Science & Technology  /  Environmental & Earth Sciences
The Early Prehistory of Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 640
ISBN: 9781842172124
Pub Date: 22 Mar 2007
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Levant Supplementary Series
Illustrations: 374 b/w illus, 133 tables,
This edited volume provides a full report on the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A site of WF16, southern Jordan. Very few sites of PPNA date have been excavated using modern methods, so this report makes a very significant contribution to our understanding of this period. Excavations have shown that the site contains a highly dynamic use of architecture, and the faunal assemblage reveals new information on the processes that lead to the domestication of the goat.
RRP: £75.00
Agrarianism and the Good Society Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780813124391
Pub Date: 02 Mar 2007
Series: Culture of the Land
Every society expresses its fundamental values and hopes in the ways it shapes and inhabits its landscapes. In this literate and wide-ranging exploration, Eric T. Freyfogle raises difficult questions about American culture while illuminating the intellectual origins of urban sprawl, dwindling wildlife habitats, over-engineered rivers, and degraded forests and grasslands.
The Soil and Health Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9780813191713
Pub Date: 12 Jan 2007
Series: Culture of the Land
Illustrations: photos
With a New Introduction by Wendell Berry The Soil and Health was published in 1945, just before agricultural corporations surged to global proportions. Sir Albert Howard's work is a major inspiration to the growing organic and sustainable farming movement and a thought-provoking reminder of a road not taken in developing mainstream agriculture during the past half-century. The central tenet of Howard's philosophy is that healthy soil, vegetation, animals, and humans are connected and that undernourishment of soil is the source of modern agricultural and health problems.
Two Cemeteries from Bristol's Northern Suburbs Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780955353406
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2006
Illustrations: b/w illus
Two reports are published in this volume: excavations in 2004 at Henbury School, Bristol (by Derek Evans, Neil Holbrook and E.R. McSloy) and excavations in 2005 at Hewlett Packard, Filton, South Gloucestershire (by Kate Cullen, Neil Holbrook, Martin Watts, Anwen Caffell and Malin Holst).
RRP: £7.95
Wars in the Woods Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780822959403
Pub Date: 20 Nov 2006
Wars in the Woods examines the conflicts that have developed over the preservation of forests in America, and how government agencies and advocacy groups have influenced the management of forests and their resources for more than a century. Samuel Hays provides an astute analysis of manipulations of conservation law that have touched off a battle between what he terms “ecological forestry” and “commodity forestry.” Hays also reveals the pervading influence of the wood products industry, and the training of U.
A Woodland Archaeology Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 262
ISBN: 9781902937311
Pub Date: 29 Aug 2006
Series: Haddenham Project
Illustrations: 190 illus, 103 tabs
Set in the context of this project's innovative landscape surveys, four extraordinary sites excavated at Haddenham, north of Cambridge chart the transformation of Neolithic woodland to Romano-British marshland, providing unrivalled insights into death and ritual in a changing prehistoric environment. The highlight of Volume I is the internationally renowned Foulmire Fen long barrow, with its preserved timber burial chamber and façade. The massive individual timbers allow detailed study of Neolithic wood technology and the direct examination of a structure that usually survives only as a pattern of post holes.
RRP: £35.00
Marshland Communities and Cultural Landscape Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 344
ISBN: 9781902937328
Pub Date: 29 Aug 2006
Series: Haddenham Project
Illustrations: 291 illus, 155 tabs
Set in the context of this project's innovative landscape surveys, four extraordinary sites excavated at Haddenham, north of Cambridge chart the transformation of Neolithic woodland to Romano-British marshland, providing unrivalled insights into death and ritual in a changing prehistoric environment. Volume II moves on to later periods, and reveals how Iron Age and Romano-British communities adapted to the wetland environment that had now become established.
EAA 109: Archaeology and Environment of the Etton Landscape Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 205
ISBN: 9780952061625
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2005
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: some b/w illus
A long-term, low-cost rescue project was undertaken in response to gravel quarrying at Maxey between 1983 and 1990. Throughout, the archaeological focus was the more or less concurrent excavation taking place at the Etton causewayed enclosure, a site which was effectively a central point within this part of the lower Welland valley. The Etton Landscape consists of the relict river systems, former floodplain and lowermost parts of the Welland First Terrace gravels between the modern villages of Maxey, Etton and Northborough.
St Kilda and the Wider World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 226
ISBN: 9781905119004
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2005
Imprint: Windgather Press
Illustrations: 89 b/w and col pls
Forty miles out into the Atlantic from the western isles of Scotland lies the archipelago of St Kilda. Home to human populations for more than 4000 years, the islands inhabitants were evacuated from the main island in 1930 leaving it as a haven for wildlife, a tourist destination and workplace for those studying and monitoring the islands ecology and its radar station built in the 1950s. Many of those writing about St Kilda have emphasised the remoteness and insularity of its environment, describing its population as having endured a wretched and isolated existence marooned on an archipelago miles from civilisation.
Fertile Ground Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 166
ISBN: 9781842171448
Pub Date: 06 Sep 2005
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology
The fourteen papers in this volume focus on the environmental archaeology of Britain, uncovering a rich seam of evidence from what might, to the uninitiated, seem like the most unlikely places. They are centred on issues looked at by Susan Limbrey during her career, and presented in her honour on the occasion of her retirement.
Theories On The Scrap Heap Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9780822958734
Pub Date: 07 Apr 2005
In a recent issue of the Atlantic Monthly, Cullen Murphy wrote that "It is always a little disconcerting when audacious scientific theories come a cropper." In this case, he was speaking of Stephen Hawking's now self-repudiated idea that information swallowed by cosmic black holes might be escaping into "baby universes." John Losee looks at the subject of rejected scientific theories through an analysis of case studies from more than two centuries of science.
Biosphere to Lithosphere Cover Biosphere to Lithosphere Cover
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9781842171189
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2005
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781785704604
Pub Date: 15 Oct 2016
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference
Taphonomic studies are a major methodological advance, the effects of which have been felt throughout archaeology. Zooarchaeologists and archaeobotanists were the first to realise how vital it was to study the entire process of how food enters the archaeological record, and taphonomy brought to a close the era when the study of animal bones and plant remains from archaeological sites were regarded mainly as environmental indicators.This volume is indicative of recent developments in taphonomic studies: hugely diverse research areas are being explored, many of which would have been totally unforeseeable only a quarter of a century ago.
RRP: £50.00
Appalachian Winter Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780822958628
Pub Date: 20 Jan 2005
Winter is the season that most tests our mettle. There are the obvious challenges of the weather-freezing rain, wind chill, deep snow, dangerous ice-but also the psychological burdens of waiting for spring and the enduring often false starts that accompany its eventual return. On the surface, perhaps, winter might seem an odd season for a nature book, but there is plenty of beauty and life in the woods if only we know where to look.
Landscapes for the World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 235
ISBN: 9780954557591
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2004
Imprint: Windgather Press
Illustrations: 66 b/w figs, 15 col pls
Since 1972 UNESCO has been compiling a list of World Heritage sites, worthy of protection and conservation for the long-term. Written by someone who has been involved with the selection of sites for UNESCO, this book presents a personal insight into the process and what inspires and guides the decision-making of its members. Peter Fowler examines the idea of a `cultural landscape', how it is defined and why some landscapes are important and others less so.
RRP: £26.00
Garbage In The Cities Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780822958574
Pub Date: 23 Nov 2004
As recently as the 1880s, most American cities had no effective means of collecting and removing the mountains of garbage, refuse, and manure-over a thousand tons a day in New York City alone-that clogged streets and overwhelmed the senses of residents. In his landmark study, Garbage in the Cities, Martin Melosi offered the first history of efforts begun in the Progressive Era to clean up this mess.Since it was first published, Garbage in the Cities has remained one of the best historical treatments of the subject.
Atlantic Connections and Adaptations Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781842171066
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2004
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology
Illustrations: 101 b/w figs, 33 tbs
Maritime communications have played a vital role in shaping both human cultures and the biogeography of the North Atlantic Realm, a region containing discrete groups of islands separated by deep water. The aim of this volume is to explore the diversity of human environments and cultural adaptations present within the eastern part of the North Atlantic Realm, from Scotland and Norway in the East to Iceland in the West. The papers explore a number of key themes, including: the origins of flora and fauna of the North Atlantic Realm and the introduction of non-indigenous species in post-glacial periods; the various stages of human colonisation, from the explorations of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in the Hebridean islands to the Norse settlement of the Faroes, Iceland and Greenland during the 8th to 10th centuries AD, and how each stage of colonisation has had its own ecological characteristics and consequences for indigenous flora and fauna; the influence of climatic variability and extreme episodic events on local environments and human settlement patterns; and the establishment and development of human exchange and trade networks and how they have affected the range of resources available for human exploitation, from agricultural domesticates to the development of the Flemish sea fishery.