Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
Series Editor: Bernard Lightman (York University); Editorial Board: Robert Brain (University of British Columbia); Pietro Corsi (University of Oxford); Shinjini Das (University of East Anglia); Fa-ti Fan (SUNY Binghamton); Bruce J. Hunt (University of Texas); Myles Jackson (Princeton Institute for Advanced Study); Sally Gregory Kohlstedt (University of Minnesota); Carlos López Beltrán (Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas/UNAM); Lynn K. Nyhart (University of Wisconsin–Madison); Michael A. Osborne (Oregon State University); Gregory Radick (University of Leeds); Marc Rothenberg (Smithsonian Institution Archives); Simon Schaffer (University of Cambridge); Jutta Schickore (Indiana University); Efram Sera-Shriar (Durham University & University of Copenhagen); Ann Shteir (York University); Sally Shuttleworth (University of Oxford); Robert Smith (University of Alberta); Jonathan R. Topham (University of Leeds)

An era of exciting and transformative scientific discoveries, the nineteenth century was also a period when significant features of the relationship between contemporary science and culture first assumed form. This book series includes studies of major developments within the disciplines—including geology, biology, botany, astronomy, physics, chemistry, medicine, technology, and mathematics—as well as themes within the social sciences, natural philosophy, natural history, the alternative sciences, and popular science. In addition, books in the series may examine science in relation to one or more of its many contexts, including literature, politics, religion, class, gender, colonialism and imperialism, material culture, and visual and print culture.

Astronomy in India, 1784-1876 Cover Astronomy in India, 1784-1876 Cover
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780822945000
Pub Date: 01 Jul 2014
Pages: 282
ISBN: 9780822966470
Pub Date: 28 Jun 2021
Indian scientific achievements in the early twentieth century are well known, with a number of heralded individuals making globally recognized strides in the field of astrophysics. Covering the period from the foundation of the Asiatick Society in 1784 to the establishment of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science in 1876, Sen explores the relationship between Indian astronomers and the colonial British. He shows that from the mid-nineteenth century, Indians were not passive receivers of European knowledge, but active participants in modern scientific observational astronomy.