Gorgias Press
Founded in 2001 Gorgias Press is an independent academic publisher of books and journals related to history, languages, and religious studies, with specific areas of expertise in the Ancient Near East, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Archaeology, Biblical Studies, Classics, Early Christianity, Jewish Studies, Linguistics, and Syriac.
Gorgias [GOR-gee-us] Press was originally created by George and Christine Kiraz as a specialty press that could keep up with their research interests. With a background in computational linguistics, George Kiraz envisioned combining cutting-edge technology with humanities research. The new company would be completely online, with no physical storefront, and it would use automation and digital printing technology rather than traditional print runs. With these tools, the press could afford to publish rare and understudied topics that were previously considered unprofitable, and Gorgias soon became known for its pioneering work in language and linguistics, religion, and especially Syriac and Eastern Christianity.
Gorgias’ philosophy of “Publishing for the Sake of Knowledge” rather than profit, attracted a number of new authors, and the press’ areas of interest rapidly began to expand. Today, Gorgias Press publishes 50-60 new titles a year, including monographs, edited volumes, translations, and more, and Gorgias books can be found in academic collections all over the world.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 421
ISBN: 9781611435214
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature
This work details the lives of seven Palestinian monks and abbots, written in popular Greek by Cyril of Scythopolis, a sixth-century monk.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 274
ISBN: 9781611435146
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature
This work presents the Armenian version of second-century Irenaeus of Lyon's last two books on heresies.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 281
ISBN: 9781617194184
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
This impressive volume is a collection of inscriptions, mostly Syriac, but also two in Akkadian and some in Aramaic, collected by Pognon during travels in the Middle East. They are accompanied with detailed notes and French translations.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 116
ISBN: 9781607249313
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
In this work, Martin offers the Syriac text, with an annotated French translation, of Narsai’s poem on the three doctors of the Church of the East: Diodore of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Nestorius.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 38
ISBN: 9781611432633
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
A controversial essay on one of the treasures of Armenian art, arguing that its illuminations were original and Armenian; with 38 plates.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9781593336455
Pub Date: 06 Sep 2012
Historical syntax has long been neglected in the study of the Semitic languages, although it holds great value for the subgrouping of this diverse language family. Focusing on the development of adverbial subordination, nominal modifiers and direct speech marking, as well as reviewing changes through language contact and drift, this book is the first step in the syntactic reconstruction of the Aramaic dialect group, the longest-attested branch of the Semitic language family.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 228
ISBN: 9781611434200
Pub Date: 04 Sep 2012
Job finds himself in a situation similar to one experienced by everyone at some point in his or her life. He wants answers to questions concerning what has happened to him, since he lived his life according to the traditional wisdom and rules of conduct, asking what has gone wrong and why. The Book of Job raises fundamental questions of both the actions and expectations of humans and deities, and asks whether a clear understanding can be reached between them.
The contributing essays to this anthology help advance and sharpen both the questions and the responses to that question.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9781607240235
Pub Date: 29 Aug 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This investigation of Abu-al-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzi’s al-Wafa bi Fada'il al-Mustafa, according to the Leiden manuscript by one of Germany’s foremost Semiticists, is essential reading for anyone interested in Arabic history and literature. Ibn al-Jawzi was a twelfth-century jurist and perhaps the most prolific writer in the history of Arabic literature. Al-Wafa bi Fada'il al-Mustafa (Detailed Accounts of the Chosen Prophet), is a large work on the biography of the prophet Muhammad.
In this manuscript study, Brockelmann analyzes several aspects of this composition, including citations of this work by other notable Islamic writers.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 165
ISBN: 9781617199011
Pub Date: 27 Aug 2012
Series: Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature
Contained in this work are thirteen lists of saints’ days in the Syriac tradition based on various sources.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 916
ISBN: 9781607241522
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Dar Mardin: Christian Arabic and Syriac Studies from the Middle East
The West Syrian Liturgy has come down to the present in three major traditions: that of Za‘faran, that of Sadad and that of Edessa. This book represents the culmination of many years of recording and effort, undertaken in both the Middle East and the US, aimed at preserving the complete Beth Gazo of Edessa in musical annotation.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 34
ISBN: 9781611431438
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This article by M.B. Ogle is a demonstration of how the theory that the stag-messenger episode of Medieval literature is Celtic in origin has erred, and proposes it was of oriental provenance.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 20
ISBN: 9781463201401
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Takahashi and Weitenberg provide the history and linguistic analysis of Ms. Yale Syriac 9. Only three such Syriac-Armenian lexica are known to survive.
The glossary is classified as the Western branch of Modern Armenian, attributed to Dialect Group 5.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 30
ISBN: 9781463201166
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This paper examines the construction of masculinity among male members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and its underlying historical factors.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 24
ISBN: 9781611433098
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This paper, reprinted from the Journal Asiatique, provides a handy introduction to the Sogdian alphabet used for Buddhist texts in Central Asia.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 21
ISBN: 9781463201425
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Thomson surveyed Syriac literary influence on Armenian Christianity from the time of early missionary activity to the middle ages. Evidence suggests that Armenian Christians are greatly indebted to Syriac contributions on sainthood and theology, but less so for historical writing.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 410
ISBN: 9781611430745
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Kiraz Historical Catalogues Archive
This catalog contains detailed descriptions and tables of contents for Turkish manuscripts from the Bibliotheque Nationale; manuscripts are classified by subject.