Social Sciences  /  Economics & Law
Writing the Legal Record Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 226
ISBN: 9780813168609
Pub Date: 09 Dec 2016
Illustrations: 11 b/w photos
Any student of American history knows of Washington, Jefferson, and the other statesmen who penned the documents that form the legal foundations of our nation, but many other great minds contributed to the development of the young republic's judicial system -- figures such as William Littell, Ben Monroe, and John J. Marshall. These men, some of Kentucky's earliest law reporters, are the forgotten trailblazers who helped establish the foundation of the state's court system.
Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up Cover Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up Cover
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780813167343
Pub Date: 10 Jun 2016
Series: Culture of the Land
Illustrations: 22 b&w photos, 12 figures
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780813167596
Pub Date: 10 Jun 2016
Series: Culture of the Land
Illustrations: 22 b&w photos, 12 figures
The global economy has witnessed important changes in recent years. In the United States, enterprising communities have transitioned from tobacco farming to growing organic produce, from extractive fishing to vertical farming, from nonrenewable energy consumption to the implementation of solar cooperatives -- and have transformed from impoverished neighborhoods into green development zones. Yet these promising achievements remain a small part of the total economy and are largely ignored by policy makers, pundits, and economists.
Blazer and Ashland Oil Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780813153247
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Tracing the evolution of the Ashland Oil & Refining Company whose growth was phenomenal even in a rapidly expanding industry, author Joseph L. Massie attributes the success of the company to the flexible management policies of Paul G. Blazer.
Bluegrass Craftsman Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9780813152011
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Ebenezer Hiram Stedman, whose lively reminiscences of antebellum Kentucky were written as a series of letters to his daughter, was one of the pioneer papermakers of the state. Stedman paints a vivid picture of the life of the numerous and thriving middle class who sought opportunity in the expanding economy of the new West. The vivid detail of Stedman's personal experiences is supplemented by a more formal account of early Kentucky papermaking.
Cattle Kingdom in the Ohio Valley 1783-1860 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9780813152523
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
The great beef-cattle industry of the American West was not born full grown beyond the Mississippi. It had its antecedents in the upper South, the Midwest, and the Ohio Valley, where many Texas cattlemen learned their trade. In this book Mr.
Collectivization of Agriculture in Eastern Europe Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780813154268
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Collectivization of agriculture is an essential feature of the Communist program for the satellite countries of Eastern Europe. It is a means of extending state control of agriculture as well as the basis for developing large-scale industrial and military power. Irwin T.
JJP Supplement 19 (2014) Journal of Juristic Papyrology Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9788392591979
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2014
Imprint: Journal of Juristic Papyrology
Series: JJP Supplements
This work presents the newest trends appearing in the field of Roman Law particularly devoted to the fault-based liability – culpa – that were addressed at the International Conference organised by the Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University in February 2010. Articles written by Merola, Rampazzo and Tucillo touch the problem of culpa in the public law. The authors concentrated on the question of liability of public officers and their culpa or negligence during the performance of their duties.
Ties That Bind Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780822961475
Pub Date: 06 Dec 2010
In the early days of utility development, municipalities sought to shape the new systems in a variety of ways even as private firms struggled to retain control and fend off competition. In scope and consequence, some of the battles dwarfed the contemporary one between local jurisdictions and cable companies over broadband access to the Internet. In this comparative historical study, Jacobson draws upon economic theory to shed light on relationships between technology, market forces, and problems of governance that have arisen in connection with different utility networks over the past two hundred years.
Class Dynamics of Agrarian Change Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 142
ISBN: 9781565493568
Pub Date: 15 Aug 2010
Henry Bernstein argues that class dynamics should be the starting point of any analysis of agrarian change. Providing an accessible introduction to agrarian political economy, he shows clearly how the argument for "bringing class back in" provides an alternative to inherited conceptions of the agrarian question. He also ably illustrates what is at stake in different ways of thinking about class dynamics and the effects of agrarian change in today's globalized world.
Leadership and Decision-Making Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780822952657
Pub Date: 31 May 2010
It has become a truism that "leadership depends upon the situation," but few behavioral scientists have attempted to go beyond that statement to examine the specific ways in which leaders should and do vary their behavior with situational demands. Vroom and Yetton select a critical aspect of leadership style-the extent to which the leader encourages the participation of his subordinates in decision-making. They describe a normative model which shows the specific leadership style called for in different classes of situations.
Becoming Bourgeois Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 308
ISBN: 9780813192710
Pub Date: 11 Nov 2009
Series: New Directions in Southern History
Becoming Bourgeois is the first study to focus on what historians have come to call the "middling sort," the economic group falling between yeoman farmers and the planter class that dominated the antebellum South. At a time when Southerners rarely traveled far from their homes, these merchants annually ventured forth on buying junkets to northern cities. The southern merchant community promoted the kind of aggressive business practices that proponents of the "New South" would later claim as their own.
Agrarianism and the Good Society Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780813124391
Pub Date: 02 Mar 2007
Series: Culture of the Land
Every society expresses its fundamental values and hopes in the ways it shapes and inhabits its landscapes. In this literate and wide-ranging exploration, Eric T. Freyfogle raises difficult questions about American culture while illuminating the intellectual origins of urban sprawl, dwindling wildlife habitats, over-engineered rivers, and degraded forests and grasslands.
Bees in America Cover Bees in America Cover
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9780813123509
Pub Date: 21 Apr 2006
Illustrations: photos
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9780813191638
Pub Date: 21 Apr 2006
Illustrations: photos
"Queen Bee," "busy as a bee," and "the land of milk and honey" are expressions that permeate the language within American culture. Music, movies, art, advertising, poetry, children's books, and literature all incorporate the dynamic image of the tiny, industrious honey bee into our popular imagination. Honey bees -- and the values associated with them -- have influenced American values for four centuries.
Citizens Defending America Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 364
ISBN: 9780822942641
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2005
Foreword by John B. Wilt, Colonel (Retired), U.S.
Disabling Interpretations Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780822958796
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2005
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 was intended to send a clear message to society that discrimination on the basis of disability is unacceptable. As with most civil rights laws, the courts were given primary responsibility for implementing disability rights policy.Mezey argues that the act has not fulfilled its potential primarily because of the judiciary's \u0022disabling interpretations\u0022 in adjudicating ADA claims.
Camera Clues Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780813191249
Pub Date: 10 Jun 2005
Illustrations: photos, illus
Nationally known historical investigator Joe Nickell tells us how to identify and date old photos and how to distinguish originals from copies and fakes. He addresses forensic application, "surreptitious photography," and legal concerns. Particularly intriguing is his discussion of camera tricks, darkroom deceptions, retouching techniques, computer technology, and trickery detection.