Theology & Religion
Format: Hardback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9781463201555
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2012
Series: Surath Kthob
A new English translation of the Syriac Peshitta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. Greenberg and Walter have produced an annotated translation of the Peshitta version of the Book of Isaiah, while Kiraz and Bali have edited the Peshitta text. The English translation and the Syriac text are shown on facing pages so that both can be studied together.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 234
ISBN: 9781607240457
Pub Date: 26 Apr 2012
This work presents a putative reconstruction, testing the hypothesis that Islam is historically linked to Jewish Christianity. The argument takes the Qur’anic text to be a valid start-point for historical inquiry and reconstructs from biased views of Jewish Christianity the notion of an enduring Nasorean movement. The effective link between the Nasorean movement and the Meccan religious awakening is the preaching of the Qur’anic Prophet Shu’ayb in Midian, on the border of Arabia.
Pages: 263
ISBN: 9781463201760
Pub Date: 20 Apr 2012
Series: Gorgias Studies in Judaism
Pages: 263
ISBN: 9781463203948
Pub Date: 26 Jun 2014
Series: Gorgias Studies in Judaism
The Holocaust has provoked many different Jewish theological responses, yet upon closer inspection interesting commonalities can be observed between even seemingly antithetical thinkers. One of these common trends within Holocaust theology has been the rejection and replacement of traditional theodicies which explain and justify suffering, with responses centred on ideas of recovery, consolation and divine mystery. Another widespread, though largely unrecognized trend is use of Jewish mystical themes by Holocaust theologians.
This study shows how the presence of Jewish mysticism can be explained, at least in part, by this post-Holocaust collapse of theodicy.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 7196
ISBN: 9781593331146
Pub Date: 09 Apr 2012
This invaluable eleven-volume set on the Chronicle of Michael the Great makes the scholarly resources on this unique manuscript available together for the first time. Now inaccessible, the Chronicle is the largest medieval chronicle known, and is available here for the first time in history as a facsimile copy of the original manuscript, as well as in a copy of the original Syriac, the French translation, an abbreviated Armenian recension, and Arabic versions. The Chronicle is one of the most important primary sources on the history of the Middle East, especially the period between the rise of Islam and the Crusades.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 18
ISBN: 9781617194337
Pub Date: 06 Apr 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This much-cited essay contains the third century Christian leader Cyprian's letter to his friend Donatus written shortly after his conversion.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 385
ISBN: 9781617195082
Pub Date: 29 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
This volume contains the English translation of the histories of Rabban Sawma and Mar Yahbalaha III (ca. 1230-1300) and their travels from China across Persia into Iraq. The translator also offers over 100 pages of prefatory material.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 107
ISBN: 9781617192586
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
This volume, Folkmann’s doctoral dissertation, presents a critical edition of seven poems by Gewargis Warda (13th cent.) with critical notes and a German translation of two of the poems.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781617192463
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
This work presents in German translation Eliya (or Elias) of Nisibis’ Book of the Proof of the Correct Faith, a polemical work with chapters against Muslims, Jews, Melkites, and Syrian Orthodox Christians.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781617192470
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
Kayser here offers the Syriac text and German translation of a set of answers given by the famous Jacob of Edessa to questions by the priest Addai.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 102
ISBN: 9781617194962
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
Sachau here gives an annotated German translation, with lengthy introduction, of the controversial Chronicle of Arbela, which gives sketches of 20 early bishops (104-511) of the city, including mention of martyrdoms under the Persians.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 330
ISBN: 9781617191961
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
This volume contains the Syriac texts and annotated English translations of mystical treatises from five authors of the Church of the East belonging to the 7th and 8th centuries.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 146
ISBN: 9781617192340
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
In this work, Jesuit scholar Henricus Gismondi presents ten poems from the collection of theological poetry known as the Paradise of Eden by Abdisho bar Brikha, otherwise known as Ebedjesus, (d. 1318) in Syriac and Latin.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 310
ISBN: 9781611433746
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
This is a commentary of the fourth century Syriac saint Tatian’s work Diatessaron.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 258
ISBN: 9781617193149
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
These three volumes constitute the standard edition of the second part of Barhebraeus’ Chronography, which deals with sacred history of both the eastern and western regions of the Syriac church, together with a Latin translation and a number of notes.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 334
ISBN: 9781617193163
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
These three volumes constitute the standard edition of the second part of Barhebraeus’ Chronography, which deals with sacred history of both the eastern and western regions of the Syriac church, together with a Latin translation and a number of notes.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 277
ISBN: 9781617192579
Pub Date: 27 Mar 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
The present volume contains an annotated Latin translation of the collection of saints’ lives and fragments of the Ecclesiastical History of John of Ephesus, prefaced by a lengthly list of emendations to the Syriac text.