Bokförlaget Stolpe

Stolpe publishes high-quality non-fiction books in the humanities and social sciences. We attach great importance to content, design, repro, printing and binding. Several of our books are also published in English.

The History of Alchemy: Influences on culture, science and society Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9789189882690
Pub Date: 20 May 2025
The etymological roots of alchemy are found in both the Arabic and Greek languages, and refer to the process of transmutation that leads to a complete reunion with the original divine form. However, the esoteric practice of alchemy stretches all the way to India and China and has been practiced since at least the fourth century.During the Middle Ages, alchemy attracted many of the most prominent scholars of the time.
On Death: Perspectives on endings and eternities Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9789189696570
Pub Date: 15 May 2025
Death is the basic condition of man, the fixed point of our fears and the prerequisite for our aspirations. Ideas about death characterize all cultures and have given rise to both world religions and local myths. In secular environments, however, the existence of death is more obscure.
Arts and Crafts: Ideas that shaped the world Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9789189882416
Pub Date: 08 May 2025
The Arts & Crafts movement began as a backlash against industrialism and the prevailing stylistic ideals in mid-19th century Britain. The basic ideas of its followers, including the art critic John Ruskin and the artist William Morris, developed into a global movement, spreading through craft colonies and influencing professionals in several fields, from design and architecture to ornamentation and cultivation. The movement reached Sweden a few decades later and expressed itself as a romanticization of the simple life, tied to the home.

From Swedenborg to Strindberg: esotericism in Swedish art and literature

Format: Hardback
Pages: 324
ISBN: 9789189425972
Pub Date: 08 May 2025
During the latter part of the nineteenth century, so-called esoteric movements became increasingly popular in cultural and intellectual circles in Europe, not least in Sweden. Secret teachings, rituals and practices in alchemy, astrology, occultism and theosophy were predominant, with a belief in correspondences in the cosmos, living nature and transmutations.But esotericism goes back much further in time in Swedish history.
Images of Sweden: Perspectives on a Nordic country Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9789189882607
Pub Date: 05 Mar 2025
Sweden was perceived for a long time as a society characterized by equality, social cohesion and an ambitious welfare policy. With its independent foreign policy, it stood outside the great power conflicts. In recent years, gang crime and shootings have received a lot of attention in the media, a right-wing populist party has become part of the government and we have ended 200 years of non-alignment by becoming members of NATO.