, represents, and celebrates the proud people of color whose history and existence has greatly contributed to the broad tapestry of Appalachia.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781960521026
Pub Date: 24 Sep 2024
Illustrations: 133 photographs (99 color and 4 black-and-white)
The Long Ride Home: Black Cowboys in America is the first book to tell the story of the Black cowboy experience in contemporary America. Although Black cowboys have been a fixture on the American landscape and frontier since the nineteenth century, few people are aware of their enduring contributions to the history of the West and how their unique culture continues to thrive today in urban as well as rural areas all over the country.The book features Ron Tarver’s beautiful, compelling, and often surprising contemporary images of African-American cowboys that not only convey the Black cowboy’s way of life and its rich heritage, but also affirm a thriving culture of Black-owned ranches and rodeo operations, parades, inner-city cowboys, retired cowhands, and Black cowgirls of all ages, too.
Tarver, who grew up in a family of Black cowboys in Oklahoma, uses his artistry to question, if not upend, long-held notions of what it means to be a cowboy and, with that, what it means to be an American.The Long Ride Home couldn’t be more timely, coming on the heels of films such as Lil Nas X’s hit time-travel western, Old Town Road (2019), and Idris Elba’s Concrete Cowboy (2021), which was based on Greg Neri’s Ghetto Cowboy (2013), about Philadelphia’s contemporary African-American cowboy culture. Many of Tarver’s images were made in some of the same Philadelphia neighborhoods. Widespread interest in the Black experience in America will also make this book an especially important contribution to Black history.In addition to Tarver’s photographs, The Long Ride Home includes an essay by Art T. Burton, an expert on the history of Black cowboys. This book is both a tribute to and celebration of the Black cowboy in America. It is certain to be an invaluable addition to American history for years to come.
Preservation in Action
Ten Stories Of Stewardship: Restoration, Rehabilitation, Renovation, Adaptation, and Reuse
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9780819501462
Pub Date: 03 Sep 2024
Illustrations: 102 color photos
A one-of-a-kind tour through exquisitely preserved, chronicled and illustrated historic buildings/>/>Preservation in Action is the first publication that tells the compelling story of Old Wethersfield, Connecticut's largest and oldest historic district in its oldest town. Based on original research, with stunning photography and handsome design, through ten examples of restoration, rehabilitation, renovation, adaptation, and reuse, it demonstrates the community's efforts over more than a century to preserve the architectural legacy of its historic village, through individual and institutional commitments, civic planning decisions, historic preservation, and design review./>/>The examples range from the oldest house in town, with a 17th century addition added thirty years ago, to a 19th century commercial building whose greenhouse was repurposed as a cafe in 2022 and includes the town's old high school whose redevelopment, in a bold partnership between the Town and the Historical Society, together with the Society's redevelopment of another town owned building, has spurred the economic revival of the old village.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9781938086526
Pub Date: 01 Jul 2024
Illustrations: 47 color photographs by the author
Iceland is best known for its stunning scenery and majestic landscapes. When photographer Nancy Libson first visited Iceland for a hiking trip some twenty years ago, she immediately fell in love with the country and its dramatic landscape. She vowed to return again, camera in hand.
Beginning in 2015, Libson did just that, revisiting Iceland for four additional summers to photograph the land and its people.When Libson began her project, she chose to get to know the Icelandic people in rural areas. As she continued to experience this remote and beautiful land, she developed an awareness of the unique qualities of childhood in Iceland, and so her emphasis shifted from people of all ages to children at home and at play. Libson noticed that Icelandic children were granted an unusual level of freedom while living securely in close-knit families and supportive communities. She was further inspired to capture Iceland’s remoteness and beauty and its impact on the children who live there.As portrayed in Children in Iceland, Libson’s photographs provide an intimate and evocative view of the lives of the children surrounded by Iceland’s natural landscape. By photographing Iceland’s children, Libson began to better understand not only the children, but through them the culture and spirit of growing up in this remarkable country. The book is further enhanced by an afterword by Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir, the well-known Icelandic children’s author, who shares her thoughts about the freedom that Icelandic children feel from living with and close to nature.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9789152793886
Pub Date: 21 May 2024
Illustrations: Colour and black and white
"The stories and testimonies in this book are not only photographs. They are beautiful, brutal, present, and personal – photographic adjectives, filled with content that is deeper and more relevant than most news photography can ever hope to be. But, perhaps most importantly, they are historical documents, visual evidence to be presented in a future where the fog of war has cleared.
And just ice once again prevails." Swedish Photojournalist Paul Hansen wrote in the foreword for the book. In it, he emphasises the relevance of the images, the depth these testimonies bring to the reader, and how they initiate a deeper conversation about the impact of military violence on Ukraine.Ukrainian Warchive published its first book 13 Stories of War to mark the second year full-scale Russian invasion.The book features individual visual essays accompanied by text created by 13 Ukrainian photographers and artists, members of the Ukrainian warchive. Their photographic testimonies are beyond conventional narratives and together with text they give readers a nuanced and personal perspective that goes beyond typical media coverage. The essays delve into themes of resistance, loss and hope and provide a vivid account of the human experience in the midst of war."Despite the backdrop of ongoing military violence, these documentary photographers and artists have been courageously living, working, and sharing the realities of Ukraine with the world since the Russian Invasion. As the photo editor, curating these powerful photo stories represents the photographers’ resilience and resistance to me. Each essay varies in approach, style, and subject matter. We chose to pair each essay with personal texts to convey awareness and immediacy." - says Emine Ziyatdinova, co-editor of the book and director of the Ukrainian Warchive.The book has been supported by the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna (Institut für die wissenschatten vom Menschen, I M) within the Documenting Ukraine program, the Hasselblad Foundation, and the Swedish Institute.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9781938086984
Pub Date: 10 Mar 2024
Illustrations: 210 color illustrations: 125 photographs and 85 digital montages by the author
In his award-winning book, American/True Colors, Stephen Marc presents one of the most comprehensive photographic surveys ever conducted about America and Americans. For his efforts–the survey includes both the Obama and Trump presidencies–or his artistry, and for his unique African-American perspective, the Independent Publishers Book Awards gave American/True Colors its 2021 Gold Medal for the Best Book of the Year in Photography.But Stephen Marc was not finished with telling the American story.
In Street Cat Tales and Tangled Times, the artist takes us on another sweeping journey, coast to coast, this time straddling before and during the COVID years when America and Americans were confronted by a multitude of unprecedented challenges that affected citizens in every aspect of life no matter where they might live.Introduced by Dr. Carla D. Hayden, 14th Librarian of Congress and the first woman and first African American to hold that distinguished post since its founding in 1802, and featuring 210 new photographs by Stephen Marc, including 85 captivating digital montages, Street Cat Tales and Tangled Times offers a creative and highly insightful look at how Americans have been living their life on the streets during this time of COVID and controversial Supreme Court rulings and the severe impacts of climate change, social injustice, mass shootings and gun violence, inflation, intense political division, the Big Lie, the January 6 insurrection, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and so much more.As was the case with American/True Colors, in Street Cat Tales and Tangled Times we see how the American journey continues. How in our ongoing search for a more perfect Union we need to recognize and respect more fully the personal histories that brought us here and the truths we need to face. How in the process of moving forward toward an uncertain future we embrace the joy of living and learn to grow and heal as families, communities, and a nation.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781938086953
Pub Date: 31 May 2023
Illustrations: 166 photographs, 4 maps, and 1 historic illustration
Janet Pritchard’s romance with the American West began with horseback riding, watching movies, and hearing her dad’s dreams of being a cowboy. When she began to spend adolescent summers in Wyoming during the 1960s, her world changed forever, as she fell under the spell of natural wonder in the shadow of the Grand Tetons. Only later did she recognize her feelings as a response to what nineteenth-century Romantics called the sublime.
A vintage 1916 picture postcard of Golden Gate Canyon by F. Jay Haynes inspired this project. When Pritchard turned it over and read the message – “I cannot describe the Yellowstone as the dictionary is only a book. It is more than scenery. In some places, it is so beautiful that the men take off their hats, and the women are silent!” – she was back in a childhood place of wonder tempered by a lifetime of work as an artist and teacher in landscape photography.Formed by fire and ice, embraced by a nation seeking an ancient past with a future as grand as the landscapes it inhabited, Yellowstone was established as the world’s first national park by an Act of Congress in 1872. One hundred fifty years later, the park and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem continue to occupy an iconic role in the public imagination of Yellowstone as a place that is both real and ideal. Here, in this complex ecosystem where wild nature and culture meet, the complexities of our relationship to the natural world are revealed unlike any other place.Yellowstone is truly unique, and each generation who visits it invests Yellowstone with ideas, beliefs, and values reflecting its historical moment. In More than Scenery: Yellowstone, an American Love Story, Janet Pritchard surveys these relationships with her captivating photographs and insightful text, and Lucy R. Lippard’ sets the table with her heartfelt introduction to the world’s romance with Yellowstone. This book reveals why Yellowstone is so important to American and the world and how its landscapes reflect more than scenery.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9781938086946
Pub Date: 31 May 2023
Illustrations: 64 photographs
The National Park Service was established by an act of Congress in 1916 to “preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.” This directive to protect wilderness yet provide accessibility to it without somehow compromising the integrity of the natural resources seems to be a self-fulfilling contradiction and an arena for conflicting priorities.In Park Place, photographer David Heberlein explores the tension between access and enjoyment and preservation of America’s public lands.
From 1992 to 2019, he traveled throughout the American West and visited thirty-five national parks, monuments, and recreation areas. His stunning photographs, made in the course of his many journeys, document the human presence within the national parks and monuments of the American West. They allude to human influence both through the marks we make on the land – whether temporary or permanent – and through the presence of visitors who appear in numerous shapes and sizes performing a variety of familiar sightseeing activities. These shifting scenarios provide compelling photographic documentation of the multiple roles that national parks and monuments play and the ongoing need to balance the human impact on nature with the preservation of wild places.Park Place features sixty-four duotone photographs by David Heberlein along with an introductory essay by the photographer and an afterword. It promises to be a welcome addition to a longstanding tradition of artists, writers, and photographers heading out West to see and explore and interpret America’s national treasures.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781938086960
Pub Date: 31 May 2023
Illustrations: 110 color photographs
Varanasi, also known as Kashi and Banaras, is a city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh dating to the 11th century B.C.E.
Regarded as the spiritual capital of India, the city draws Hindu pilgrims who bathe in the Ganges River’s sacred waters for prayer and ritual. In Varanasi, one is in a time warp where one is living in history as if time has never stopped, for the people, both residents and pilgrims, continue their daily practices and worship in ways relatively unchanged for millennia, a continuum of thousands of years. Being in Varanasi is like being on a thread pulled from a cloth that dates back to the beginning of time. Here, one doesn’t “see” a ruin, as one does in other ancient civilizations, but a living city where history hasn’t stopped. David Scheinbaum guides us, with his camera, through the city’s winding streets that are filled with thousands of shrines and temples at virtually every turn. He takes us on an incredible visual journey to the Ganges, the sacred river where bathers are in prayer, and to the funerary Ghats, steps that lead down to the river where cremations take place, filling the air with incense and burning pyres. Hindus believe that being cremated along the banks of the holy Ganges allows one to break the cycle of death and rebirth and attain Moksha, (salvation) making it a major center for pilgrimages. David Scheinbaum’s beautiful, soulful photographs present an ancient, holy city immersed in prayer. Woven through are the words of B. J. Miller and Diana L. Eck, noted scholars and writers who each shed light on the special qualities that make Varanasi the holy city it has always been.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9781938086991
Pub Date: 15 May 2023
Illustrations: 128 illustrations: 116 duotone and 8 color photographs by the author and 4 historic maps
In 1998, Kevin Bubriski was fortunate to spend time with the Uyghurs in Kashgar, their ancient city on the Silk Road in Xinjiang, China. While there, he made unforgettable photographic portraits and street scenes that reveal a haunting beauty and sense of the past in old Kashgar. Bubriski was drawn to the faces of ordinary people and their daily lives, with the intent that through photographs mutual understanding between people might be fostered.
Although 1998 was an uncomfortable time of rapid transformation for the Uyghurs, their oasis city in the high desert was still vibrant, even as the Chinese government’s brutal crackdown was about to commence. In the last few years, up to a million Uyghurs have been detained in “re-education camps” while others have been subjected to forced sterilizations and wider persecution. The vibrancy, beauty, and grit that Bubriski witnessed and photographed more than two decades ago has irrevocably changed. The Uyghur cultural, economic, familial, religious, and spiritual traditions are captured in Bubriski’s images and the extensive text by Tahir Hamut Izgil and the late Dru Gladney. These traditions, interwoven in Uyghurs’ lives and community for more than two millennia, have been severely impacted by the overt and disastrous policies of the Chinese government’s crackdown on Uyghur civil, spiritual, and cultural activities. The Uyghur community is now fractured and split due to widespread surveillance, mass detentions, and incarcerations. This book is also presented in a bilingual edition so that it is not only accessible to Uyghur people living in non-English-speaking regions of the world, but a way for Uyghurs around the world to reaffirm their cultural and social identity wherever they now live. As many Uyghur families are now separated due to detentions or flight to asylum elsewhere, the book is meant to be an enduring gift for the Uyghur people and for all who wish to understand better Uyghur culture and history. Bubriski’s book is a stunning work of art that reveals an earlier time when Kashgar, beloved city of the Uyghurs, retained much of its traditional life and charm.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 156
ISBN: 9781938086922
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2023
Climate change is the great existential reality of our time. How we approach this crisis will affect life on Earth for present and future generations. In spite of our collective ideals, irreversible damage to the environment is imminent and represents urgent local and global concern.
Through artfully rendered photographs of an acutely endangered landscape, Oceano: An Elegy for the Earth explores the deep paradox between the devout, powerful presence of nature and environmental loss and damage.Extending eighteen miles along Central California’s famed coastline and divided into both a natural preserve and a state vehicular recreation area, the Oceano Dune complex has long fascinated photographers such as Ansel Adams and Edward and Brett Weston. The ephemeral, ever-changing landscape here expresses a sublime order and reflects many correlations between land and the dynamics of human society. Using metaphors that inspire hope and explore impermanence and darkness contrasted with the purity of suffusing light, Ulrich’s photographs have been likened to Mark Rothko’s “silence and solitude” that express the resonance and subtle dimensions of consciousness.The coastal environment of the Oceano Dunes is tempered by multiple threats such as incessant motorized activity, the toxicity of surrounding industrial-scale agriculture, and some of the worst air quality in the nation. Thus, for the book’s sequence of images, the photographer employs the literary form of an elegy, an extended reflection and lamentation on Earth during the early twenty-first century. An elegy refers to a poetic reflection of sorrow and love, often for a transient, mortal entity. As Ulrich writes: “Sorrow and love for Earth, indeed. No better articulation exists for my regard for our dying planet and common mother.”