Military History  /  World War II
Solomons Air War Volume 2 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780645700459
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2024
Imprint: Avonmore Books
Illustrations: fully illustrated; colour
This second volume of Solomons Air War chronicles aerial warfare in the Solomon Islands theatre during the critical month of October 1942. It can be read alone or as part of the ongoing Solomons Air War series. October 1942 saw an explosion of air activity in the Solomons.
RRP: £36.95
Generals and Admirals of the Third Reich Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9781952715129
Pub Date: 15 Jan 2024
Imprint: Casemate Academic
Illustrations: 150 photographs
This first of a three-volume set offers concise biographical information for over 5,000 generals and admirals of the Third Reich. It covers all branches of service, ordered alphabetically, and provides a brief, scholarly overview of each individual, including personal details and dates for all attachments to unit, and medals awarded, offering a readily accessible go-to reference work for all World War II researchers and historians. In addition to the biographic information, each volume includes extensive apppendices.
RRP: £39.95
German Staff Cars vol. 3 Mercedes Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9788367227193
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2023
Imprint: MMP Books
Series: Camera ON
Illustrations: B&W photos
In the third volume of this publication, the cars of the Mercedes motor company major production types are covered, such as the Mercedes 170, Mercedes 230-260 series, Mercedes 320 and Mercedes 540. In this volume the author provides a detailed impression of these vehicles through original photographs, taken both during and before the war by the normal German soldiers who both used and served with these now classic automobiles.
RRP: £22.00
Polish Armoured Trains 1921-1939 vol. 3 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 156
ISBN: 9788367227377
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2023
Imprint: MMP Books
Illustrations: B&W photos, Colour drawings
Book extensively covers the history of armored trains used by the Polish army from the end of the Soviet war to the conclusion of the 1939 campaign. It delves into the history, organization, and equipment of each individual composition in great detail. Adam Jońca, an undisputed expert on the subject, considers this book, Polish Armored Trains 1921-1939, to be particularly close to his interests.
RRP: £22.00
Anzio Nettuno 1944 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781636241913
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2023
The Allied amphibious operation codenamed Shingle was launched in late January 1944. It was opposed by German forces in the area of Anzio and Nettuno. Success depended on the element of surprise, and the speed with which the invaders could build up strength and move inland.
RRP: £40.00
Strong in Will: Working for the American Embassy in Paris During the Nazi Occupation Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781636243788
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2023
Illustrations: 5 photographs
"September 1939 slipped into October quite silently as if it did not want to attract any notice. The atmosphere is tense with expectancy, ready for the critical times that lie ahead. Everyone is geared for eventualities with courage and the élan of high purpose.
RRP: £29.95
The German Infantryman on the Eastern Front Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781636243610
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2023
Illustrations: 200 photographs plus maps
The German Army was all-conquering until late 1941 when, only a few miles short of Moscow, it ran out of steam. Maniacal defence, the Russian winter and exhaustion all played their part and, although they didn't realise it, the German forces wouldn't advance further on this front. While they continued their offensives into 1942, Soviet defenses had stiffened.
RRP: £24.95
The Soviet Infantryman on the Eastern Front Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781636243634
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2023
Illustrations: 200 photographs plus maps
The Soviet Army was ill-prepared for its erstwhile ally's treacherous onslaught in 1941. Its officer corps decimated by Stalin's purges and its men less well-trained than the Germans, the Red Army was poorly led, hampered by the power of the political officers and only partly mobilised. But, in spite of the huge German victories and the speed of the Nazi attack, the Soviets proved fantastically capable of rolling with the punches.
RRP: £24.95
Disability, Nazi Euthanasia, and the Legacy of the Nuremberg Medical Trial Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 181
ISBN: 9781685852832
Pub Date: 06 Dec 2023
Series: Disability in Society
During the Nuremberg Medical Trial (1946-1947), the perpetrators of the Nazi euthanasia program were barely prosecuted. The program, also known as Aktion T4, was essentially a campaign of mass murder, designed to cleanse society of individuals who were deemed undesirable: incurably ill, physically or mentally disabled, or simply old. Emmeline Burdett's close reading of the trial transcript and her careful parsing of the legacy of Aktion T4 are the genesis of this revealing book.
Tenth Army Commander Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781636241999
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2023
Illustrations: 50 maps and photographs
Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr. was a major figure of the Pacific War, both for his command in Alaska and in his key role heading Tenth Army during the Battle of Okinawa in the spring of 1945. Buckner was the senior U.
RRP: £29.95
Nazis on the Potomac Cover Nazis on the Potomac Cover
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781612009872
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2023
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781636243771
Pub Date: 15 Oct 2023
Illustrations: 30 photographs
Now a green open space enjoyed by residents, Fort Hunt, Virginia, about 15 miles south of Washington, DC. was the site of one of the highest-level, clandestine operations during World War II. Shortly after the United States entered World War II, the US military realised that it had to work on exploiting any advantages it might gain on the Axis Powers.
RRP: £25.00
RRP: £19.95
The Vistula-Oder Offensive Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781636243597
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2023
Illustrations: 120–150 photographs plus maps
The Vistula-Oder offensive was a massive Soviet Army operation on the Eastern Front which was launched on 12 January 1945 and paved the way for the Battle of Berlin. Its main objective was a major advance from the River Vistula to the River Oder, bringing Soviet forces within fifty miles of the gates of Berlin. The offensive faced a German defensive line east of Warsaw.
RRP: £24.95
Operation Aerial Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9781781220245
Pub Date: 29 Sep 2023
Illustrations: illustrated throughout
Dunkirk resonates through British history. The “miracle of deliverance”, as Prime Minister Winston Churchill described the evacuation of nearly 340,000 troops from the small French port, in most people’s minds marks the end of British involvement in France in 1940. Dunkirk finally fell to the advancing German forces but it was far from the end of the story.
RRP: £15.99
WW2 New Forest Discovered Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781781220238
Pub Date: 29 Sep 2023
Illustrations: illustrated throughout
In this captivating and meticulously researched book, delve into the heart of history as the New Forest emerges from obscurity to take its rightful place in the annals of World War II. Through an engaging blend of personal anecdotes, period news items, and insightful social commentary, the true significance of wartime preparations in this hallowed land are unveiled, their local, regional, and national context brought to life.
RRP: £15.99
U.S. Army Ford M8 and M20 Armored Cars Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781636243108
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2023
Series: Casemate Illustrated Special
Illustrations: B/W
Specifically designed as a reconnaissance vehicle, the Ford M8 Light Armored Car was intended primarily for use by mechanized cavalry units. A total of 8,523 units were built. Able to move quickly and cover long distances without refuelling, they supported the advance of armored columns by undertaking reconnaissance.
RRP: £34.95
The Defeat of the Damned Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781636242118
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2023
Illustrations: B/W and colour
One of the most notorious yet least understood body of troops that fought for the Third Reich during World War II was the infamous Sondereinheit Dirlewanger, or the “Dirlewanger Special Unit.” Formed initially as a company-sized formation in June 1940 from convicted poachers, it served under the command of SS-Obersturmführer Oskar Dirlewanger, one of the most infamous criminals in military history. First used to guard the Jewish ghetto in Lublin and support security operations carried out in occupied Poland by SS and Police forces, the unit was soon transferred to Belarus to combat the increasingly active Soviet partisan movement.
RRP: £29.95