Cotswold Archaeology

Established in 1989 as a charitable trust, Cotswold Archaeology has grown to become one of the top five suppliers of archaeological services in the UK today. Employing in excess of 70 permanent staff, they provide bespoke solutions for both the public and private sectors. They also regularly publish and report on important archaeological findings, adding to the wider circle of education and information available about our Heritage in the UK.

Early Thame: Archaeological Investigations at Oxford Road, Thame, Oxfordshire 2015 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9781999822262
Pub Date: 20 Nov 2024
Series: Oxford Cotswold Archaeology Monograph Series
Illustrations: 161
Excavations by OCA during 2015 at Oxford Road, Thame revealed activity from the Neolithic to the Late Saxon period. This has now been published by OCA in two illustrated volumes. Volume 1 describes how Early Neolithic pits and a three-circuit causewayed enclosure – possibly one of the largest known – were succeeded by later prehistoric activity including an extensive Early Iron Age settlement.
Early Thame: Archaeological Investigations at Oxford Road, Thame, Oxfordshire 2015 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 226
ISBN: 9781999822279
Pub Date: 20 Nov 2024
Series: Oxford Cotswold Archaeology Monograph Series
Illustrations: 67
The second volume covers how Late Iron Age fields were replaced during the Early Roman period with larger scale land division related to agriculture, reflected in finds of millstones and corn driers. Two inhumation burials date to the very end of the Roman or the early post-Roman period. A settlement which comprised 13 sunken-featured buildings was established in the 6th–7th centuries AD.
The Archaeology of Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station, Somerset. Excavations in 2012-16 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781999822248
Pub Date: 14 Jun 2024
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 277
Early Neolithic occupation (from about 3600 BC) was represented by small groups of pits which were partly contemporary with a well-known round barrow – a protected monument called Wick Barrow or Pixies’ Mound – lying just outside the development site. Later prehistoric remains included Bronze Age burnt mounds, boundary ditches, a Late Bronze Age enclosure, and an Early Iron Age midden. There was more widespread Late Iron Age and Roman settlement, including a seasonally occupied linear settlement with evidence of salt-making.
The Archaeology of Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station, Somerset. Excavations in 2012-16 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9781999822255
Pub Date: 13 Jun 2024
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 160
The cemetery was excavated in its entirety and contained the remains of around 300 individuals. Its form is shown to have many characteristics in common with other cemeteries of this period in the western British Isles, including the extended, supine posture of the deceased in simple earth-cut graves largely aligned in a west/east orientation. There were a limited number and range of grave accompaniments.
The A120 Bypass and Flood Alleviation Scheme Little Hadham, Hertfordshire Archaeological Investigations 2019–2020 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9781999822231
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2024
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 157 Black and white and colour line drawings and photographs
A few scatters of Mesolithic and Neolithic flint were found across the development area. Slightly more extensive evidence for Neolithic occupation was represented by a small number of pits from which flint-tempered Neolithic pottery, worked flint, charred plant remains and animal bone were recovered. During the later Bronze Age and Iron Age the first permanent settlements were established.
RRP: £30.00
Evolution of a Romano-British Courtyard Villa Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781999822217
Pub Date: 04 Sep 2023
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 92 B&W and col figs and photos
Excavations between 2016–2018 revealed a series of structures that were re-organised and rebuilt over time, which culminated in a stone-built winged corridor villa in the mid to late 4th century AD. Wings were added to the buildings and a portico at the front opened out onto a courtyard. The outer courtyard was flanked by ancillary buildings, one of which contained a hypocaust and another a small bath suite.
In the Shadow of Segsbury Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 220
ISBN: 9781999822224
Pub Date: 20 Jul 2023
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 136 Black and white and colour line drawings and photographs
Extensively illustrated report on an excavation in Oxfordshire near the Iron Age hillfort at Segsbury. Ephemeral traces of Mesolithic and Neolithic activity, including a possible Neolithic timber structure, were found. The remains of a probable Late Bronze Age pit alignment were also found.
Timeline. The Archaeology of the South Wales Gas Pipeline Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 214
ISBN: 9780993454578
Pub Date: 05 Apr 2021
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 125 - colour incl plates
The construction of a natural gas pipeline across southern Wales and into Herefordshire and Gloucestershire between 2005 and 2007 resulted in numerous archaeological discoveries, including sites of national significance. The project not only produced a wealth of new archaeological sites, it also generated important radiocarbon and environmental datasets for the region.The earliest activity is indicated by worked flint of Mesolithic (or earlier) date, with the earliest Neolithic communities represented by pits, evidence for occasional timber houses, and the discovery of a previously unknown henge.
The Prehistoric Archaeology of the A477 St Clears to Red Roses Road Improvement Scheme 2012 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9780993454554
Pub Date: 27 Feb 2019
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Details results of excavations along the A477 from St Clears to Red Roses during the Road Improvement Scheme, 2012. Finds include a Mesolithic site in the lower Tâf valley; early Neolithic pits and a post-built structure at Cildywyll; the remains of an Early Bronze Age barrow, 38 burials (some urned), a pyre site, and a Middle Bronze Age drying oven near St Clears; and A Bronze Age burnt mound near Red Roses.
Cannington Bypass, Somerset: Excavations in 2014 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 157
ISBN: 9780993454547
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2018
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Two enclosures were recorded – near Rodway was discovered a small Middle Bronze Age farmstead containing evidence of two roundhouses, with associated pottery and plant remains; and at Sandy Lane a Roman villa was shown to have developed from a Late Iron Age ridge-top settlement.
The Western Cemetery of Roman Cirencester Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9780993454530
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2017
Series: Cirencester Excavations
Illustrations: 163
Excavations in 2011 to 2015 within the Western Cemetery of Roman Cirencester resulted in the discovery of 118 inhumation and 8 cremation burials, the largest investigation of a Roman cemetery in Cirencester since the Bath Gate excavations of the 1970s. A greater quantity of grave goods was recovered from this cemetery compared to the Bath Gate cemetery, testifying to the higher status of those buried here. Nine burials survived within a postulated walled cemetery.
Medieval and Post-Medieval Occupation and Industry in the Redcliffe Suburb of Bristol Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 204
ISBN: 9780993454516
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2016
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 79
Excavations at 1–2 and 3 Redcliff Street, Bristol, crossed a number of historic properties and revealed domestic and industrial remains dating from the establishment of the Redcliffe suburb in the 12th century through to the later post-medieval period. Cloth-dying was the dominant industry in Redcliffe in the 12th and 13th centuries, and the well preserved remains of dye-stuffs as well as leather shoes and off-cuts from a cobbler’s workshop were recovered from water-logged pit fills. The pits also yielded the largest assemblage of pottery of its kind from the city to date.
Living Near the Edge Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780993454509
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2016
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 149
Archaeological surveys and excavations were carried out between 2006 and 2010 in advance of the construction of a gas pipeline in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds. They resulted in the discovery of many new sites and the investigation of eighteen of them dating from the prehistoric to medieval periods.Early Neolithic and Beaker/Early Bronze Age pits in the southern part of the route near Winstone, suggest transitory occupation in early prehistoric times.
Excavations at Newport Street, Worcester, 2005 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 286
ISBN: 9780955353499
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2016
Excavation of approximately a third of a hectare in the north-western part of the historic core of Worcester revealed evidence for activity dating from the Roman to the post-medieval and early modern period. The deepest deposits were recorded in geotechnical and archaeological boreholes, and in two sondages: the rest of the site was excavated to the depth of formation level for development.The earliest feature was a Roman road running on the approximate alignment of the present-day Newport Street.
The Archaeology of the South-West Reinforcement Gas Pipeline, Devon Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 213
ISBN: 9780955353475
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2014
Illustrations: 132
Archaeological work ahead of pipeline construction in East and South Devon led to the excavation of over thirty sites spanning the earlier Neolithic to early modern times. Early features included a wide scatter of pits dating to the Neolithic and Beaker periods (c. 3700–2000 BC), and a variety of Middle Bronze Age features that included evidence for land division in the Otter valley and South Devon.
Prehistoric, Romano-British and Medieval Occupation in the Frome Valley, Gloucestershire Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 82
ISBN: 9780955353451
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2014
Illustrations: 30
This volume contains the results of two archaeological projects undertaken within the Frome Valley, Gloucestershire. The first describes a Beaker pit and evidence for a Romano-British settlement at Foxes Field, Ebley Road, Stonehouse; the second details the remains of medieval enclosures and a fishpond at Rectory Meadows, Kings Stanley. There is little to connect the two sites, other than them being less than a mile apart, with the site at Foxes Field principally comprising an early Roman-British rural settlement and late Romano-British burial ground; and the site at Rectory Meadows featuring medieval paddocks and a late medieval pond.