Russian and East European Studies
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
Series Editor: Jonathan Harris, University of Pittsburgh

The Russian and East European Studies series was established in 1984. Since then REES has grown to include a list of distinguished books from a variety of disciplinary, ideological, and methodological perspectives on every aspect of the region’s history, politics, society, economics, and culture. With the dissolution of old Cold War boundaries, the series has expanded its scope to include the German-speaking parts of Central Europe as a vital factor in the region. REES thus takes under its purview potentially everything from Aachen to Vladivostok, and from Tirana to Petersburg. REES is proud to be the home of many prize-winning books and it continues to thrive even as it enters its fourth decade.

Bread upon the Waters Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780822964933
Pub Date: 24 Apr 2017
In eighteenth-century Russia, as elsewhere in Europe, bread was a dietary staple—truly grain was the staff of economic, social, and political life. Early on Tsar Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg to export goods from Russia’s vast but remote interior and by doing so to drive Russia’s growth and prosperity.
Kosovo and Serbia Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9780822944690
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2017
Following the 1992 breakup of Yugoslavia, the region descended into a series of bloody conflicts marked by intense ethnic and religious hatreds. Kosovo emerged at the epicenter of these disputes and the site of innumerable human rights violations, as Serbia, united with Montenegro at the time, sought to remove the Albanian presence. Kosovo (roughly ninety percent Albanian) declared independence in 2008, and although it is recognized by over one hundred UN member states, it is still not recognized by Serbia.
Tangible Belonging Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9780822964292
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2017
Tangible Belonging presents a compelling historical and ethnographic study of the German speakers in Hungary, from the late nineteenth to the late twentieth century. Through this tumultuous period in European history, the Hungarian-German leadership tried to organize German-speaking villagers, Hungary tried to integrate (and later expel) them, and Germany courted them. The German speakers themselves, however, kept negotiating and renegotiating their own idiosyncratic sense of what it meant to be German.
Cleansing the Czechoslovak Borderlands Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780822964261
Pub Date: 18 Nov 2016
In this innovative study of the aftermath of ethnic cleansing, Eagle Glassheim examines the transformation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland from the end of the Second World War, through the Cold War, and into the twenty-first century. Prior to their expulsion in 1945, ethnic Germans had inhabited the Sudeten borderlands for hundreds of years, with deeply rooted local cultures and close, if sometimes tense, ties with Bohemia's Czech majority. Cynically, if largely willingly, harnessed by Hitler in 1938 to his pursuit of a Greater Germany, the Sudetenland's three million Germans became the focus of Czech authorities in their retributive efforts to remove an alien ethnic element from the body politic—and claim the spoils of this coal-rich, industrialized area.
The Soviet Gulag Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 448
ISBN: 9780822944645
Pub Date: 11 Nov 2016
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent archival revolution, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's famous "literary investigation" The Gulag Archipelago was the most authoritative overview of the Stalinist system of camps. But modern research is developing a much more thorough and nuanced understanding of the Gulag. There is a greater awareness of the wide variety of camps, many not isolated in far-off Siberia; prisoners often intermingled with local populations.
Holocaust in Croatia, The Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 720
ISBN: 9780822944515
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2016
The Holocaust in Croatia recounts the history of the Croatian Jewish community during the Second World War, with a focus on the city of Zagreb. Ivo and Slavko Goldstein have grounded their study in extensive research in recently opened archives, additionally aided by the memories of survivors to supplement and enrich the interpretation of documents. The authors' accessible narrative, here available in English for the first time, has been praised for its objectivity (including rare humane acts by those who helped to save Jews) and is complemented by a large bibliography offering an outstanding referential source to archival materials.
Hard Times Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9780822964223
Pub Date: 26 Oct 2016
Vasily Sleptsov was a Russian social activist and writer during the politically charged 1860s, known as the "era of great reforms," and marked by Alexander II's emancipation of the serfs and the relaxation lifting of censorship. Popular in his day, Sleptsov's contemporaries Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov praised his writing:, with Chekhov once remarkeding, "Sleptsov taught me, better than most, to understand the Russian intelligent, and my own self as well." The novella Hard Times is considered Sleptsov's most important work.
Greetings, Pushkin! Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9780822964155
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2016
In 1937, the Soviet Union mounted a national celebration commemorating the centenary of poet Alexander Pushkin's death. Though already a beloved national literary figure, the scale and feverish pitch of the Pushkin festival was unprecedented. Greetings, Pushkin!
Russia in the German Global Imaginary Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780822964117
Pub Date: 06 May 2016
This book traces transformations in German views of Russia in the first half of the twentieth century, leading up to the disastrous German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Casteel shows how Russia figured in the imperial visions and utopian desires of a variety of Germans, including scholars, journalists, travel writers, government and military officials, as well as nationalist activists. He illuminates the ambiguous position that Russia occupied in Germans' global imaginary as both an imperial rival and an object of German power.
Socialist Fun Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9780822963967
Pub Date: 26 Apr 2016
Most narratives depict Soviet Cold War cultural activities and youth groups as drab and dreary, militant and politicized. In this study Gleb Tsipursky challenges these stereotypes in a revealing portrayal of Soviet youth and state-sponsored popular culture. The primary local venues for Soviet culture were the tens of thousands of klubs where young people found entertainment, leisure, social life, and romance.
White Spots—Black Spots Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 680
ISBN: 9780822944409
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2015
Poland and Russia have a long relationship that encompasses centuries of mutual antagonism, war, and conquest. The twentieth century has been particularly intense, including world wars, revolution, massacres, national independence, and decades of communist rule—for both countries. Since the collapse of communism, historians in both countries have struggled to come to grips with this difficult legacy.
Soviet Space Mythologies Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780822963639
Pub Date: 26 Jun 2015
From the start, the Soviet human space program had an identity crisis. Were cosmonauts heroic pilots steering their craft through the dangers of space, or were they mere passengers riding safely aboard fully automated machines? Tensions between Soviet cosmonauts and space engineers were reflected not only in the internal development of the space program but also in Soviet propaganda that wavered between praising daring heroes and flawless technologies.
Between Europe and Asia Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780822963660
Pub Date: 04 Jun 2015
Between Europe and Asia analyzes the origins and development of Eurasianism, an intellectual movement that proclaimed the existence of Eurasia, a separate civilization coinciding with the former Russian Empire. The essays in the volume explore the historical roots, the heyday of the movement in the 1920s, and the afterlife of the movement in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The first study to offer a multifaceted account of Eurasianism in the twentieth century and to touch on the movement's intellectual entanglements with history, politics, literature, or geography, this book also explores Eurasianism's influences beyond Russia.
Authoritarian Russia Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780822963684
Pub Date: 29 May 2015
Russia today represents one of the major examples of the phenomenon of "electoral authoritarianism" which is characterized by adopting the trappings of democratic institutions (such as elections, political parties, and a legislature) and enlisting the service of the country's essentially authoritarian rulers. Why and how has the electoral authoritarian regime been consolidated in Russia? What are the mechanisms of its maintenance, and what is its likely future course?
Crossing Borders Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780822963677
Pub Date: 22 May 2015
Crossing Borders deconstructs contemporary theories of Soviet history from the revolution through the Stalin period, and offers new interpretations based on a transnational perspective. To Michael David-Fox, Soviet history was shaped by interactions across its borders. By reexamining conceptions of modernity, ideology, and cultural transformation, he challenges the polarizing camps of Soviet exceptionalism and shared modernity and instead strives for a theoretical and empirical middle ground as the basis for a creative and richly textured analysis.
Rise and Fall of Belarusian Nationalism, 1906–1931, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 448
ISBN: 9780822963080
Pub Date: 22 Dec 2014
Modern Belarusian nationalism emerged in the early twentieth century during a dramatic period that included a mass exodus, multiple occupations, seven years of warfare, and the partition of the Belarusian lands. In this original history, Per Anders Rudling traces the evolution of modern Belarusian nationalism from its origins in late imperial Russia to the early 1930s.The revolution of 1905 opened a window of opportunity, and debates swirled around definitions of ethnic, racial, or cultural belonging.