Mimesis International was launched at the end of 2013 on the initiative of Mimesis Group, which includes Éditions Mimésis and Mimesis Edizioni. With a catalogue of 4,000 book titles, Mimesis Edizioni is one of the leading Italian publishing houses in the humanities. Their support for free thinking led them to open towards different and merging research fields in the human sciences while maintaining a keen interest in philosophy. As an academic publishing company, they work in synergy and close collaboration with several European universities and cultural centres. In this European and cosmopolitan spirit, they publish their texts in English and, as in the case of scientific journals, they also feature multilingual contributions.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9788869771514
Pub Date: 20 Jul 2018
Series: Philosophy
After the publication of Nietzsche’s Untimely Meditations (Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen) the term 'Untimely' was introduced widely in philosophical studies, not merely in Nietzschean contexts. Although this concept has become very popular, it is surprising that it has been neglected by critical studies. Indeed, there are only a few publications that fully present the issue of 'Untimely' on the international scene.
In this volume the reader will find different reflections moving from the Nietzschean texts, rethinking the question of the ‘Untimely’ beyond the 'master', and exploring wider horizons of research.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9788869771316
Pub Date: 09 Jul 2018
Series: Politics
Surprisingly, jihadi groups like ISIS do not only attract female supporters coming from Muslim communities, but also Western women who grew up in non-Muslim environments. Trauma, depression and the need for a more exciting life outside the constraints of Western society brought some women to embrace the political cause of waging jihad and supporting terrorism. This book discovers the hidden psychological and sociological drivers that can lead young Western women to support jihadi ideology, violence and sometimes suicide.
Through real and uncanny stories, supported by reliable official data, the book provides a scientific analysis of the mechanisms that can lead any “girl next door” to approve and passionately fall for a destructive movement, which she perceives as a heroic, romantic and empowering act.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9788869771330
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2018
Series: CINÉMA&CIE, International Film Studies Journal
Illustrations: 10
This special issue of Cinéma & Cie analyses the logic and processes of re-intermediation emerging in the contemporary European media industry landscape, providing an opportunity to bring questions of availability, text circulation and gatekeeping to the centre of scholarly debates and investigations. Through contributions showcasing a wide array of methodological and theoretical approaches, the volume illustrates and analyses the presence of new gatekeepers, their impact in shaping texts and their consumption in different European contexts. Its case studies include file sharing, Curzon Home Cinema, VOD services and the problematic implementation of the Digital Single Market policy.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9788869770760
Pub Date: 10 Jun 2018
Series: Italian Frame
This volume investigates the ways in which the Catholic Church used cinema as a space for action within the complex dynamics of modern mass society. Within this context it analyses the Catholic Church’s Tilm policy illuminating for the Tirst time, by means of a systematic analysis, a vast body of documents preserved at the Vatican Secret Archives and at numerous Italian Catholic archives – some of them indexed and opened to scholars. Amongst them we Tind Archivio Storico dell’Istituto Luigi Sturzo [Historical Archive of the Luigi Sturzo Institute] and the Archivio dell’Istituto per la storia dell’Azione Cattolica e del Movimento Cattolico in Italia Paolo VI [Archive of the Institute for the History of Catholic Action and the Catholic Movement in Italy Paul VI]; other only partially indexed like the Nazareno Taddei Archive or faced with the risk of closure, like the Associazione Cattolica Esercenti Cinema [Catholic Exhibitors’ Association] Archive.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 182
ISBN: 9788869770531
Pub Date: 10 Jun 2018
Elusive yet intuitive at the same time, the concept of collocation has attracted the attention of different branches of linguistics for many a year, owing to the proven pervasiveness of such combinations in languages. Although a universally accepted definition of collocation has not been reached as each attempted description is inextricably related to the linguist’s standpoint, the development of a series of very workable ideas on the nature of these combinations has led to the production of worthy linguistic commodities. While English lexicography has kept pace with the development in lexicology and corpus linguistics, Italian lexicography has only recently started to look in that direction.
The author investigates the treatment of lexical collocations in the major bilingual English-Italian dictionaries, looking closely at the lexicographers’ choices while keeping the end users and their heuristics in mind.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9788869771507
Pub Date: 08 Jun 2018
Series: Architecture
This book analyzes the rise of the earliest Greek temples through an innovative phenomenological approach, in which lived experiences are assumed as key tools of investigation. Accordingly, much space is dedicated to exploring the connections that tied the Greeks to their surroundings environment, by surviving records of Greek religion, poetry, art, philosophy and architecture from the archaic times. This framework sheds a new light on the relationship between ‘human’ and ‘divine’ in the ancient Greek world, suggesting that the archetypal structure of temple was devised to facilitate a particular kind of experience, that of the Divine.
Such an experience produced a break from ordinary and profane life, allowing a special awareness to be gained. The findings and method of this book enable us to bridge the gap between our present days and that distant era, rediscovering our ancient past as an endless source of inspiration.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 286
ISBN: 9788869771248
Pub Date: 08 Jun 2018
The human-animal relationship has always been characterized by a wide net of interactions and exchanges. By providing an overview of the concept of animality - and of the several meanings attached to it - this book aims at rethinking the real nature of this notion, towards a new definition of both the human and the animal. The authors highlight the need to overcome the traditional tendency to read the animal merely as a symbol, a metaphor or an allegory, whose only purpose is that of representing and negotiating human power relations of race, class, and gender.
Within this context, the edited collection Bestiarium intends to contribute to the present debate on Animal Studies, by focusing on literary texts and discursive practices, which reveal the epistemological and cultural dynamics that structure the very representation of the animal.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 193
ISBN: 9788869770944
Pub Date: 31 May 2018
Series: A&P
A&P is a multidiscilinary journal which gathers international scholars and thinkers to analyse the latest debates in the field of philosophy and anthropology.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 162
ISBN: 9788869771224
Pub Date: 21 May 2018
Series: Intertwining
Intertwining is an international, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to understanding the experience and making of architecture. It includes the voices of science alongside those of the arts - as both ways of knowing are critical to the multidimensional nature of our inquiry."We want to move beyond thinking of architecture as an object.
Architecture is not separate from us - it is not something to be judged merely by its formal properties, its satisfaction of programmatic concerns or its performance in terms of technical parameters. We are not dismissing the importance of these factors but wish to enrich them, to understand and articulate how architecture can capture and express unseen layers of meaning and purpose. We want to think of architecture as a verb, a mover, a shaper, an active agent in human flourishing. In order to appreciate the potential power of architecture we want to explore the experience of architecture, and the intimately related experience of making architecture. Turning our attention to experience requires that we listen to and consider knowledge from a full array of disciplines. Experience is multi-dimensional, multi-directional, irreducible. Experience always supercedes, flows over any boundary that attempts to circumscribe it."Contributors: Alessandro Gattara, Sarah Robinson, Davide Ruzzon, Juhani Pallasmaa, Barbara Lamprecht, Kevin Kelley Rooney, Olafur Eliasson, Harry Francis Mallgrave, Colin Ellard, Susan Magsamen, Raymond Richard Neutra, Sarah Robinson, Elnaz Ghazi.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9788869771026
Pub Date: 14 May 2018
Series: Cinema and Contemporary Art
Montage, today, is a widespread procedure that doesn’t concern just artistic production, but also our daily lives and the use everyone makes of that huge visual archive contemporary media places at our disposal. In a technologically advanced society, where the notion of postproduction regulates our relationship with images and objects, it is therefore necessary to thoroughly investigate the role, possibilities, and, most of all, anthropological and politic connotations of montage; and to ask ourselves whether – in comparison to the heroic years of the first avant-gardes – montage has become a faded and standardized practice or if it is a more and more effective means to understand and reprogram the world, especially in relation to the technical possibilities offered by new media and remix practices.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9788869771422
Pub Date: 08 May 2018
Series: Politics
What can Montesquieu still teach us today? Montesquieu was the first political writer who formulated the principles of separation of powers and the independence of justice. He was the first to scientifically study human institutions, both ancient and modern, Asiatic and European, African and American.
Again, he was the first thinker to theorize Federal Democracy, systematically tracking down the root causes of human events in its environmental, cultural, historical, and geographical aspects. Analysing several aspects of Montesquieu’s philosophical and political thought, this volume highlights his stoicism, realism, anti-despotism as well as his staunch defence of human dignity. Introducing one of the sharpest thinkers of modernity, this book offers fundamental tools to understand the very ground of our contemporary times.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9788869771620
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2018
Series: Chiasmi International
Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning the Thought of Merleau-Ponty is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles, reviews, and discussions in Italian, French, and English on the thought of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The journal is produced in cooperation with the Italian Società di Studi su Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and is distributed by Mimesis International, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin in France, and Pennsylvania State University in the United States.
All issues are available online from the Philosophy Documentation Center. The journal is abstracted and indexed in The Philosopher's Index, PhilPapers, and the Philosophy Research Index.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9788869771200
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2018
Series: Architecture
Public spaces have long been the object of countless studies. Yet, most of these have focused almost exclusively on the metropolitan setting, while neglecting the nature and function of public spaces in rural areas. This volume addresses precisely this gap, drawing from Henri Lefebvre’s theories in order to propose an alternative vision of public spaces – one which is centered on the local rhythms of rural areas and on their peculiar complexities.
Rural public spaces can present all features of a Lefebvrian abstract space, in a way that is akin to that of cities. However, at the same time, their specific ‘otherness’ allows them to offer communal and organic responses to the pressure of global challenges, in a way that is largely precluded to cities.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9788869771118
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2018
Series: Sociology
In the sixties and seventies, the public sphere in Western countries was a place of critique. Through their activism in the public sphere, various kinds of social movements democratised institutions and political culture. Today, neoliberal politics and populist movements have transformed this place into a perilous arena, hosting many serious threats to democracy.
The outcome of this challenge and confrontation will depend on how democratic political actors will make their presence felt in the public sphere.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9788869771262
Pub Date: 10 Apr 2018
Series: Philosophy
In 1924, B. Russell claimed the crucial importance of relationships to our understanding of many unresolved philosophical problems. Such observation is more than fundamental for the contemporary philosophical agenda: ontology, philosophy of religion and several other theoretical fields require an explanation for the very nature of what a relationship is and how it works.
Collecting several contributions on the very meaning of relations, the volume aims to expand the international debate in the field from a philosophical perspective. Ranging from history of philosophy to ontology, from philosophy of religion to the history of religious doctrines, leading scholars from all over the world come together to address this timely topic.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 122
ISBN: 9788869771217
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2018
Series: Social Science
The book is focused on parenthood and generativity, considered by the authors not only as biological functions, but above all as human and socio-cultural capabilities able to overcome gender differences.Therefore, the authors reconsider motherhood, emphasizing the historical and social function of women; the accent on socio-cultural gender role of women as mothers and wives also inspires an undeniable reflection on male identities and fatherhood. The book insists that parenthood and care are human characteristics, and not only a specific female frame, and suggests to the reader a new focus on gender relationships, by adopting a gylanic perspective.