Theology & Religion
Format: Paperback
Pages: 149
ISBN: 9781607240273
Pub Date: 20 Apr 2009
Why do religious people believe? In this work, Smith describes and interprets the results of interviews conducted with Mormons and Evangelicals about their reasons for faith. In the end, he recommends a particular approach to faith that integrates the sociological, spiritual, and rational elements of religion.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 111
ISBN: 9781593338541
Pub Date: 17 Apr 2009
The prophet Jeremiah is among the most complex and intriguing characters in the Bible. This study of the prophet focuses on the major biographical episodes in the prophet’s book and their interpretation. After setting the historical background of the prophet, Avioz then explores Jeremiah’s prophetic call.
All major events of his life are parsed for a deeper insight into the prophet's life. Those with whom Jeremiah interacts, the kings of Judah and the false prophets, are assessed in contrast with the prophet. Avioz concludes his study with a consideration of Jeremiah’s legacy down to the present day.
Pages: 214
ISBN: 9781593338961
Pub Date: 17 Apr 2009
Pages: 214
ISBN: 9781463203856
Pub Date: 18 Jun 2014
This book examines the development of Augustine of Hippo’s theology of the Jewish people and Judaism. Formulating a typological association between the biblical figure of Cain and the Jews, he crafts a highly intricate theology that justifies and even demands the continuing presence of Jews and their religious practices in a Christian society. Such a theology emerges out of his highly original interpretation of Genesis 4:1–15 and yet mirrors and theologically justifies the reality of Jews and Judaism in the late Roman Empire.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 567
ISBN: 9781593336981
Pub Date: 14 Apr 2009
Series: Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies
Origen’s construal of the Bible as a textual incarnation of the Word encourages an assimilationist interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures as a proto-Christian gospel. Although in partial agreement with this thesis, this study suggests a non-assimilationist reading of Origen’s biblical exegesis.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 139
ISBN: 9781847300935
Pub Date: 13 Apr 2009
More than a diary of day-to-day activities on stream and lake, Gone Fishing: Anecdotes of an Angler positions angling as a recreation into the context of Denis OCallaghans philosophy of life. Its pages describe the extraordinary characters met over many years, all sharing a passion for fishing and all qualified, in the words of Izaak Walton, as brothers of the angle. Redolent of life in and love of the countryside, this book tells stories of luck both good and bad, of glorious days and successful lands, all accounts that give Gone Fishing its memorable human touches.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 555
ISBN: 9781607240822
Pub Date: 10 Apr 2009
Series: Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique
Scrinium: Revue de Patrologie, d’Hagiographie Critique et d’Histoire Ecclésiastique, established in 2005, is an international multilingual scholarly periodical devoted to patristics, critical hagiography, and Church history. This volume is dedicated to the memory of R. P.
Michel van Esbroeck who studied hagiography of the Christian East and West. However, in keeping with van Esbroeck's broad academic interests, the volume explores other areas of patristics as well.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 456
ISBN: 9781607240815
Pub Date: 10 Apr 2009
Series: Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique
Scrinium: Revue de Patrologie, d’Hagiographie Critique et d’Histoire Ecclésiastique, established in 2005, is an international multilingual scholarly periodical devoted to patristics, critical hagiography, and Church history. This volume is dedicated to Ethiopian Christianity and Ethiopian linguistics.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 284
ISBN: 9781607241430
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Monastic Studies Series
Written in the fifth century, during one of the most formative periods of Christian monasticism in Egypt and Palestine, The Ascetic Discourses show a strong influence of the Scripture, both Old and New, and of Early monastic writers. Abba Isaiah has set forth a practical guide for monks, ever aware of the challanges that interpersonal relationships present within monastic communities.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9781607241300
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Originally delivered as one of the St. Margaret’s Lectures for 1904, the contents of this booklet are focused on aspects of the Syriac-speaking Church. Extracted from Burkitt’s book Early Eastern Christianity, the fifth lecture explores Bardaisan and his unique contribution to Syriac Christianity.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 49
ISBN: 9781607241768
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
In this second lecture extracted from Sayce’s Origin and Growth of Religion, the renowned Assyriologist specifically considers the Babylonian deity Bel-Merodach. Noting that Cyrus the Great was a worshipper of this deity, the outlook of the priesthood of Bel-Merodach regarding his conquest of Babylon begins the discussion. Sayce then discusses localized versions of Merodach, considering Eridu, Borsippa, and Assur.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781607240501
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This study seeks to address the common bridal imagery pervasive in ancient Syriac Christianity by asking how Jacob of Serug employed the presentation of biblical women in his homilies to serve as imagery for the Church.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 62
ISBN: 9781607241812
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Extracted from Arthur Penrhyn Stanley’s Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church, this set of lectures examines two of the most famous participants of the Council of Nicea, the Emperor Constantine and Saint Athanasius. Together these two figures largely define the Council of Nicea, and their portraits are vividly portrayed here by an eminent church historian.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 397
ISBN: 9781607241478
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Monastic Studies Series
At the dividing line between Antiquity and the Middle Ages, scholar-diplomat-pastor-writer-pope Gregory the Great drew on his profound knowledge of Scripture and his personal experience to preach the Gospel. These forty homilies show the practical concerns Gregory faced as well as the theological expectations he had of his flock.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9781607241362
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Originally delivered as one of the St. Margaret’s Lectures for 1904, the contents of this booklet are focused on aspects of the Syriac-speaking Church. Extracted from Burkitt’s book Early Eastern Christianity, the sixth lecture examines the ancient Syriac novel, The Acts of Judas Thomas.
Embedded within that story is a Gnostic Hymn of the Soul, to which Burkitt pays special regard.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9781607241867
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
C. E. Hammond's Antient Liturgies provided a valuable resource at an early stage in comparative liturgical studies.
Free of extensive critical apparatus, Antient Liturgies presents a collection of historic forms of worship from the Western, Eastern, and Oriental Churches. This extract from the book focuses on the Armenian liturgy. With a beginning in the early fourth century, in connection with the Exarchate of Caesarea, this liturgy is presented in English. As an analytical introduction this early study continues to provide a broad overview of early Christian worship made available in an accessible and convenient format for students and scholars.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781607241836
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2009
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
C. E. Hammond's Antient Liturgies provided a valuable resource at an early stage in comparative liturgical studies.
Free of extensive critical apparatus, Antient Liturgies presents a collection of historic forms of worship from the Western, Eastern, and Oriental Churches. This extract from the book focuses on the Clementine Liturgy, an important early liturgy, apparently known even to Justin Martyr. Rendered in Greek and with an analytical introduction this early study continues to provide a broad overview of early Christian worship made available in an accessible and convenient format for students and scholars.