Composition, Literacy, and Culture
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
Series Editors: Aja Martinez, University of North Texas and Stacey Waite, University of Nebraska

The Composition, Literacy, and Culture series was established in 1989. It publishes in composition and rhetoric, literacy, and culture; in the history of writing, reading, and instructional practice; the construction of literacy and letters; and the relations between language and gender, ethnicity, race, or class. The goal of the series is to bring together scholarship that crosses traditional boundaries.

Fragments of Rationality Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780822954927
Pub Date: 22 Dec 1992
In an insightful assessment of the study and teaching of writing against the larger theoretical, political, and technological upheavals of the past thirty years, Fragments of Rationality questions why composition studies has been less affected by postmodern theory than other humanities and social science disciplines.
Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780822954859
Pub Date: 18 Dec 1992
This collection of essays traces the attempts of one writing teacher to understand theoretically - and to respond pedagogically - to what happens when students from diverse backgrounds learn to use language in college.Bizzell begins from the assumption that democratic education requires us to attempt to educate all students, including those whose social or ethnic backgrounds may have offered them little experience with academic discourse. Over the ten-year period chronicled in these essays, she has seen herself primarily as an advocate for such students, sometimes called “basic writers.