Social Sciences & Culture  /  Anthropology & Sociology
Bicycles, Bangs, and Bloomers Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9780813117041
Pub Date: 21 Jun 1990
Illustrations: illus
The so-called "New Woman" -- that determined and free-wheeling figure in "rational" dress, demanding education, suffrage, and a career-was a frequent target for humorists in the popular press of the late nineteenth century. She invariably stood in contrast to the "womanly woman," a traditional figure bound to domestic concerns and a stereotype away from which many women were inexorably moving.Patricia Marks's book, based on a survey of satires and caricatures drawn from British and American periodicals of the 1880s and 1890s, places the popular view of the New Woman in the context of the age and explores the ways in which humor both reflected and shaped readers' perceptions of women's changing roles.
MOVE Crisis In Philadelphia, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9780822954309
Pub Date: 20 Feb 1990
In 1985, police bombed the Philadelphia community occupied by members of the black counterculture group MOVE (short for \u201cThe Movement\u201d). What began fifteen years earlier as a neighborhood squabble provoked by conflicting lifestyles ended in the destruction of sixty-one homes and the death of eleven residents - five of them children. Some 250 people were left homeless.
The Arrogance of Race Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780819562173
Pub Date: 01 Feb 1989
The Arrogance of Race is a significant contribution to the historiography of slavery and racism in America. George Fredrickson, one of the most respected and cogent historians of this complex and troubling subject, maintains that racism is a cultural phenomenon not a mere by-product of class conflict and colonialism. He opts for a "dualistic" rather than a more popular monolithic explanation of the tragedy of racism.
Prejudice and Your Child Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9780819561558
Pub Date: 01 Aug 1988
Analyzes racial prejudice and its impact on white as well as black children, and provides wise counsel and a plan for action that is as fresh—and as necessary—as when the book was first written.
The Robbers Cave Experiment Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780819561947
Pub Date: 01 Feb 1988
Illustrations: 41 illus. 14 tables. 3 figs. 4 graphs.
Originally issued in 1954 and updated in 1961 and 1987, this pioneering study of "small group" conflict and cooperation has long been out-of-print. It is now available, in cloth and paper, with a new introduction by Donald Campbell, and a new postscript by O.J.
Five Black Lives Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780819561909
Pub Date: 01 Jun 1987
Illustrations: 5 facs.
"Five Black Lives is a collection of ex-slave narratives which spans 150 years in time, from 1729 to 1870, and some thousands of miles in geographical area from Africa to Connecticut. The autobiographies include the lives of Venture Smith, a native of Africa who ended his days as a resident of East Haddam, Connecticut; James Mars, born a slave near Norfolk, Connecticut in 1790, and freed at twenty-five by state law; William Grimes, a native of Virginia, who became Connecticut's first known runway when he arrived in New Haven about 1808; G.W.

Ford - A Village in the West Highlands of Scotland

A Case Study of Repopulation and Social Change in a Small Community
Format: Hardback
Pages: 188
ISBN: 9780813115078
Pub Date: 10 Jul 1984
The Highlands of Scotland, like the southern Appalachians of the United States, have long been a problem area in Great Britain, troubled with a fading economy and loss of population. Most books about the region, however, are popular volumes that romanticize a bygone way of life. This study of Ford, a village of some 160 people in western Argyllshire, thus fills a gap in the literature and provides a look at the present realities of Scottish life.
Black Southerners, 1619-1869 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780813101613
Pub Date: 02 Jun 1984
Series: New Perspectives on the South
This revealing interpretation of the black experience in the South emphasizes the evolution of slavery over time and the emergence of a rich, hybrid African American culture. From the incisive discussion on the origins of slavery in the Chesapeake colonies, John Boles embarks on an interpretation of a vast body of demographic, anthropological, and comparative scholarship to explore the character of black bondage in the American South. On such diverse issues as black population growth, the strength of the slave family, the efficiency and profitability of slavery, the diet and health care of bondsmen, the maturation of slave culture, the varieties of slave resistance, and the participation of blacks in the Civil War, Black Southerners provides a balanced and judicious treatment.
Black American Literature and Humanism Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9780813114361
Pub Date: 30 Dec 1981
For Black writers, what is tradition? What does it mean to them that Western humanism has excluded Black culture? Seven noted Black writers and critics take up these and other questions in this collection of original essays, attempting to redefine humanism from a Black perspective, to free it from ethnocentrism, and to enlarge its cultural base.
Atlas of World Cultures Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780822984856
Pub Date: 15 May 1981
The publication of MurdockÆs Ethnographic Atlas in 1967 marked the first time that descriptive information on the peoples of the world—primitive, historical, and contemporary—had been systematically organized for the purposes of comparative research. In this volume, Murdock has completely revised this work, selecting 563 societies that are most fully and accurately described in ethnographic literature. The identification of each society gives its geographical coordinates and date, its identifying number in the Ethnographic Atlas, and an indication of whether it is included in the Human Relations Area Files or the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample.
The Underground Railroad in Connecticut Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780819560124
Pub Date: 19 Mar 1970
Illustrations: 8 illus.
Here are the engrossing facts about one of the least-known movements in Connecticut's history-the rise, organization, and operations of the Underground Railroad, over which fugitive slaves from the South found their way to freedom. Drawing his data from published sources and, perhaps more importantly, from the still-existing oral tradition of descendants of Underground agents, Horatio Strother tells the detailed story in this book, originally published in 1962. He traces the routes from entry points such as New Haven harbor and the New York state line, through important crossroads like Brooklyn and Farmington.
Essays in Comparative Social Stratification Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9780822984177
Pub Date: 15 Jan 1970
The essays in this volume represent trends in social stratification studies undertaken in major culture areas of the world. The empirical data of the chapters are set with special reference to the dynamics of processes within these diverse traditions and heritages as sources of comparison with one another and with the experiences of western societies.