Social Sciences & Culture  /  Political Sciences & Current Affairs
Just War Reconsidered Cover Just War Reconsidered Cover
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9780813168296
Pub Date: 12 Aug 2016
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9780813175010
Pub Date: 02 Mar 2018
In the seminal Just and Unjust Wars, Michael Walzer famously considered the ethics of modern warfare, examining the moral issues that arise before, during, and after conflict. However, Walzer and subsequent scholars have often limited their analyses of the ethics of combat to soldiers on the ground and failed to recognize the moral responsibilities of senior political and military leaders.In Just War Reconsidered: Strategy, Ethics, and Theory, James M.
Doing Comparative Politics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 409
ISBN: 9781626374508
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2016
This systematic, user friendly, and refreshingly unusual introduction to comparative politics has not only been updated and refined in the third edition, but also fully revised to reflect the impact of major new developments in world politics. Designed to teach students how to think comparatively and theoretically about the world they live in, the book is organized around a set of critical questions—why are poor countries poor? why is East Asia relatively prosperous?
North Korea and the World Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9780813167466
Pub Date: 22 Jul 2016
Illustrations: 16 b&w photos, 4 maps, 5 figures, 5 tables
With nearly twenty-five million citizens, a secretive totalitarian dictatorship, and active nuclear and ballistic missile weapons programs, North Korea presents some of the world's most difficult foreign policy challenges. For decades, the United States and its partners have employed multiple strategies in an effort to prevent Pyongyang from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. Washington has moved from the Agreed Framework under President Bill Clinton to George W.
State as Investment Market, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780822964131
Pub Date: 24 Jun 2016
Based on the case of Kyrgyzstan, while going well beyond it to elaborate a theory of the developing state that comprehends corruption as not merely criminal, but a type of market based on highly rational decisions made by the powerful individuals within, or connected to, the state.
Dangerous Doctrine Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780813167206
Pub Date: 13 May 2016
Illustrations: 1 table
Much like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, President Barack Obama came to office as a politician who emphasized conviction rather than consensus. During his 2008 presidential campaign, he pledged to transform the role of the United States abroad. His ambitious foreign policy goals included a global climate treaty, the peaceful withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, and a new relationship with Iran.
The Arthurdale Community School Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 220
ISBN: 9780813166889
Pub Date: 08 Apr 2016
Series: Place Matters: New Directions in Appalachian Studies
Illustrations: 20 b&w photos
The first of many homestead communities designed during the rollout of the New Deal, Arthurdale, West Virginia, was a bold experiment in progressive social planning. At the center of the settlement was the school, which was established to improve the curriculum offered to Appalachian students. Offering displaced and unemployed coal miners and their families new opportunities, the school also helped those in need to develop a sense of dignity during the Great Depression.
A Life for Freedom Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 504
ISBN: 9780813166469
Pub Date: 18 Mar 2016
Illustrations: 111 b&w photos, 1 map
From June 1963 to October 1964, ten antiapartheid activists were tried at South Africa's Pretoria Supreme Court. Standing among the accused with Nelson Mandela, Ahmed Kathrada, and Walter Sisulu was Denis Goldberg. Charged under the Sabotage and Suppression of Communism Acts for "campaigning to overthrow the government by violent revolution," Goldberg was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Building Rule of Law in the Arab World Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 311
ISBN: 9781626372788
Pub Date: 04 Feb 2016
How might Arab countries build the foundations for rule of law in the wake of prolonged authoritarian rule? What specific challenges do they confront? Are there insights to be gained from comparative analysis beyond the region?
Enemies to Allies Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 382
ISBN: 9780813166407
Pub Date: 26 Jan 2016
Illustrations: 11 b&w photos
At the close of World War II, the United States went from being allied with the Soviet Union against Germany to alignment with the Germans against the Soviet Union -- almost overnight. While many Americans came to perceive the German people as democrats standing firm with their Western allies on the front lines of the Cold War, others were wary of a renewed Third Reich and viewed all Germans as nascent Nazis bent on world domination. These adversarial perspectives added measurably to the atmosphere of fear and distrust that defined the Cold War.
Truman, Congress, and Korea Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 334
ISBN: 9780813166117
Pub Date: 08 Jan 2016
Illustrations: 12 b&w photos, 1 map, 2 tables
Three days after North Korean premier Kim Il Sung launched a massive military invasion of South Korea on June 24, 1950, President Harry S. Truman responded, dispatching air and naval support to South Korea. Initially, Congress cheered his swift action; but, when China entered the war to aid North Korea, the president and many legislators became concerned that the conflict would escalate into another world war, and the United States agreed to a truce in 1953.
Freedom and Solidarity Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9780813165783
Pub Date: 18 Dec 2015
The prevailing Western paradigm is modernity: a model focused on individual liberty, secularism, and the scientific control of nature. This worldview emerged from the break with the medieval and classical past and advanced a philosophy in which the solitary mind opposes the rest of the world. Although there is a simple appeal in this binary structure, history has shown that it is neither socially nor politically innocuous.
Russell Kirk Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 608
ISBN: 9780813166186
Pub Date: 09 Nov 2015
Illustrations: 18 b&w photos, 14 figures
Emerging from two decades of the Great Depression and the New Deal and facing the rise of radical ideologies abroad, the American Right seemed beaten, broken, and adrift in the early 1950s. Although conservative luminaries such as T. S.
James and Esther Cooper Jackson Cover James and Esther Cooper Jackson Cover
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9780813166254
Pub Date: 06 Nov 2015
Series: Civil Rights and the Struggle for Black Equality in the Twentieth Century
Illustrations: 21 b&w photos
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9780813174983
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2018
Series: Civil Rights and the Struggle for Black Equality in the Twentieth Century
Illustrations: 21 b&w photos
James Jackson and Esther Cooper Jackson grew up understanding that opportunities came differently for blacks and whites, men and women, rich and poor. In turn, they devoted their lives to the fight for equality, serving as career activists throughout the black freedom movement. Having grown up in Virginia during the depths of the Great Depression, the Jacksons also saw a path to racial equality through the Communist Party.
The Nonprofit World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 356
ISBN: 9781565495302
Pub Date: 12 Oct 2015
John Casey explores the expanding global reach of nonprofit organizations, examining the increasingly influential role not only of prominent NGOs that work on hot-button global issues, but also of the thousands of smaller, little-known organizations that have an impact on people's daily lives. What do these nonprofits actually do? How and why have they grown exponentially?
The UN Security Council in the 21st Century Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 998
ISBN: 9781626372597
Pub Date: 06 Oct 2015
After grappling for two decades with the realities of the post–Cold War era, the UN Security Council must now meet the challenges of a resurgence of great power rivalry. Reflecting this new environment, The UN Security Council in the 21st Century provides a comprehensive view of the council's internal dynamics, its role and relevance in world politics, and its performance in addressing today's major security challenges.
Europe and Capitalism Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 130
ISBN: 9788857526607
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2015
Series: Politics
The current European Union is too often presented as the perfect realisation of a Europe of the people and freedom. The present essay overturns the common way to understand this reality. A triumph of capitalism, which has now become absolute, the creation of the European Union has in fact proceeded to destabilise the hegemony of the political.