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Social Sciences
Parties And Unions In The New Global Economy Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780822958253
Pub Date: 28 Jan 2004
For much of the twentieth century, unions played a vital role in shaping political regimes and economic development strategies, particularly in Latin America and Europe. However, their influence has waned as political parties with close ties to unions have adopted neoliberal reforms harmful to the interests of workers.What do unions do when confronted with this \u201cloyalty dilemma\u201d?
Lucifer Ascending Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780813122892
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2004
Despite their centuries-old history and traditions, witchcraft and magic are still very much a part of modern Anglo-American culture. In Lucifer Ascending, Bill Ellis looks at modern practices that are universally defined as "occult," from commonplace habits such as carrying a rabbit's foot for good luck or using a Ouija board, to more esoteric traditions, such as the use of spell books. In particular, Ellis shows how the occult has been a common element in youth culture for hundreds of years.
Light In The Darkness Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9780813190723
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2003
Illustrations: photos
From the time of its emergence in the United States in 1852, the Young Men's Christian Association excluded blacks from membership in white branches but encouraged them to form their own associations and to join the Christian brotherhood on "separate but equal" terms. Nina Mjagkij's book, the first comprehensive study of African Americans in the YMCA, is a compelling account of hope and success in the face of adversity.African American men, faced with emasculation through lynchings, disenfranchisement, race riots, and Jim Crow laws, hoped that separate YMCAs would provide the opportunity to exercise their manhood and joined in large numbers, particularly members of the educated elite.
G.I. Nightingales Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780813190792
Pub Date: 28 Nov 2003
Illustrations: photos, maps
"Weaving together information from official sources and personal interviews, Barbara Tomblin gives the first full-length account of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps in the Second World War.
Episcopalians and Race Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9780813190648
Pub Date: 24 Oct 2003
Series: Religion in the South
Meeting at an African American college in North Carolina in 1959, a group of black and white Episcopalians organized the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity and pledged to oppose all distinctions based on race, ethnicity, and social class. They adopted a motto derived from Psalm 133: ""Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity!"" Though the spiritual intentions of these individuals were positive, the reality of the association between blacks and whites in the church was much more complicated.
Public Family, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780822958277
Pub Date: 28 Sep 2003
Those concerned with investigating the political functions of the family far too often identify only one: the production of \u201cgood democratic citizens.\u201d As a result, public discussion of family law and policy has been confined to a narrow continuum that ignores the family's other, often subversive, political functions.In The Public Family David Herring's goal is to create a new rhetoric that moves beyond the stalemate that often results from the war between advocates of parental rights and those of children's rights.
Into the Wilderness Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9780813109138
Pub Date: 22 Aug 2003
Series: New Books for New Readers
Illustrations: photos, illus, map
"When Thomas Jefferson sent a team of explorers to discover a way to the Pacific Ocean two hundred years ago, the western border of the United States was the Mississippi River. It was Jefferson's dream to uncover the mysteries of the distant lands beyond. In 1803, the president sent a team of thirty men, lead by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, up the Missouri River, across the Rocky Mountains, down the Columbia River to the Pacific, and back home again.
The Constructivist Moment Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 364
ISBN: 9780819566102
Pub Date: 18 Jul 2003
Illustrations: 75 illus.
As one of the founding poets and editors of the Language School of poetry and one of its central theorists, Barrett Watten has consistently challenged the boundaries of literature and art. In The Constructivist Moment, he offers a series of theoretically informed and textually sensitive readings that advance a revisionist account of the avant-garde through the methodologies of cultural studies. His major topics include American modernist and postmodern poetics, Soviet constructivist and post-Soviet literature and art, Fordism and Detroit techno-each proposed as exemplary of the social construction of aesthetic and cultural forms.
A Useful Art Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780819566409
Pub Date: 09 Jul 2003
Illustrations: 8 illus.
A Useful Art is an invaluable chronicle of a major American poet's engagement with this country's indigenous tradition of design. In 1936, the Federal Arts Project (a division of the WPA) hired Louis Zukofsky, along with many others, to prepare a compendium of information on traditional American crafts. The Index of American Design aimed to define original U.
Politics of Knowledge Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780819565907
Pub Date: 06 Jun 2003
Richard Ohmann's work is in a class by itself. While editor of College English, and in the three books he published since then, he has created America's most comprehensive vision of how teaching and scholarship are at once part of the university, of society and of history. In Politics of Knowledge, Ohmann's essays and interviews analyze, explain and criticize the roles of the university, the academic professions and publishing in a rearranged America.
Culture on Ice Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9780819566423
Pub Date: 21 May 2003
Illustrations: 11 illus.
Figure skating is one of the most popular spectator sports in the U.S., yet it eludes definitive categorization.
Broadcasting Freedom Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 408
ISBN: 9780813190457
Pub Date: 19 May 2003
Illustrations: illus
Among America's most unusual and successful weapons during the Cold War were Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. RFE-RL had its origins in a post-war America brimming with confidence and secure in its power. Unlike the Voice of America, which conveyed a distinctly American perspective on global events, RFE-RL served as surrogate home radio services and a vital alternative to the controlled, party-dominated domestic press in Eastern Europe.
The Roots of Nazi Psychology Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780813190464
Pub Date: 19 May 2003
" Was Hitler a moral aberration or a man of his people? This topic has been hotly argued in recent years, and now Jay Gonen brings new answers to the debate using a psychohistorical perspective, contending that Hitler reflected the psyche of many Germans of his time. Like any charismatic leader, Hitler was an expert scanner of the Zeitgeist.
The Grand Permission Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780819566447
Pub Date: 08 May 2003
The Grand Permission is a book of deeply enriching and articulate meditations on motherhood and the composition of poetry by practicing poets. The 32 contributors write with originality and commitment about the startling, intense and dynamic connections between motherhood and creative achievement-connections that shed new light on the nature of language and genre, the practical life of mothering and the writing vocation. The book combines intimacy of tone and discussion of serious personal issues in new essays written in varied and innovative forms.
Identity Dynamics Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9789189116436
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2003
How is identity constructed, maintained and altered in different geographical, personal and societal contexts? A multi-disciplinary approach is indispensable for an understanding of the deeply intertwined processes of identity construction and boundary formation. In this spirit, Identity Dynamics and the construction of Boundaries brings together scholars from political science, human geography and area studies, who present a variety of perspectives on the subject.
Agrarian Kentucky Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9780813190525
Pub Date: 01 Mar 2003
Illustrations: illus
For subsistence farmers in eastern Kentucky, wealthy horse owners in the central Bluegrass, and tobacco growers in Western Kentucky, land was, and continues to be, one of the commonwealth's greatest sources of economic growth. It is also a source of nostalgia for a people devoted to tradition, a characteristic that has significantly influenced Kentucky's culture, sometimes to the detriment of education and development.As timely now as when it was first published, Thomas D.