Casemate UK

Countdown to D-Day: Ōshima

In the third part of our Countdown to D-Day officer bios, Peter Margaritis reveals the life and legacy of Ōshima, a Japanese diplomat and staunch Nazi supporter. 58-year old Baron Hiroshi Ōshima came from a wealthy Japanese samurai family. His father had served as the Japanese Minister of War in World War I. Hiroshi became a… Read More »Countdown to D-Day: Ōshima

Countdown to D-Day: Meyer-Detring

In the second Countdown to D-Day blog, Peter Margaritis reveals the life of a lesser known officer who would later serve as first of the German liaison staff for the United States Army Europe, Wilhelm Meyer-Detring. Tall, robust, dark-haired Oberst i.G. (im Generalstab―in the General Staff) Wilhelm Meyer-Detring attended the Kriegsakademie in Berlin in 1936.… Read More »Countdown to D-Day: Meyer-Detring

Countdown to D-Day: Marcks

In this first biography of the German generals of the Atlantic Wall, Peter Margaritis explores the life and career of Marcks, one of the leading officers in France and the mastermind behind Operation Barbarossa. General der Artillerie Erich Marcks was born June 6, 1891, in Berlin, the son of a historian. After three semesters studying philosophy,… Read More »Countdown to D-Day: Marcks

It Wasn’t Just About Sex

A Remarkable History of Condoms in War Gene Metcalfe was the last man in a line of paratroopers waiting to board a C-47 that would drop the men at Groesbeek Heights, Holland in the initial wave of Operation Market Garden. As each man approached the hatch, and just before the plane’s crew chief reached down… Read More »It Wasn’t Just About Sex

And So To War

A Sneak Peek of Heaven High, Ocean Deep   In 1944, with the invasion of Europe underway and the battles in the Atlantic all but won, the Royal Navy’s strength could now be focused on the Pacific where the Japanese were still a long way from defeat. Eager to stand toe to toe with their… Read More »And So To War

Christmas Offerings

50% Off Five Unique Books Every Week Christmas is here and to celebrate it, we are excited to offer an exclusive 50% discount on a selection of books published by Casemate Publishers and Helion and Company. For each week of December, we will reveal to you a selection of five titles chosen especially by us.… Read More »Christmas Offerings

The Mystery of the Twelve Pages

The Story of Deveraux Family in World War Two ‘Beautiful, battle-scarred and deadly landscapes ranging from Burma to Japan are the backdrop for the Devereux family’s trials and tribulations. This riveting book reads more like a work of fiction than an incredible but true story.‘ – Toy Soldier and Model Figure Magazine. ‘This pulse-pounding Hong… Read More »The Mystery of the Twelve Pages