Format: Paperback
Pages: 389
ISBN: 9781463202804
Pub Date: 24 Jun 2014
Series: Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
Widely regarded as a premier journal dedicated to the study of Syriac, Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies was established in 1998 as a venue devoted exclusively to the discipline. An organ of Beth Mardutho, the Syriac Institute, the journal appears semi-annually and will be printed in annual editions. A peer-reviewed journal, Hugoye is a respected academic source for up-to-date information about the state of Syriac studies and for discovering what is going on in the field.
Contributors include some of the most respected names in the world of Syriac today.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 459
ISBN: 9781463203887
Pub Date: 18 Jun 2014
Ephrem the Syrian is known as one of the greatest Christian poets and as a unique author whose mode of thought is usually described as “symbolic.” In this work, Kees den Biesen explores the literary, intellectual, and theological mechanisms at work in Ephrem’s writings with the specific aim of identifying the exact nature of his “symbolic thought” and evaluating its contemporary relevance. Den Biesen elaborates a comprehensive approach that integrates a variety of methods into a genuinely theological methodology.
He then proposes his own comprehensive understanding of the nature and merits of Ephrem’s symbolic thought.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 282
ISBN: 9781463202668
Pub Date: 17 Jun 2014
Early lists of bishops, identified by Walter Bauer as "literary propaganda," mark critical points in the development of the doctrine of the apostolic succession of bishops. This study delves into the political struggles surrounding the lists and the doctrine they served to define. Ecclesiastical politics in each case reflects the threat to the bishop's authority and clarifies the meaning of apostolic succession in the Church's development.
This social history approach, examining the function of the literature within its historical circumstances, reveals how theology developed from politics. The development is as gripping politically as it is illuminating theologically.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 245
ISBN: 9781463202682
Pub Date: 17 Jun 2014
This book, on the pneumatology of Origen's Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, illustrates the centrality of the Holy Spirit for his theological project. As both God's exitus into the world and humanity's reditus to God, the Spirit forms the crucial link between Origen's doctrine of God and his spiritual anthropology. Origen's images for the Holy Spirit, understood in the context of second century concepts of 'spirit,' convey the intersection of theology and anthropology in his thought.
This book explores Origen's understanding of the multiplicity of spirits found in the Scriptures, with particular emphasis on the Holy Spirit as pivotal to God's outreach into the world.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 348
ISBN: 9781463203696
Pub Date: 12 Jun 2014
This study provides background on wisdom forms, the key Qumran sectarian texts, and wisdom studies related to the Dead Sea Scrolls. 4QInstruction includes poetic discourses, hymnic material, and short wisdom sayings and admonitions. A major focus is placed on the admonitions, which are discussed in terms of their structure, wisdom forms, and setting.
The admonitions are expressed in biblical wisdom forms, showing a familiarity with and acceptance of traditional Hebrew wisdom, including a focus on traditional themes. Yet, when read from the sectarian perspective, 4QInstruction reinforces the guidelines and theology of the key Dead Sea Scroll documents.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780954533540
Pub Date: 10 Jun 2014
Leading figures from the worlds of politics, entertainment, religion and the arts contribute their recollections of - and reflections on - the papal visit in September 1979. Many of those who were personally or professionally involved in the visit offer their impressions of those unforgettable three days. The Pope's visit to Ireland in September 1979 attracted more excitement and interest than any concert or sporting event ever before - or since.
Nearly everybody it seems, believer and non-believer alike, recalls what truly was a national event. More than a million people turned out to greet John Paul II at Phoenix Park, in the largest single gathering of people in Europe in modern times. Tens of thousands of young people heard him say the famous words "Young people of Ireland, I love you" at the Youth Mass in Galway, and large crowds gathered when the Pope visited Drogheda, Clonmacnoise, Maynooth, Knock and Limerick. In fact, the visit could be said to mark a high-point in the history of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Who would have, or could have, predicted the changes in Irish society and in the position of the majority church that the intervening decades would bring? 3 Days In September is a handsome hardback collection of people's memories of the visit accompanied by (over a hundred) both color and black and white photographs from the various gatherings and venues the Pope attended. The book features an introduction by well-known cultural commentator Mary Kenny. The contributions range from the polemical (Frank McGuinness) to the personal (the flower girl Liz Jackson, now in her thirties), from the nostalgic (Maeve Binchy) to new interpretations (Tim Pat Coogan). The book is sure, given the Pope's passing, to generate interest and perhaps controversy - as well as take us back to what, it seemed at the time, were more innocent days. The royalties from the book go to the Simon Community of Ireland.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 66
ISBN: 9781847305169
Pub Date: 09 Jun 2014
The early years are packed with first experiences that are laden with significance and emotional impact for the child and those close to them. This little book of twenty meditations celebrates the specialness of all those firsts – first smile, first steps, first tooth – in a babys life.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 343
ISBN: 9781463202699
Pub Date: 04 Jun 2014
Series: Gorgias Near Eastern Studies
This book, the first study of its kind, contends that an authentic Phoenician solar theology existed, reaching back to at least the fifth or sixth century BCE. Through Azize’s examination, a portrait of a vibrant Phoenician tradition of spiritual thought emerges: a native tradition not dependent upon Hellenic thought, but related to other Semitic cultures of the ancient Near East, and, of course, to Egypt. In light of this analysis, it can be seen that Phoenician religion possessed a unique organizing power in which the sun, the sun god, life, death, and humanity, were linked in a profound system.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 271
ISBN: 9781593339814
Pub Date: 04 Jun 2014
The Syriac Book of Steps collects 30 sermons by a late 4th century anonymous author in the Persian Empire. The author details the spiritual life, highlighting the duties and problems of two ranks of committed Christians, the Upright and the Perfect.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9781463202712
Pub Date: 02 Jun 2014
The divine warrior is an important motif in the Old Testament, leading many to study profitably the motif in its most prominent manifestations in poetic texts. This study builds on that foundation by examining the divine warrior in detail in the exodus narrative to construct a broader picture of the motif in the Old Testament.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 298
ISBN: 9781463203566
Pub Date: 14 May 2014
Series: Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts
This volume contains twelve articles that shed new light on the Book of Isaiah, covering a wide array of historical, linguistic and theological topics. The various aspects of God’s intervention at different points of human history is a main focus of the studies. The collection is marked by a broad diversity in approaches and theological background, and is a useful tool especially for scholars, students and pastors.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781847305138
Pub Date: 13 May 2014
Ecoutez! Now listen to the story I tell … Setting out one day to gather firewood, young Bernadette Soubirous stops to cross a stream near a grotto. Here she witnesses a beautiful vision that will change her life, and the French village of Lourdes, forever.
In a series of rhyming verse, children’s author Eleanor Gormally tells the much-loved story of Bernadette and the Lady of Lourdes.This book is suitable for children aged four to eight and comes beautifully illustrated by Barbara Croatto.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9781847305206
Pub Date: 11 May 2014
This multi-contributory work examines the issues of patronage of Irish schools and the options and decisions around sending children to Catholic schools. The contributors reflect the many perspectives on this debate. They include a parent, a former primary school principal, an academic and a primary Diocesan Advisor, along with Amalee Meehan from education trust CEIST, and Baroness Nuala O’Loan.
With an introduction by Michael Drumm, chairperson of the Catholic Schools’ Partnership, this book is essential reading for parents who wish to understand more about what a Catholic school can offer.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 148
ISBN: 9781463202798
Pub Date: 07 May 2014
Series: Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies
At the request of Diodorus, bishop of Tyre, Epiphanius of Salamis produced this exegetical treatise on the gemstones in the High Priest's breastplate. The oldest Christian work on gemstones, the the author deals with the stones according to their appearance and their medical benefit as well as their attribution to the twelve tribes based on Christian exegesis. Only extracts of this work are preserved in Greek.
This volume provides the important – but hereto unconsidered – Armenian text with a German translation and commentarial annotations, as well as an English introduction.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 285
ISBN: 9781611432961
Pub Date: 21 Apr 2014
Series: Kiraz Commentaries Archive
Presented here are commentaries on the Letters of Saint Paul, translated into Latin from the Armenian version.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 305
ISBN: 9781463202576
Pub Date: 20 Apr 2014
Christianity as a movement developed within the already established, but volatile Jewish movement/religion, expressing a profound sense of inclusivism illustrated in the transcendence of social boundaries. In this book the dynamic reality of creating and transcending boundaries and the relationship between insiders and outsiders are explored by way of reflecting on mission and ethos.