Casemate Publishers

Casemate Publishers is a global publisher in the fields of military history, aviation and intelligence studies, covering all aspects of military history, and all periods of conflict – from ancient civilisations to modern warfare.
Their diverse list includes military autobiographies and memoirs, histories of specific events, and a growing list of leadership titles. Casemate Publishers is also the home of the renowned Casemate Illustrated series – loved by general readers, modellers and specialists alike, these books bring visual detail to key elements of military history, from campaigns, units and battles, to aircraft, ships and weapons. Their global team is passionate about the subject and the authors and experts they work with, and in bringing readers the best of military history.

General Fox Conner Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9781636240503
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2021
Illustrations: 16 pages of photos
John J. Pershing considered Fox Conner to have been "a brilliant soldier" and "one of the finest characters our Army has ever produced." During World War I, General Conner served as chief of operations for the American Expeditionary Force in Europe.
Hal Moore Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781636240527
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2021
Illustrations: Illustrated throughout
Hal Moore, one of the most admired American combat leaders of the last 50 years, has until now been best known to the public for being portrayed by Mel Gibson in the movie "We Were Soldiers." In this first-ever, fully illustrated biography, we finally learn the full story of one of America's true military heroes. A 1945 graduate of West Point, Moore's first combats occurred during the Korean War, where he fought in the battles of Old Baldy, T-Bone, and Pork Chop Hill.
Tank Combat in Spain Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781612009704
Pub Date: 05 Jul 2021
Illustrations: 24-page plate section
Although Spain had been for many years on the periphery of the great affairs of Europe, within a few months of the Civil War breaking out in 1936, three out of the four major European powers - Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union - decided to intervene. Spain turned out to be the perfect proving ground to carry out controlled, realistic experiments with live weapons and troops. This book covers the theories of the three main contributors that provided armour to the warring parties in the civil war, how those contributions shaped combat, and how the lessons learnt were then applied to tank combat in World War II.
U.S. Aircraft Carriers 1939-45 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781612009346
Pub Date: 05 Jul 2021
Series: Casemate Illustrated Special
Illustrations: Over 200 photos, diagrams and illustrations
This extensively illustrated volume tells the dramatic yet successful story of US aircraft carriers in World War II by class, ranging from early pre-war designs to escort carriers built from destroyer hulls, to the gigantic fleet carriers serving as the predecessors of modern-day super carriers. Besides covering the famous great carrier battles in the Pacific, this book also tells of the equally important actions of US flat tops hunting and destroying German U-boats in the Atlantic, making an enormous contribution to the elimination of the U-boat dangers and the safe arrival of transatlantic supplies, so desperately needed for the launch of D-Day. Including profiles and explanatory text boxes, the concise text gives a clear overview of each ship’s career, its fate and its significance in American naval history.
Splinter on the Tide Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9781612009582
Pub Date: 05 Jul 2021
Ensign Ash Miller USNR, having survived the sinking of his first ship, is promoted and assigned to command one of the sleek new additions to "the splinter fleet," a 110-foot wooden submarine chaser armed with only understrength guns and depth charges. His task is to bring the ship swiftly into commission, weld his untried crew into an efficient fighting unit, and take his vessel to sea in order to protect the defenseless Allied merchant vessels which are being maliciously and increasingly sunk by German U-Boats, often within sight of the coast. Ash rises to the deadly challenge he faces, brings his crew of three officers and 27 men to peak performance, and meets the threats he faces with understated courage and determination, rescuing stricken seamen, destroying Nazi mines, fighting U-Boats, and developing both the tactical sense and command authority that will be the foundation upon which America's citizen sailors eventually win the war.
RRP: £17.99
German Tank Destroyers Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781612009063
Pub Date: 05 Jul 2021
Series: Casemate Illustrated Special
Illustrations: 250 color and black-and-white photographs and illustrations
From the early days of World War II, it was clear that the Wehrmacht’s antitank units would need to be motorized as existing horse- or automobile-drawn units were too slow to be effective. Initially, antitank guns were mounted onto available, usually obsolete, tank chassis, such as the Panzerjäger I and II. However German engineers would soon turn to the heavy chasses of the Panzer IV, the Panther, and the Tiger for their tank hunters.
The Folly of Generals Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9781612009742
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2021
Illustrations: 50 photographs
Imagine how many lives would have been saved had the war in Europe finished in December 1944 instead of five months later..
Courage Under Fire Cover Courage Under Fire Cover
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9781612009643
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2021
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781636243054
Pub Date: 15 May 2023
Courage Under Fire is the first book published about Operation Lamar Plain. After 50 years, the story of the renowned 101st Airborne's major offensive near Tam Ky, South Vietnam remains largely unknown. Fighting at Tam Ky by the 1st Brigade began 15 May 1969 while the 101st's 3rd Brigade battled on Hamburger Hill.
Nanjing 1937 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9781612009803
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2021
Illustrations: b/w photographs
The infamous Rape of Nanjing looms like a dark shadow over the history of Asia in the 20th century, and is among the most widely recognized chapters of World War II in China. By contrast, the story of the month-long campaign before this notorious massacre has never been told in its entirety. Nanjing 1937 by Peter Harmsen fills this gap.
Panzer Tactics Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781612009896
Pub Date: 25 May 2021
Illustrations: 21 maps
This book discusses a number of raids undertaken by XXXXVIII Panzer Corps near the Black Sea in 1941/2 to explore the tactics used and why they were successful, based upon the detailed combat reports prepared by the corps staff immediately after each battle. "Die Wehrmacht im Kampf" Battles and Problems of the Second World War is a series published in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s. Written by ex-members of the German army in WWII, it provides important information not available elsewhere on the German army's perspective of many crucial campaigns and battles.
Strick Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 512
ISBN: 9781612009858
Pub Date: 24 May 2021
Illustrations: 50 photographs
Major-General Eugene Vincent Michael Strickland CMG, DSO, OBE, MM, CStJ, Star of Jordan - Strick - rose from penniless hardship to great military distinction. He was a tank man, a war hero who fought in France, North Africa and Italy during World War II, and whose name is revered even today among regiments that he commanded. His is the extraordinary tale of a man who gained a Regular Commission in the Indian Army from Sandhurst, but resigned soon afterwards.
Counterinsurgency Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781612009483
Pub Date: 15 May 2021
Illustrations: 30 black and white photos and diagrams
Counterinsurgency is defined as efforts to defeat and confine a rebellion against a constituted authority. While it has become a buzz-word in the last twenty years, it is as old as society itself. This concise history discusses the development of modern counterinsurgency over the last two hundred years, beginning with the origins of modern insurgency from the concept of ‘small wars’ and colonial warfare, through the ideas of early insurgents including Clausewitz and the theories of Lawrence of Arabia, to the methods of 20th-century insurgents, including Mao and Che Guevara.
Military Reconnaissance Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781612009506
Pub Date: 15 May 2021
Illustrations: 30 black and white photos and diagrams
Since the earliest recorded military history, scouting and reconnaissance have been key tools employed by military commanders to obtain a picture of the tactical situation and make informed decisions. Scouts known as sciritae were deployed by the Spartans and had a privileged position in their order of battle. The Spartans were so aware of the advantage their scouting operations gave them that they went to great lengths to keep them secret.
No Moon as Witness Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781612009520
Pub Date: 15 May 2021
Illustrations: 25-30
Winston Churchill famously instructed the head of the Special Operations Executive to “Set Europe ablaze!” Agents of both the British Special Operations Executive and the American Office of Strategic Services underwent rigorous training before making their way, undetected, into Occupied Europe. Working alone or in small cells, often cooperating with local resistance groups, agents undertook missions behind enemy lines involving sabotage, subversion, organizing resistance groups and intelligence-gathering.
Old Testament Warriors Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781612009544
Pub Date: 15 May 2021
Illustrations: 25-30
The period covered by the Old Testament - beginning in approximately 3000 BC - was one of great technological development and innovation in warfare, as competing cultures clashed in the ancient Middle East. The Sumerians were the first to introduce the use of bronze into warfare, and were centuries ahead of the Egyptians in the use of the wheel. The Assyrians developed chariot warfare and set the standard for a new equine-based military culture.
German Mountain Troops 1942-45 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781612009469
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2021
Illustrations: 150 photographs and illustrations
When World War II began, the Wehrmacht had fifteen mountain divisions and a multitude of small units, including some Austrian units that had been incorporated into the German army after the Anschluss. These mountain units would operate in hostile environments on all fronts during World War II. Due to their training, equipment and adaptability, the Gebirgstruppen would be deployed to fight in almost every theater.
RRP: £19.99