Lynne Rienner Publishers

Founded in 1984, Lynne Rienner Publishers remains a rare, independent presence in scholarly and textbook publishing, with a strong social science list emphasizing comparative politics, international relations, US politics, development, and criminology.

Understanding the Contemporary Middle East, 5th ed. Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 461
ISBN: 9781626378414
Pub Date: 07 Nov 2019
Series: Understanding: Introductions to the States and Regions of the Contemporary World
The previous edition of Understanding the Contemporary Middle East was published soon after the Arab uprisings, and the authors—writing across disciplines—captured those moments of possibility. Now, more than six years later, the Middle East is substantially changed, with three protracted civil wars, several retrenched authoritarian regimes, possibly one emerging democracy, and social and economic conditions that have been profoundly affected by the new political environment.This thoroughly revised and updated edition explores both the impact of recent events in shaping the region and the continuities with established patterns of political, economic, and social relations.
Indonesia Cover Indonesia Cover
Pages: 261
ISBN: 9781626378513
Pub Date: 30 Oct 2019
Pages: 261
ISBN: 9781626378520
Pub Date: 07 Nov 2019
"Comprehensive and nuanced..
The New Politics of Aid Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 197
ISBN: 9781626378261
Pub Date: 02 Oct 2019
How do emerging donors conceptualize the relationship between security and development? How, and why, do the policies they pursue in conflict-affected states differ from the liberal peacebuilding model of traditional donors? Addressing these questions, the authors of The New Politics of Aid shed light on the increasingly complicated and complex donor landscape.
Inside African Politics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 477
ISBN: 9781626378070
Pub Date: 30 Jul 2019
The second edition of Inside African Politics, updated throughout to reflect political developments across the continent, not only provides thorough coverage of the full range of core topics, but also furthers an awareness and understanding of key theoretical issues and current debates. Drawing on their extensive teaching and fieldwork experience, Pierre Englebert and Kevin Dunn offer a straightforward, accessible style, making even complex ideas easy to understand, and a balanced approach, exposing multiple perspectives on contested issues; a focus on both states and citizens, politics from above and below; discussions of existing policies, as well as policy implications of different approaches; and an abundance of rich data and illustrative examples. The result is both an essential text and a long-term resource for students and scholars alike.
The Puzzle of Ethiopian Politics Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 245
ISBN: 9781626377981
Pub Date: 19 Jul 2019
"Lyons's timely and well-written volume provides a great service." —Jan Erk, Northeast African StudiesHow did a group with its origins in a small Marxist-Leninist insurgency in northern Ethiopia transform itself into a party (the EPRDF) with eight million members and a hierarchy that links even the smallest Ethiopian village to the center? How do the legacies of protracted civil war and rebel victory over the brutal Derg regime continue to shape contemporary Ethiopian politics?
Religious Identity in US Politics Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 190
ISBN: 9781626378094
Pub Date: 23 May 2019
"Miles makes a compelling case for examining religious social identity in a way that moves beyond affiliation. The work is a welcome addition to the literature on American political behavior." —Samuel Snideman, Religious Studies Review"At just the right time, Matt Miles offers this sustained treatment of how political and religious identities intersect, embracing the causal ambiguity between them to explore questions of system support, trust, and political behavior.
Comparative Politics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 504
ISBN: 9781626377905
Pub Date: 20 Mar 2019
Among the many tools available for teaching comparative politics, Gregory Mahler's text stands out for its unique exploration of concepts, structures, and illustrative cases. The first part of the book, after setting the stage with a discussion of comparison as a method of inquiry, focuses on the core institutions that affect politics within nations, as well as on political behavior and civil society. In Part 2, those same topics are systematically revisited as they interact in the context of nine detailed, up-to-date (through 2018) country studies.
Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Assault Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 235
ISBN: 9781626377783
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2019
“Provid[es] a much-needed overview of the state of the field regarding the sexual victimization of queer people.” —Shanna Felix, Criminal Justice ReviewThe underlying argument of this groundbreaking study is this: Sexual orientation and gender identity influence how sexual assault is experienced, how it is perceived, and ultimately, how victims (and perpetrators) are treated by the criminal justice system.Focusing much of their work on the queer community—a community with a disproportionately high risk of sexual assault—the authors introduce the Identity Inclusive Sexual Assault Myth Scale (IISAMS) to explore the unique aspects of sexual assault and the process of disclosure as experienced by queer victims.
Security in Asia Pacific Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 251
ISBN: 9781626377455
Pub Date: 28 Jan 2019
The complex security dynamics of the pivotal Asia Pacific region, involving disparate and contentious power blocs, clearly have implications far beyond the region itself. Thomas Wilkins sheds new light on those dynamics, providing a rich framework for better understanding the nature of security alignments in Asia Pacific, as well as a reexamination of the dominant forces at play: the US alliance system, ASEAN, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
Hybrid Conflicts and Information Warfare Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 271
ISBN: 9781626377516
Pub Date: 02 Nov 2018
What is hybrid warfare? And what role does information play in today's conflicts? In the context of the technological/information revolution of the last two decades - which has greatly amplified the danger posed by nonmilitary means of political struggle - Hybrid Conflicts and Information Warfare addresses these questions from the perspectives of both Western and Russian experts.
African Development Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 313
ISBN: 9781626377240
Pub Date: 13 Jul 2018
Both authoritative and accessible, African Development introduces the issues, actors, and institutions at play in development trajectories across sub-Saharan Africa. This new edition, thoroughly updated, includes an entirely new chapter devoted to key demographic trends in the region, especially rapid urbanization and the distinct “youth bulge.” There is also a review of major democratic gains and disappointments since 2011; analysis of renewed internal armed conflicts; and attention to the contemporary sovereign debt crisis relative to the structural adjustment debt of earlier decades.
Understanding Contemporary Russia, 2nd ed. Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 447
ISBN: 9781626377110
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2018
Series: Understanding: Introductions to the States and Regions of the Contemporary World
Russia today is in many ways different from the country portrayed a decade ago in the first edition of Understanding Contemporary Russia. With an upsurge of both national pride—despite a struggling economy—and civil society activism, with a palpable tension between the support for democratic values and the intense desire for political stability, with an increased role in world politics that puts Putin in the headlines almost daily, contradictions and complexities abound. These contradictions, complexities, and much more are captured in this new edition.
What Is Political Islam? Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9781626376922
Pub Date: 18 Dec 2017
The debate continues unabated: Is political Islam decipherable through the tenets of the Islamic tradition—or is it a tool of secular actors who shrewdly misuse religious references? Is it an expression of modernity, or a return to the past? Eschewing these dichotomies, Jocelyne Cesari demystifies the continuous process of interaction between secular and religious actors and institutions that is at the core of political mobilization in the name of Islam.
Understanding Contemporary China Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 526
ISBN: 9781626376533
Pub Date: 02 Aug 2017
Series: Understanding: Introductions to the States and Regions of the Contemporary World
China today bears little resemblance to the country introduced in the first edition of Understanding Contemporary China, published nearly two decades ago. Even in just the past five years, dramatic changes have occurred under the leadership of President Xi Jinping. This new edition of the book reflects those changes, exploring the impact of new domestic policies; China’s role as a behemoth in the world economy; its rapidly modernizing infrastructure; its expanding military presence in the region; the environmental challenges it confronts; and much more.
International Law in World Politics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 325
ISBN: 9781626376045
Pub Date: 12 Jun 2017
Reflecting a dramatically changing global context, the third edition of International Law in World Politics introduces the actors, structures, processes, and issues of international law in a way that makes sense to students of political science. Features of the new edition include: current case studies that bring the subject to life; an entirely new chapter on international courts and tribunals; more attention to trade and economic issues; even-handed discussion of such contentious topics as the Iran nuclear deal; Africa and the ICC, the Paris climate agreement, rising tensions in the South China Sea; and more. The result is a text that effectively explains the role that international law plays in the arena of world politics today.
Disability and Aging Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 251
ISBN: 9781626375901
Pub Date: 30 May 2017
Series: Disability in Society
What is the lived experience of previously healthy older adults as they face disability in late life, and how is disability assimilated in their identity? How do prevailing practices facilitate—or limit—options for elders living with new disabilities? To address these questions, Jeffrey Kahana and Eva Kahana uniquely synthesize disability and gerontological perspectives to explore both the unfolding challenges of aging and the practices and policies that can enhance the lives of older adults.