Archaeology & History  /  Numismatics
Kushan Coins Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 410
ISBN: 9780861591916
Pub Date: 31 May 2025
The coinage of the Kushan kings (1st to 4th centuries) and of their immediate successors the Sasanian Kushanshahs (3rd−4th centuries) and the Kidarite Hun Kushanshahs (4th−5th centuries) are a key component of our understanding of the history of ancient Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan during the early centuries AD. Modern knowledge of each of these kingdoms began with the discovery of their coins. Research continues to reveal new aspects of the political structure of these states, their geographical extent, the religious affinities of their rulers and the development of scripts and languages in the region.
William Wyon Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 736
ISBN: 9781912667796
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2025
Imprint: Spink Books
Chief Engraver at the Royal Mint and the leading medallist of his time William Wyon RA (1795–1851) produced some of the best known and most widely distributed images ever made. His coins were handled by hundreds of millions and his ‘Penny Black’ portrait of Queen Victoria (reproduced on the earliest postage stamp and its successors, from 1840 until her death in 1901) was printed in billions and circulated around the globe, becoming a google doodle on its 175th anniversary in 2015.Wyon was the most popular image maker of the nineteenth century, the maker of famously beautiful coins like the gold Una and the Lion £5 piece of 1839 and the Gothic Crown of 1847.
The London Mint of Constantius and Constantine Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9781911718017
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2024
Imprint: Spink Books
This new edition of LMCC remains the comprehensive catalogue and survey of the coinage of the London mint from AD 296, when Constantius I recaptured Britain from the usurper, Allectus, to its closure in AD 325 when his son and successor, Constantine I, began to shift his power base to the East. LMCC II continues our earlier expansion and revision of the London portions of Volumes VI and VII of The Roman Imperial Coinage by incorporating new types discovered since 2015 and expanding the census tables based on the population totals from several major new hoards. As Sam Moorhead notes in his foreword to this second edition, this catalogue is now recognized as the standard reference work on the London mint coins of this period and is used by both the British Museum and the Portable Antiquities Scheme when cataloguing these coins.
Paper Money of Congo Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 672
ISBN: 9789464368147
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2024
Imprint: Spink Books
The book describes the history of all the treasury notes issued by the Congo Free State in 1896 and all the banknotes issued by the Bank of Belgian Congo from 1912 to 1952 and by the Bank of Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi until Congo’s independence in 1960. Using unpublished archival documents from at home and abroad, all projects and actual issues are discussed in detail with the exception of the banknotes issued during the Second World War, since the Bank of Belgian Congo had relocated its activities to London and Kinshasa, and documents of that period appear to have been lost during the air raids on London.
Recent Discoveries of Tetrarchic Hoards from Roman Britain and their Wider Context Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9780861592364
Pub Date: 05 May 2024
Series: British Museum Research Publications
Illustrations: 100
This volume was prompted by the recent discovery in Britain of two large coin hoards dating from the first decade of the fourth century AD – Wold Newton and Rauceby. Coins of this early Tetrarchic period are relatively uncommon finds in Britain and elsewhere, due mainly to the brevity of their periods of issue followed by successive reductions in the weight of the coinage. The book also republishes the 1944 Fyfield hoard within the context of these more recent finds and contains preliminary reports on two very large hoards of coins of the same period that have been found in recent years in France (Juillac) and Spain (Tomares).
Roman Provincial Coinage IV.4 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 828
ISBN: 9780714118314
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2024
Series: Roman Provincial Coinage
Illustrations: 250
This volume provides an authoritative and systematic account of the coins minted for Roman Egypt between AD 138 and 192. It is the first of four volumes, which will cover the provincial coinage of this crucial period of Roman history in its entirety.The coinage in this volume was produced at Alexandria, the commercial and cultural capital of the eastern Mediterranean.
Coins of England 2024 Decimal Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9781912667963
Pub Date: 26 Jan 2024
Imprint: Sovereign Rarities
Coins of England and the United Kingdom Pre-Decimal and Decimal volumes comprise the Standard Catalogue of British Coins, with the decimal issues under Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III listed in this separate volume. The 10th edition is of note as it contains all coins minted during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, also introducing the new coinage of King Charles III.The Decimal Issues gives a comprehensive overview of all individual coins and sets issued by the Royal Mint since 1971 (and in circulation since 1968), offering an authoritative catalogue of modern British coins.
English Gold Coinage Volume II Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 480
ISBN: 9781912667727
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2023
Imprint: Spink Books
Series: English Gold Coinage
The second volume of this brand new comprehensive guide covers every type of English gold coin from 1816 onwards and includes many new varieties, along with rarity values, arranged by monarch. Accompanying Bull reference numbers are again cross-referenced to the Standard Catalogue of British Coins.
British Celtic Coins: Art or Imitation? Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781912667987
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2023
Imprint: Spink Books
The peoples of pre-Roman Britain remain an enigma. Our perceptions are shaped by two narratives, that of contemporary Roman colonists and more recent Celtic nationalists, who vilify and glorify them in equal measure. The more we learn, the less we know with certainty: should they be described as ‘Celtic peoples’, were they organised into the ‘tribes’ that later formed Roman administrative districts (civitas) and, beyond a few famous names like Cunobelinus (Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), were they led by ‘kings’ or ‘chieftains’?
An Introductory Guide to Ancient Greek and Roman Coinage Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9781912667871
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2023
Imprint: Spink Books
The second volume of David R Sear’s comprehensive guide to ancient coins – part of Spink’s Living History series – covers Hellenistic Regal Issues. A general background to the fascinating world of ancient coins, looking back more than 26 centuries to the lands of the eastern Mediterranean, at how coins were designed and produced, and at how they can reveal so much to us today of the time in which they were produced.
Coins of England and the United Kingdom 2023 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 648
ISBN: 9781912667857
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2022
Imprint: Sovereign Rarities
From the earliest of times, coins have been used by states or monarchs to communicate with people; Coins of England is therefore not only a reference book for collectors, but a fascinating snapshot of British history, illuminating its economics, technology, art, politics and religion. As always, the content has been updated and improved throughout by the editors, with numerous new images, revisions of key sections and several thousand price changes reflecting activity in the market over the previous year. This historic reference work for British coins is still the only catalogue to feature every major coin type from Celtic to the Decimal coinage of Queen Elizabeth II, arranged in chronological order and divided into metals under each reign, then into coinages, denominations and varieties.
Roman Provincial Coinage VII.2 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 1000
ISBN: 9780714118307
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2022
Series: Roman Provincial Coinage
Illustrations: 250
This volume presents for the first time an authoritative and systematic account of the coins minted in the Roman provinces between AD 238 and 244 (except the province of Asia, previously covered in volume VII.1), and shows how these coins can be regarded as an integral part of the coinage minted under the Roman emperors. The book gives a complete picture of the material, thereby not only meeting the needs of numismatists but also providing an essential reference for historians, archaeologists and other students of the Roman empire.
Chinese Numismatics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9781912667888
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2022
Imprint: Spink Books
This is the first book to explore the history of the field of Chinese numismatics from both Eastern and Western perspectives. With upwards of 100 illustrations, it consists of three papers that complement each other beautifully and give a sound introduction to the beginnings of the study of Chinese numismatics, focusing on the 19th century: A Short History of Chinese Numismatics in Western Languages – Helen Wang A run-through of publications on Chinese numismatics to 1900 – giving information about the authors, their occupations, motivations and areas of interest. A good background to the subject, and includes information on where to find bibliographies etc.
Coins of the Sikh Empire, Punjab and the Cis-Sutlej States Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 608
ISBN: 9781912667802
Pub Date: 25 Jun 2022
Imprint: Spink Books
This comprehensive catalogue, which has been worked on by the authors over several years, covers all known Sikh Copper, Silver and Gold Mohurs, including much unpublished material, with photographs of each; coins of the Cis-Sutlej States, with photographs of all Sikh states (Patiala, Nabha, Khaital) plus additional details on MalerKotla; medals issued to Sikhs from the 1840s to 1947; and Sikh Temple Tokens, Medallions and Commemorative Coins issued since the 1800s. It is the most up-to-date and authoritative book on the subject, and an essential addition to the library of any collector interested in this fascinating area of coinage.
Ecoinomics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9781912667789
Pub Date: 25 Jun 2022
Imprint: Spink Books
Ecoinomics is designed to equip the reader with a full working knowledge of the global numismatic market and how it differs from country to country; it details the various factors which contribute to the value of a coin, as well as different collecting practices (such as third-party grading in the US). Covering the range of costs and benefits involved with keeping a substantial amount of capital in coins, including performance over time, market trends, tax and insurance, Ecoinomics aims to give the reader the confidence to buy coins and to begin participating in the numismatic market. "Robert Parkinson has written an interesting and informative guide that explains many of the most important topics in numismatics.
Mary Gillick: Sculptor and Medallist Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9781912667758
Pub Date: 25 Jun 2022
Imprint: Spink Books
Mary Gillick, née Tutin (1881-1965), is probably best remembered for the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II that appeared on UK coins from the beginning of her reign until decimalisation in 1971. This book focuses on her career as a sculptor and medallist - a career that had begun at Nottingham School of Art and the Royal College of Art and had already spanned more than fifty years when she experienced the sudden burst of national fame that came with the royal commission. Gillick’s work combines the influence of early Italian Renaissance medals with an appreciation of modernism and shows a readiness to adapt as she responded to changes in the art market.