Archaeology & History  /  Rome & the Roman Provinces
Butrint 8 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9798888571323
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2025
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Butrint Archaeological Monographs
Illustrations: 100 B/W and color illustrations
Butrint 8 is largely devoted to the Middle Byzantine archaeology discovered by the Butrint Foundation’s projects at Butrint itself, in its environs, and in the nearby port of Saranda, ancient Onchesmos. The volume includes a full report on the excavations in Butrint’s western defenses, built in the 6th century as a proteichisma, and maintained in use until the 9th century when tower 1 partly perished in a fire and tower 2 was abandoned. From these 9th-century levels came a major assemblage of traded and local ceramics as well as glass cullet.
RRP: £50.00
Water Displays in Domestic Spaces across the Late Roman West Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9798888571125
Pub Date: 29 Jan 2025
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 100 color and B/W illustrations
For ambitious late antique homeowners seeking to demonstrate their status and taste, water and its display offered almost infinite possibilities. Water Displays in Domestic Spaces across the Late Roman West: Cultivating Living Buildings presents the first synthesis of the archaeological evidence for late antique water features in both urban houses and extra-urban villas across the western Empire. Ginny Wheeler examines a wide and varied range of examples: from decorative basins and pools to fountains of all forms and water-equipped dining couches.
Das Fenster in der römischen Architektur Cover Das Fenster in der römischen Architektur Cover
Pages: 415
ISBN: 9789464280678
Pub Date: 12 Nov 2024
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 348fc / 31bw
Pages: 415
ISBN: 9789464280661
Pub Date: 12 Nov 2024
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 348fc / 31bw
Fenster sind multifunktionale Bauteile, die sich sowohl nach Innen als auch nach Außen richten. Sie geben uns durch ihre Zahl, Größe und Art ihrer Verschlüsse wichtige Hinweise auf die Benutzungsarten und -zeiten der jeweiligen Räume, in denen sie angebracht sind. Darüber hinaus sind sie in der Lage zusammen mit dem decor eines Raumes eine Atmosphäre zu schaffen, in manchen Fällen sogar eine von der realen Welt entkoppelte Heterotopie.
Violence in the Forum Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9781636244471
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2024
“The entry of daggers into the Forum” is an expression that identifies two precise historical moments: when two tribunes of the plebs—brothers Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Caius Sempronius Gracchus—were murdered in Rome in 133 and 122 BC amidst bloody riots. These deaths and subsequent events marked the rupture of the constitutional order in the Roman Republic and the beginning of a political crisis. Thus began a political process that would lead, over the span of three generations, to the end of the res publica, a transition of endless violence, ransacking, and destruction, including three bitter and bloody civil wars.
RRP: £29.95
Recent Discoveries of Tetrarchic Hoards from Roman Britain and their Wider Context Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9780861592364
Pub Date: 05 May 2024
Series: British Museum Research Publications
Illustrations: 100
This volume was prompted by the recent discovery in Britain of two large coin hoards dating from the first decade of the fourth century AD – Wold Newton and Rauceby. Coins of this early Tetrarchic period are relatively uncommon finds in Britain and elsewhere, due mainly to the brevity of their periods of issue followed by successive reductions in the weight of the coinage. The book also republishes the 1944 Fyfield hoard within the context of these more recent finds and contains preliminary reports on two very large hoards of coins of the same period that have been found in recent years in France (Juillac) and Spain (Tomares).
Roman Provincial Coinage IV.4 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 828
ISBN: 9780714118314
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2024
Series: Roman Provincial Coinage
Illustrations: 250
This volume provides an authoritative and systematic account of the coins minted for Roman Egypt between AD 138 and 192. It is the first of four volumes, which will cover the provincial coinage of this crucial period of Roman history in its entirety.The coinage in this volume was produced at Alexandria, the commercial and cultural capital of the eastern Mediterranean.
Roman Provincial Coinage VII.2 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 1000
ISBN: 9780714118307
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2022
Series: Roman Provincial Coinage
Illustrations: 250
This volume presents for the first time an authoritative and systematic account of the coins minted in the Roman provinces between AD 238 and 244 (except the province of Asia, previously covered in volume VII.1), and shows how these coins can be regarded as an integral part of the coinage minted under the Roman emperors. The book gives a complete picture of the material, thereby not only meeting the needs of numismatists but also providing an essential reference for historians, archaeologists and other students of the Roman empire.
Crossing Continents Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781789255546
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
The first contacts between Greece, the Aegean and India are thought to have occurred at the beginning of the sixth century BC. There is now evidence of much earlier indirect connections, starting in the middle of the third millennium BC, but greatly diminishing after 1800 BC. These were initially between India with its Indus Civilisation (Meluḫḫa) and the Near East and then finally with the societies of the Early and Middle Bronze Age Aegean, with their slowly emerging palace-based economies and complex social structures.
Ausonius of Rome Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 253
ISBN: 9781463242800
Pub Date: 01 Oct 2021
Imprint: Gorgias Press
The present volume describes the rich and complex world in which Ausonius (c. 310-395) lived and worked, from his humble beginnings as a schoolteacher in Bordeaux, to the heights of his influence as quaestor to the Emperor Gratian, at a time of unsettling social and religious change. As a teacher and poet Ausonius adhered to the traditions of classical paideia, standing in contrast to the Fathers of the Church, e.
EAA 175: Crownthorpe Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 74
ISBN: 9780905594569
Pub Date: 05 Jul 2021
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 37
The Crownthorpe hoard was discovered in 1982 during a metal detector search of a Roman temple site. It consists of seven bronze vessels: native copies of two Roman silver wine cups and a spouted strainer bowl, together with an imported Roman saucepan, patera and a pair of dishes. The cups are copies of plain silver vessels of form Eggers 170, and may well have been made in a workshop in Norfolk.
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies - Volume 18 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781789255874
Pub Date: 15 May 2021
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Journal of Roman Pottery Studies
Illustrations: B/w and colour
The Journal of Roman Pottery Studies continues to present a range of important new research in the field by both established and early career scholars. Volume XVIII has a strong theme on pottery production with papers on kiln sites, mortaria and late Roman pottery production in East Anglia and at a small town in Belgium. A major new third century assemblage from civitas Cananefatium in South Holland is presented.
Silchester Revealed Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781911188834
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2021
Imprint: Windgather Press
Illustrations: Colour
With its apparently complete town plan, revealed by the Society of Antiquaries of London’s great excavation project, 1890-1909, Silchester is one of the best known towns in Roman Britain and the Roman world more widely. Since the 1970s excavations by the author and the University of Reading on several sites including the amphitheatre, the defences, the forum basilica, the public baths, a temple and an extensive area of an entire insula, as well as surveys of the suburbs and immediate hinterland, have radically increased our knowledge of the town and its development over time from its origins to its abandonment. This research has discovered the late Iron Age oppidum and allowed us to characterise the nature of the settlement with its strong Gallic connections and widespread political and trading links across southern Britain, to Gaul and to southern Europe and the Mediterranean.
Justinian's Indecision Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 282
ISBN: 9781463242275
Pub Date: 26 Feb 2021
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Since the time of Eduard Schwartz, scholars have tended to treat ecclesiastical policy under the influence of Justinian as inconsistent and even capricious. This book argues that such an image of Justinian, although seeming to provide a coherent narrative concerning the emperor’s character, falls apart when the details are scrutinized.
Butrint 7 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781789254334
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Butrint Archaeological Monographs
Illustrations: b/w
This volume brings together unpublished Italian and Albanian archaeological reports and new archaeological studies from recent fieldwork that throw new light on the archaeology and history of the Pavllas River Valley, the Mediterranean alluvial plain in the territory of Butrint, ancient Buthrotum, in southwestern Albania. It gives prominence for the first time to two important sites, Kalivo and Çuka e Aitoit, which are here reinterpreted and shown to have played major roles in the early history of Butrint as it evolved in the later first millennium BC to emerge as the key city of Chaonia in Epirus. Butrint 7 also presents the full excavation report of the Late Bronze Age and Hellenistic fortified site of Mursi, in addition to other Butrint Foundation surveys and excavations in the hinterland of Butrint, including the Roman villa maritima at Diaporit, the villa suburbana on the Vrina Plain, and Roman sites on Alinura Bay and at the Customs House, as well as new surveys of the early modern Triangular Fortress and a survey to locate the lost Venetian village of Zarópulo.
Empire and Communities Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9788869772825
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2020
The reduction of the shares of internal sovereignty, the emergence of transnational or international authorities, the overcoming financial systems’ power, underline the inadequacy of governments based on the obsolete dimension of “nation”. Hence the lack of power to determine the future of all people, in particular the Communities forgotten or disregarded because considered minorities for the nation. The imperial rule might guarantee in the future the equal people’s dignity, providing that it represents the fusion of earthly and sacred characters with which it was endowed during its splendour in the Middle Age.
Continuity and Rupture in Roman Mediterranean Gaul Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781789255669
Pub Date: 15 Aug 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: Colour and B/W
With the decline in popularity of the term “Romanization” as a way of analyzing the changes in the archaeological record visible throughout the conquered provinces of the Roman Empire, scholars have increasingly turned to the important concept of “identity” to understand the experiences of local peoples living under Roman rule. Studies of identity in the Roman Empire have thus emphasized how local peoples, rather than simply passively copying Roman culture, actively created and recreated complex and multi-faceted identities that incorporated local traditions within the increasingly connected and “globalized” world of the empire. How did the violent nature of Roman rule in the provinces impact local communities and the ways in which individuals interacted with one another?
RRP: £50.00