Format: Paperback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9781847303950
Pub Date: 22 Jul 2013
A personal walk through some of the latest movements to come to life in the Catholic Church. Through going to their meetings, hearing their stories and seeing their ministry in action, Susan Gately brings us a first-hand account of how the Holy Spirit is at work within the Church today. The movements featured include the Legion of Mary, Youth 2000, Focolare, Communion and Liberation, Cell System of Evangelisation, L’Arche, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Cursillo, the Community of Nazareth and Teams of Our Lady.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781847304322
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2013
The debate about school patronage and denominational education is a complex, and at times, confusing one. This book looks at the issues surrounding Church patronage, and examines the political approach to reframing the present system. David Tuohy looks at the separation of Church and State in the political context of Europe, before returning to Ireland to explore the debate in more detail.
Taking practical solutions from Europe, along with theoretical concepts of political philosophy, he applies them to the Irish debate and in doing so, lays out the framework in which current challenges to education are positioned. This is a timely and relevant study of denominational education, and will be of interest to anyone seeking to understand the wider issues surrounding the current debate.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9781847304896
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2013
This book of prayers, meditations and reflections is for everyone seeking to live their Christian faith in love. As a response to the Year of Faith and to Share the Good News: National Directory for Catechesis in Ireland, it provides a series of starting points for prayerful meditation, encouraging the reader to take time in the presence of the Lord, recognising his call and their own willingness to listen, reflect and be renewed. To follow Christ is to bring his light to life in our world, to pray and act and reflect in his love.
As we recall the 50th anniversary of the beginning of Vatican II, we pray for the confidence to put its vision into action in our lives.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781847304018
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2013
The second in a two-part series designed to help parents and families prepare for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion with their children. This guide takes a step-by-step approach to the Sacrament of Communion using accessible, child-friendly language and illustrations, emphasising it as an opportunity for the family of God to gather together to be nourished by the Word and by the Eucharist. It contains both activities and prayers for children, and points for reflection for parents.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9781847304278
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2013
In nine pieces of blank verse, Mary Bridget Judge explores the physical and emotional torment of the Saviour from the Last Supper to his Glorious Resurrection. Centred on the themes of the five sorrowful mysteries, the verses offer the reader a new way to experience the Passion of Christ. By looking through the eyes of Jesus, the author immerses herself in the enormity and generosity of his humble and willing sacrifice.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781847304360
Pub Date: 13 Jul 2013
This bestselling book from leading mental health professional and parenting expert Dr John Sharry has now been updated and expanded. Advocating a balanced approach to parenting, Parenting Teenagers sets out a step-by-step guide that shows you how to stay supportively involved in your teenagers’ lives, while also setting rules and teaching responsibility. Emphasising a positive approach that builds on your strengths as a parent, this book will not only help you solve discipline problems and reduce conflict, but also have more satisfying and enjoyable relationships with your teenagers.
Drawing on his popular and influential columns in the Irish Times, the book now contains an extensive question and answer section addressing the many concerns for parents of teenagers in the modern world, such as study and motivation, technology and cyberbullying, relationships and sexuality, depression and suicide; as well as dealing with drugs, alcohol and many other topics. Dr John Sharry is a mental health professional with over twenty years’ experience, a bestselling author of ten positive psychology and parenting books, developer of the award-winning Parents Plus Programmes and a weekly health columnist for the Irish Times. His books have been translated into nine languages including Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Arabic.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 346
ISBN: 9781463202316
Pub Date: 11 Jul 2013
The less-discussed character in the Bible is the woman: two talking animals therein have sometimes received more page space. This volume shines the light of close scrutiny in the less-trodden direction and focuses on biblical and allied women, or on the feminine side of Creation. Biblical women are compared to mythical characters from the wider Middle East or from contemporary literature, and feminist/womanist perspectives are discussed alongside traditional and theological perspectives.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 21
ISBN: 9781611435306
Pub Date: 09 Jul 2013
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The letter that claims to be addressed by Dionysius the Areopagite to Timothy upon the martyrdom of Peter and Paul is not included among the epistles. It was composed originally in Greek, but it is exhibited in Arabic.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 230
ISBN: 9781463200862
Pub Date: 27 Jun 2013
This volume explores the fascinating narrative structure and thematic elements of Matthew 8–9 which typologically present Jesus as the ‘New-Moses’ leading his people out of eschatlogical exile. This typology is created using imagery of Jesus’ healing diseases which find their antecedent in the Mosaic legal suit of Deut 28–30, and Matthew’s explicit citation of Isa. 53, in which the Servant is predominantly envisioned as a Mosaic figure.
The intervening call narratives brings a reconstitution of the twelve tribes. The author concludes by exploring the possible rationale and motivation for Matthew’s typological association of Jesus with Moses.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 314
ISBN: 9781593338466
Pub Date: 27 Jun 2013
The Trinity played a significant role in Jonathan Edwards’ theology. But what was the nature of his trinitarian theology? A common view among Edwards scholars is that he embraced the dialectical psychological and social models of the Trinity.
This study suggests that Edwards consistently used one model of the Trinity—the Augustinian mutual love model. Edwards uses the mutual love model to portray the loving relationships among the divine persons and in doing so stands in continuity with other early-Enlightenment apologists for traditional trinitarianism.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781593337926
Pub Date: 27 Jun 2013
This book describes the development of the Christian understanding of God from the second to the eighth century as witnessed by major theologians who gradually realized that the Incarnate Word made flesh was not the God of the philosophers. They helped construct the great dogmas of the Christological councils. Beginning with the Apologists and ending with Maximus Confessor, the theological tradition overcame the notion of impassible deity in favor of the humble God of Christian faith, the Word made flesh.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 268
ISBN: 9781611439700
Pub Date: 18 Jun 2013
What is truly timeless? This book explores two ancient Greek terms for eternity, aiônios and aïdios. It traces these terms from their earliest occurrence in Pre-Socratic philosophy and Plato and through their interaction with Jewish thought and down into the patristic fathers, where they play a crucial role in debates over eternal punishment vs.
universal salvation.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 268
ISBN: 9781593337919
Pub Date: 18 Jun 2013
Series: Gorgias Studies in the Ancient Near East
What was Canaanite religion like during the Middle Bronze Age, at the time of the biblical patriarchs? This volume presents a theoretical model for identifying ritual behavior in the archaeological record, providing a test case using the rich material culture and structures that have been unearthed at the biblical city of Gerar (Tel Haror, Israel).
Format: Hardback
Pages: 348
ISBN: 9781607240464
Pub Date: 17 Jun 2013
In recent years, the Qur’ān has come to the forefront of scholarly investigations in Islamic studies. However, the traditional interpretation of the book, commonly termed tafsīr, remains a vast, virtually untapped field of investigation. Many Muslims tend to ignore the material, seeing it as a storehouse of traditional restraints, and scholars frequently gloss over its importance as a historical record of the Muslim community, not appreciating the depth and breadth of the literature.
The essays gathered here expose and explore various aspects of the field of tafsīr, and their potential for scholarly research.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 158
ISBN: 9781463202156
Pub Date: 17 Jun 2013
Series: Publications of the Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church
Matti Moosa provides an introduction and a translation of Rev. Bulus Behnam’s 1946 work on the basic principles of the Christian faith based on the Holy Scriptures, showing that the Syrian Church considers the Holy Bible its sole authority for salvation.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9781593337810
Pub Date: 17 Jun 2013
The heretofore unpublished Kitab al-Zina, virtually unknown in western scholarship, is a glossary of important Islamic terms by the 9th/10th-century Ismaili polymath Abu Hatim al-Razi. Some lament that Razi’s historical approach to etymology failed to catch on and that had it done so, the face of Arabic dictionary writing might have been altered for the better. His organization of material was uniquely Ismaili as he took pains to synthesize contradictory information into a harmonious whole.
This study examines sections of Razi’s work with a view towards his contributions to the field of grammar and linguistics.