Theology & Religion
Format: Hardback
Pages: 624
ISBN: 9781593330095
Pub Date: 05 Mar 2003
Series: Kiraz Chronicles Archive
This narrative forms a history of the monasticism and asceticism of the Church of the East in the countries east of the Tigris. It is a valuable supplement to this history, as it is a period of existence in which little is known.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 740
ISBN: 9781593330101
Pub Date: 05 Mar 2003
Series: Kiraz Chronicles Archive
This narrative forms a history of the monasticism and asceticism of the Church of the East in the countries east of the Tigris. It is a valuable supplement to this history, as it is a period of existence in which little is known.
Book of the Order for the Burial of the Clergy
Format: Hardback
Pages: 291
ISBN: 9780974444208
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2003
The first edition of this much needed text is now available in Syriac with a facing English translation. The book covers the orders for the burial of deacons, priests, prelates, and nuns, followed by their respective memorial service.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 334
ISBN: 9781593330958
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2003
This study of Tanhuma-Yelammedenu midrash includes: a survey of previous research, a catalogue of textual witnesses and general conclusions about the multifaceted evolution of this important genre of midrashic literature.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 158
ISBN: 9781853906053
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2002
Series: Ceifin Conference Papers
Have we become helpless in the face of change or can we manage the future? More and more people talk about the emptiness of modern life, they wonder where meaning is coming from and what values are shaping us; they say it is not easy being young today in spite of the choices and the freedom. We cannot assume that if we simply sit back and comment the storm will blow over, or that we will return to the old ways.
The fact is we are experiencing a cultural transformation, we are witnessing the passing of a tradition, the end of an era. Every day we hear questions like Why aren t they doing something about it? or Who is responsible for this, that or the other? It is time to ask: Have I got any responsibility for the way things are?
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9781853906008
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2002
In the 'Song of My People ' internationally acclaimed liturgical composer Liam Lawton tells the story behind his music. For the past 10 years he has been drawing inspiration from the rich and beautiful heritage of his native land, never tiring of discovering connections between people, landscape and spirituality, one constantly influencing the other. Song of My People tells the story of what has inspired him to compose.
He explores what it is about the native Irish tradition that has created some of the most beautiful and lyrical melodies despite knowing times of great strife and struggle. This is not an academic study but rather a compelling look into the world that has shaped Liam Lawton s music, from the early Christian settlers in Ireland, to the stories of Famine days to the contemporary world of Irish music.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 190
ISBN: 9781853905940
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2002
A collection of essays from the widely respected moral theologian Donal Murray, Bishop of Limerick.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9781853906671
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2002
Of all the seasons in he Church's year advent is in many was the most beautiful and rich in meaning. and yet it passes most of us by.This is mainly due to the fact that is falls in the weeks coming up to Christmas.
While written for Catholics, 'whether they be church-going or not', everyone open to god will enjoy these thoughts. Advent's themes of expectancy (the hope of a Saviour, which requires us to recognise our need for someone to fill in our inadequacy) and waiting (that we need patience for God to do His work in us) are explained and illustrated through scripture (especially Isaiah) and other Christian writings. After two introductory sections, thirteen others of three to four A5 pages, lead us gently into a deeper appreciation of Advent. It is a book, we are reassured, to be dipped into and pondered at leisure; in other words, to be prayed. Highly recommended.- Rev. J.Nicholas Latham
Format: Paperback
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9781931956376
Pub Date: 30 Dec 2002
Through the course of eight lectures, Franz Cumont gives a thorough investigation of the afterlife in Roman pagan thought. He covers topics such as the afterlife, celestial immortality, untimely death, the sufferings of hell and metempsychosis, the felicity of the blessed, the journey to the beyond, and more.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 488
ISBN: 9781931956833
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2002
This monumental work, by the twelfth-century historian of religious and philosophical doctrines, aspired to present "the doctrinal opinions of all the world's people," i.e. to reveal the entirety of religions and philosophies, past or present.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 388
ISBN: 9781931956925
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2002
This book stresses the need for unity among the believers of God: Jews, Muslims, and Christians. "We must read it – or rather we must travel with her, for truth guides her pen, as charity has guided her steps."--Prince de Polignac, Colonel of the French Army in Algiers (1897)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 412
ISBN: 9781931956666
Pub Date: 16 Oct 2002
Henri de Boulainvilliers, Count of Saint-Saire (1658-1722), wrote La Vie de Mahomet, in 1728. Boulainvilliers describes Muhammad as "an enlightened and wise lawgiver." In 1731, an English translation was made, from which this facsimile edition is produced.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 536
ISBN: 9781931956635
Pub Date: 16 Oct 2002
This book is one of the most reliable sources on the beginnings of Islamic statehood. It covers the wars of Prophet Muhammad, the ridda wars, the conquests of Syria, Armenia, Egypt, the Maghrib, and lastly, the occupation of Iraq and Persia.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 540
ISBN: 9781931956499
Pub Date: 25 Aug 2002
No anthropologist has conducted fieldwork among the Mandaeans, not even in recent decades and therefore Drower remains a singular figure. Scholars, students, and aficionados regard her book as the work that brings the people alive.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 299
ISBN: 9781593338145
Pub Date: 02 Jan 2002
Series: Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
Widely regarded as a premier journal dedicated to the study of Syriac, Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies was established in 1998 as a venue devoted exclusively to the discipline. An organ of Beth Mardutho, the Syriac Institute, the journal appears semi-annually and will be printed in annual editions. A peer-reviewed journal, Hugoye is a respected academic source for up-to-date information about the state of Syriac studies and for discovering what is going on in the field.
Contributors include some of the most respected names in the world of Syriac today. This is Volume 5 of the journal from 2002.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 108
ISBN: 9781931956062
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2002
This book consists of two lectures delivered by the author at Trinity College, Dublin: the first deals with Aprahat, the Persian sage, and the second with Bardaisan and the Acts of Judas Thomas.