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Social Sciences & Culture
Debt Wish Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780822955993
Pub Date: 25 Apr 1996
Albert Sbragia considers American urban government as an investor whether for building infrastructure or supporting economic development. Over time, such investment has become disconnected from the normal political and administrative processes of local policymaking through the use of special public spending authorities like water and sewer commissions and port, turnpike, and public power authorities.Sbragia explores how this entrepreneurial activity developed and how federal and state policies facilitated or limited it.
Club Cultures Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 201
ISBN: 9780819562975
Pub Date: 07 Apr 1996
Series: Music/Culture
Illustrations: 5 illus. 2 figs. 3 charts.
Focusing on youth cultures that revolve around dance clubs and raves in Great Britain and the U.S., Sarah Thornton highlights the values of authenticity and hipness and explores the complex hierarchies that emerge within the domain of popular culture.
Social Construction of Expertise, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780822955962
Pub Date: 15 Mar 1996
The British created a system wherein the social identity of civil servants clearly influenced their position on official matters. This privileged class set the tone for major policy decisions affecting all members of society. Savage addresses this social construction of power by analyzing the social origins and career patterns of higher-level civil servants as a backdrop for investigating the way four different social service ministries formulated policies between the two World Wars: the Board of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Labour, and the Ministry of Health.
Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh, Volume Two Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 432
ISBN: 9780822955665
Pub Date: 22 Feb 1996
This volume traces the major decisions, events, programs, and personalities that transformed the city of Pittsburgh during its urban renewal project, which began in 1977. Roy Lubove demonstrates how the city showed united determination to attract high technology companies in an attempt to reverse the economic fallout from the decline of the local steel industry. Lubove also separates the successes from the failures, the good intentions from the actual results.
Policy Responses to the Globalization of American Banking Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780822985785
Pub Date: 15 Feb 1996
Since the late 1950s the world's banks have expanded their global operations, with US institutions leading the way. As the recent global economic crisis shows, actions of private bankers can threaten capital markets, weaken national regulatory systems, and strain international cooperation-seriously endangering the world economy and the interests of nation states.
Steel, State, and Labor Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780822956020
Pub Date: 15 Feb 1996
The creation of wealth depends on the capacity of economic actors to adapt to market changes. Such adaptation, in turn, poses fundamental questions about the distribution of resources. Daley investigates the interaction among business, labor, and the state in France in the second half of the twentieth century and reveals how political dynamics refract market pressures.
Twentieth Century Pittsburgh Volume 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9780822955511
Pub Date: 01 Feb 1996
Roy Lubove's Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh is a pioneering analysis of elite driven, post-World War II urban renewal in a city once disdained as \u0022hell with the lid off.\u0022 The book continues to be invaluable to anyone interested in the fate of America's beleaguered metropolitan and industrial centers.
English in America Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 404
ISBN: 9780819562944
Pub Date: 26 Jan 1996
When it first appeared in 1976, this groundbreaking exploration of the influences of capitalism on the profession of English touched a nerve among educators and inspired Library Journal to declare, "This book should be read by all thoughtful Americans." Now, 20 years later, in a substantial new introduction that recontextualizes the book, Richard Ohmann addresses the critical furor over its initial publication, evaluates his own arguments in the aftermath of the Cold War, and locates the profession of English in the thick of the hotly contested culture wars. A remarkably prescient book whose claims have withstood two decades of fierce debate, English in America is widely considered to be as relevant today as ever.
The Southern Strategy Revisited Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780813119045
Pub Date: 11 Jan 1996
Illustrations: figures, tables, maps
The 1994 elections represented a watershed year for southern Republicans. For the first time since Reconstruction, they gained control of a majority of national seats and governorships. Yet, despite these impressive gains, southern Republicans control only three of twenty-two state legislative chambers and 37 percent of state legislative seats.
Strategic Disagreement Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9780822955757
Pub Date: 16 Nov 1995
Politics may be the art of compromise, but accepting a compromise can be hazardous to a politician\u2019s health. Politicians worry about betraying faithful supporters, about losing the upper hand on an issue before the next election, that accepting half a loaf today can make it harder to get the whole loaf tomorrow. In his original interpretation of competition between parties and between Congress and the president, Gilmour explains the strategies available to politicians who prefer to disagree and uncovers the lost opportunities to pass important legislation that result from this disagreement.
Mothers and Daughters in Nineteenth-Century America Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780813108582
Pub Date: 09 Nov 1995
The feminine script of early nineteenth century centered on women's role as patient, long-suffering mothers. By mid-century, however, their daughters faced a world very different in social and economic options and in the physical experiences surrounding their bodies. In this groundbreaking study, Nancy Theriot turns to social and medical history, developmental psychology, and feminist theory to explain the fundamental shift in women's concepts of femininity and gender identity during the course of the century -- from an ideal suffering womanhood to emphasis on female control of physical self.
God In The Stadium Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9780813108537
Pub Date: 02 Nov 1995
From the worship of Michael Jordan to the downfall of O.J. Simpson, it has become clear that sports and sports heroes have assumed a role in American society far out of proportion to their traditional value.
Stage-Coach Days In The Bluegrass Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780813119144
Pub Date: 19 Oct 1995
When Stage-Coach Days in the Bluegrass was first published in 1935 by the Standard Press in Louisville, the New York Times reviewer described "this charming work" as "an interesting example of that very useful class of books, local histories, which so rarely get the attention they deserve."Along with his focus on the development of stage-coach travel, Coleman covers details such as pioneer roads, taverns, travelers' experiences, mail carriers, and the coming of the railroad. This fascinating look at an age gone by is truly a work of regional culture.
Harvest of Hope Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780813119212
Pub Date: 07 Sep 1995
Illustrations: photos
The image of the family farm as storehouse of the traditional values that built this nation -- self-reliance, resourcefulness, civic pride, family strength, concern for neighbors and community, honesty, and friendliness -- persists, as many recent surveys show. But the reality of this rich tradition is rapidly changing, eroding the security once represented by these nostalgic images of rural America.Although the United States is still by far the world's leading overall producer of agricultural products, the number of American families making their livelihood through farming is much diminished, and if our demographers are correct, the number of family-operated farms is destined to fall still further in the coming decades as consolidation, cycles of boom and bust, and corporate invasions redefine who will farm the land.
Neighborhood and Nation in Tokyo, 1905–1937 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 274
ISBN: 9780822985778
Pub Date: 15 Jul 1995
In this pre-World War II analysis of working-class areas of Tokyo, primarily its Honjo ward, Hastings shows that bureaucrats, particularly in the Home Ministry, were concerned with the needs of their citizens and took significant steps to protect the city's working families and the poor. She also demonstrates that the public participated broadly in politics, through organizations such as reservist groups, national youth leagues, neighborhood organizations, as well as growing suffrage and workplace organizations.
Regulation in the Reagan-Bush Era Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780822960522
Pub Date: 15 May 1995
This timely and well-researched study describes for the first tim ethe astonishing acquiecence of executive agency officials, members of Congress, and federal judges to Ronald Regan's assertion of extraordinary new presidential power over the federal regulatory process--the controversial Executive Order 12291.From Harry Truman through Jimy Carter, chief executives complained that federal bureaucrats disregarded their policy preferences. presidential influence over regulatory rule making was limited: congressional committees and interest groups commanded more attention.