Archaeology & History  /  Maritime Archaeology, Ships & Shipping
Archaeology Of Coastal Settlements / Archéologie des peuplements littoraux Cover Archaeology Of Coastal Settlements / Archéologie des peuplements littoraux Cover
Pages: 580
ISBN: 9789464263428
Pub Date: 03 Sep 2025
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 257fc / 39bw
Pages: 580
ISBN: 9789464263411
Pub Date: 03 Sep 2025
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 257fc / 39bw
This volume presents the proceedings of the HOMER 2021 international conference, held in September/October 2021 on the Island of Oléron, France. The conference focused on recent advances in coastal and island archaeology across a wide geographical area, covering the Atlantic north of the equator. From the 55 oral presentations and 24 posters, 49 papers emerged, contributed by scholars from seven countries.
RRP: £85.00
RRP: £85.00
Bold and Lucky Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 156
ISBN: 9781922669612
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2024
Imprint: Australian Scholarly Publishing
A prequel to his ‘World’s end’: British military outposts in the ‘ring fence’ around Australia 1824–1849, this book by prize-winning historian and keen sailor Alan Powell celebrates the small ships of Australia’s colonial navy. Brigs, cutters, schooners and sloops were pressed into service in a rag-tag assembly of ‘seagoing maids of all work’, cramped and overloaded with provisions, building materials, livestock and even convicts. The crews of these ‘doughty little craft’ sailed with courage and often blind faith in their ultimate survival as they toiled through some of the world’s most treacherous seas to deliver life-preserving supplies to the military outposts that ringed Australia in the early nineteenth century.
The Oseberg Ship Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9788785180773
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2024
Series: Ships & Boats of the North
This volume presents a new reconstruction of the Norwegian Viking-Age ship from Oseberg, dated to 820 AD. In 1987 a full‐scale reconstruction of the ship, was built based on drawings made of the exhibited ship. The reconstruction, Dronningen, capsized and sank during the first test‐sailing, giving rise to many questions, concerning the ships original performance.
The Faroese Boat Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9788785180766
Pub Date: 15 Jan 2024
Series: Ships & Boats of the North
Illustrations: Richly illustrated
The Faroese boat has been developed and adapted to the special sailing conditions around the Faroe Islands with strong currents and sudden gusts. The boat was primarily developed as a rowing boat but could also be powered by sail. It was built in different sizes, but the boatbuilders always had to rely on materials imported from abroad or in addition use driftwood for various boat components.

East by West

The New Navigation of Ferdinand Magellan
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781922669407
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2023
Imprint: Australian Scholarly Publishing
Like Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan thought that Europeans could reach the Far East by sailing West. He aspired to dominion, displaying military prowess, navigational skill, powers of persuasion and unwavering determination. Bettering Columbus, his venture led to the circumnavigation of the world by European seamen, the most audacious in maritime history.

In Search of the Last Continent

Australia and Early Antarctic Exploration
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9781922669940
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2023
Imprint: Australian Scholarly Publishing
For 70 years powerful countries despatched expeditions to explore the south polar regions. By 1843 they had seen enough to realise that this most remote and impenetrable place offered considerable danger and no strategic or economic benefit. The great nations turned away.
Vasa II - Rigging and Sailing a Swedish Warship of 1628 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 472
ISBN: 9789188909114
Pub Date: 20 Nov 2023
Illustrations: 450
When Vasa was raised in 1961 a lost world was revealed in astonishing detail. Among the most remarkable finds were the remains of the rigging. Normally shipwrecks offer only a few clues to the structure above the waterline, but on Vasa the lower masts, a myriad of blocks and deadeyes, hundreds of metres of rope and cable and – most astonishingly – nine sails from the ship and its boat survive.
Contemporary Philosophy for Maritime Archaeology Cover Contemporary Philosophy for Maritime Archaeology Cover
Pages: 344
ISBN: 9789464270402
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 32fc / 30bw
Pages: 344
ISBN: 9789464270396
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 32fc / 30bw
While terrestrial archaeology has engaged with contemporary philosophy, maritime archaeology has remained in comparative disciplinary – or subdisciplinary – isolation. However, the issues that humans face in the Anthropocene – from global warming to global pandemics – call for transdisciplinary cooperation, and for thinking together beyond the confines of the human-centered philosophical tradition. Growing areas such as the “blue humanities” and “oceanic thinking” draw directly on our maritime past, even as they ponder the future.
Sailing the Monsoon Winds in Miniature Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9780861592302
Pub Date: 15 Jan 2023
Series: British Museum Research Publications
Illustrations: 175 illustrations
Models of non-European watercrafts are commonly found in museum collections in the UK and throughout the world. These objects are understudied, rarely used in museum displays and at risk of disposal. In addition, there are several gaps in current understanding of traditional watercraft from the Indian Ocean, the region spanning from East Africa through to western Australia.
The Kyrenia Ship Final Excavation Report, Volume I Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781785707520
Pub Date: 15 Oct 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: The Kyrenia Ship Final Excavation Report
Illustrations: b/w and colour + additional folder of plans
The Kyrenia Ship, a Greek merchantman built around 315 BC, which sank off the north coast of Cyprus was excavated between 1968 and 1972 under the direction of Michael L. Katzev of the University of Pennsylvania and Oberlin College. The importance of this ship lies in the exceptionally well-preserved hull that provided new insights into ancient shipbuilding, as well as the cargo it carried.
Echoes from the Deep Cover Echoes from the Deep Cover
Pages: 270
ISBN: 9789464261172
Pub Date: 27 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 163fc / 7bw
Pages: 270
ISBN: 9789464261165
Pub Date: 27 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 163fc / 7bw
In a process analogous with the impact of aerial photography on landscape archaeology, marine geophysics is locating the remains of thousands of shipwrecks across the seabed of the globe. This research project set out to establish whether all of the shipwrecks in a given geographic region could be identified by name through the mutual study of the 3D models of the shipwrecks, alongside the historic text of shipping losses in the same area.All of the 273 shipwrecks in a 7,500sqm study area in the Irish Sea were surveyed using multibeam echosounder.
Maritime Archaeology on Dry Land Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9781789258196
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w
This book is about two islands off the coast of Continental Europe, the seas that surrounded them, and the ways in which they were used over a period of three thousand years. Instead of the usual emphasis on finds in the intertidal zone, it focuses on parts of Britain and Ireland where traces of the prehistoric shoreline survive above sea level. It explores a series of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age sites which were investigated in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and have been largely forgotten.
Apollonia on my Mind Cover Apollonia on my Mind Cover
Pages: 550
ISBN: 9789464260335
Pub Date: 16 Dec 2021
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Honor Frost Foundation General Publication
Illustrations: 145fc/34bw
Pages: 550
ISBN: 9789464260328
Pub Date: 16 Dec 2021
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Honor Frost Foundation General Publication
Illustrations: 145fc/34bw
The ocean conceals secrets, ancient, modern, and future. Nic Flemming's memoir recounts the life of a pioneer in ocean science. Each chapter describes a thread that structured his work: underwater cities, submerged Ice Age caverns dripping with stalactites, the limits to ocean exploitation, ocean climate change, prehistoric settlements on the continental shelf, ocean law, and safe scientific diving.
RRP: £65.00
Ceramic Exchange and the Indian Ocean Economy (AD 400-1275). Volume I: Analysis Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780861592234
Pub Date: 28 Aug 2021
Series: British Museum Research Publications
Illustrations: 100
‘In this groundbreaking book, Seth Priestman proposes a very rigorous methodology together with a strong critical sense and meets the reader’s expectations. The book fills a gap in the archaeology of the Indian Ocean that is severely lacking quantitative analysis of the available data.’ - International Journal of Nautical ArchaeologyFrom AD 500–1000, the Indian Ocean emerged as a global commercial centre, and by around 750–800 a sophisticated trade network had been established involving the movement of goods from Japan and China in the east, to southern Africa and Spain in the west.
Under the Mediterranean I Cover Under the Mediterranean I Cover
Pages: 380
ISBN: 9789088909467
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2021
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Honor Frost Foundation Research Publication
Illustrations: 285col/28bw
Pages: 380
ISBN: 9789088909450
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2021
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Honor Frost Foundation Research Publication
Illustrations: 285col/28bw
This volume is a collection of 19 articles in three sections reporting on recent research on the archaeology of shipwrecks, harbours, and maritime landscapes in the Mediterranean region. The shipwrecks section looks at excavated vessels from Mazotos, Modi Island, the port of Rhodes, Naples, and Narbonne, as well as a sailing reconstruction of the Ma‘agan Mikhael ship. The harbours section includes articles on areas from the Levant to Seville looking at a variety of harbour defence systems and dockyards dating from the Hellenistic period to the 12th century AD.
The Wrecks of HM Frigates Assurance (1753) & Pomone (1811) Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781789256376
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2021
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w and colour
With the thought of treasure, Isle of Wight islander, Derek Williams researched ancient local wreck records. Top of his extensive wreck list was the 40-gun frigate Assurance lost in 1753 while returning from Jamaica with Governor Trelawny on board, whose story possibly inspired Robert Louis Stevenson to write Treasure Island. Derek’s first dive at the western point of the Isle of Wight called “The Needles” put him on top of cannons, various wreckage and Spanish-American “Pieces of Eight”, all scattered at the foot of the rock face.
RRP: £48.00