Military History  /  World War II
The Silencing of the Merville Battery Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 52
ISBN: 9781781220139
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2019
Illustrations: heavily illustrated
With the decision for the D-Day invasion to take place in Normandy, the Merville Battery’s location became of paramount importance as it had the ability to fire along the length of the proposed SWORD Beach. It was imperative that the Battery be silenced before the landings began.Attempts were made by RAF Bomber Command to destroy the site, but with the casemate walls being in places up to two metres thick and covered with earth, they proved to be almost impervious to bombs.
RRP: £5.00
Camouflage and Markings of Axis Armor in the Balkans Campaigns 1940–1941 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 72
ISBN: 9788360672310
Pub Date: 30 Mar 2019
Series: Armor Color Gallery
Illustrations: 25 full-color plates and 142 b&w photos
Published as a companion volume to ACG #14 Camouflage and Markings of Commonwealth and Greek Armor in the Balkans Campaigns April – May 1941, this is an authoritative guide to the armor deployed by the Axis in the Balkans during 1940 and 1941, particularly some of the lesser known operations. Starting with the Hungarian annexation of North Transylvania from Romania, it moves through to the Italian invasion of Greek-controlled Epirus in Albania, and ultimately the Axis attack on Yugoslavia followed by the German invasion of continental Greece and the island of Crete. To put together this book the author has collected a remarkable set of photographs from public and private archives in Hungary, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Poland, Australia, the UK and US as well as Germany.
RRP: £29.95
Spanish Air Force During World War II Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9788366148178
Pub Date: 19 Mar 2019
Imprint: Kagero
Series: Library of Armed Conflicts
Illustrations: 124 photos, 16 color profiles
Continuing with the study of the lesser known Air Forces that fought in the skies of Europe during World War II, in this book we want to remember the Spanish Air Force and how it defended the Spanish skies from several Air Forces that took part in the war. Besides we can read about the Blue Squadrons that fought against the Soviet Air Force in the Eastern Front in spite of the Spanish neutrality. We have written a text that will show us the bravery and courage of these men, in a difficult balance between the Allies and the Axis that allowed to General Franco continue in his position as chief of the Spanish state after the World War 2.
RRP: £18.50
Ardenne 1944-1945 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9782815104678
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2019
Imprint: OREP
At the end of 1944, the Axis forces led by Nazi Germany seemed to be out of breath. Many Allied soldiers, although stunned by the recent battles of autumn, were turning their minds to the next Christmas party. In the liberated towns, the population benefited from its newfound freedom, but was preparing to face another winter with rationing.
RRP: £10.00
Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9781612006031
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2019
Illustrations: 11 maps
In 1943 the tide began to turn against Germany on the Eastern Front. Their summer offensive, Operation Citadel, was a failure, and the Red Army seized the initiative, despite appallingly high losses. Waging a war of attrition, the Russians gradually pushed Germany’s Army Group South back.
RRP: £19.95
Dunkirk Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9781612006598
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2019
Illustrations: 40 black and white diagrams and photos
The German Army invaded France on 10 May 1940, and in just over ten days their rapid advance, led by three panzer corps, had left three French field armies, Belgian forces and the British Expeditionary Force with their backs to the sea, trapped along the northern coast of France. General Gort realised that evacuation was the only option, and so began a chaotic withdrawal towards the port of Dunkirk.While the Luftwaffe continued to attack pockets of Allied forces, the German ground forces were ordered to halt their advance on 22 May.
RRP: £25.00
Sd.Kfz. 10/4 & 10/5 Selbstfahrlafette Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 76
ISBN: 9788365281852
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2019
Imprint: MMP Books
Series: Camera ON
Illustrations: B&W photos
This new photo album in the MMP/Stratus "Camera On" series contains 100+ photos of the Sd.Kfz. 10/4 & 10/5 Selbstfahrlafette.
RRP: £15.00
Staff Cars in Germany WW2 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9788365281869
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2019
Imprint: MMP Books
Series: Camera ON
Illustrations: B&W photos
With mobilization of the German armed forces in 1939 the lack of motorized transport was identified as a critical issue, to partly remedy this the military commandeered much of both Germany’s and its satellite dependencies' passenger car stock, thus the military motor pool was supplemented by thousands of confiscated civilian passenger cars, which were partially adapted to military use. Commercial & private limousines as well as hard tops and cabriolets cars were used. Vol.
RRP: £15.00
Heaven High, Ocean Deep Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781612007557
Pub Date: 14 Feb 2019
Illustrations: 80 black and white photographs, maps
In 1944, with the invasion of Europe underway and Battles in the Atlantic and Mediterranean all but won, the Royal Navys strength could be focussed on the Far East and the Pacific where the Japanese were still a long way from defeat. Since the Battle of Midway, in June 1942, the United States had been slowly forcing the Japanese back, but it was a long, bloody process. The Allies needed to combine their forces more effectively if they were to bring the war to an end quickly.
RRP: £19.99
Bernard Jardin Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9782840485445
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2019
Imprint: Heimdal
Face au peloton d’exécution qui allait le fusiller le 17 août 1946 à 7 h 05 à Alençon, Bernard Jardin, très pâle, prononçait d’une voix assez faible ses derniers mots : « Vive le national socialisme », puis avant que les balles ne fusent, il ajoutait « Et vive la France quand même ». À notre connaissance, Bernard Jardin demeure le seul auxiliaire de la Sipo-SD en Normandie à proclamer jusqu’au bout son adhésion au national-socialisme. Pourquoi ce jeune homme commis boucher choisit-il délibérément le camp nazi ?
RRP: £21.00
Hohenstaufen Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 416
ISBN: 9782840484721
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2019
Imprint: Heimdal
In 1984, Editions Heimdal brought out their very first divisional history : the 9.SS-Panzer-Division. Written by the late Herbert Fürbinger, a former Hohenstaufen soldier, this book made its mark and is one of the best references on the subject.
RRP: £85.00
Check Six! Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781612006543
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2019
Illustrations: 16pp photos
There were no mission limits for a pilot in the Pacific during World War II; unlike in Europe, you flew until it was time to go home. So it was for James “Jug” Curran, all the way from New Guinea to the Philippines with the 348th Fighter Group, the first P-47 Thunderbolt outfit in the Pacific. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Curran volunteered to try flying in the blue yonder, and trained as an Army fighter pilot.
RRP: £14.99
Storm Clouds over the Pacific 1931–41 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 234
ISBN: 9781612004808
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2019
Series: War in the Far East
Illustrations: 32 pages of b/w photos
War in the Asia Pacific is a trilogy of books comprising a general history of the war against Japan; unlike other histories it expands the narrative beginning long before Pearl Harbor and encompasses a much wider group of actors to produce the most complete narrative yet written and the first truly international treatment of the epic conflict. Peter Harmsen uses his renowned ability to weave together complex events into an entertaining and revealing narrative, including facets of the war that may be unknown to many readers of WWII history, such as the war in Subarctic conditions on the Aleutians, or the mass starvations that cost the lives of millions in China, Indochina, and India, and offering a range of perspectives to reflect what war was like both at the top and at the bottom, from the Oval Office to the blistering sands of Peleliu. Storm Clouds over the Pacific begins the story long before Pearl Harbor, showing how the war can only be understood if ancient hatreds and long-standing geopolitics are taken into account.
RRP: £25.00
Captured Arms/ Beutewaffen Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9789078521068
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2018
Imprint: S.I. Publicaties BV
Series: The Propaganda Photo Series
Illustrations: 150 illustrations
Captured Arms / Beutewaffen is Vol. IX in the Propaganda Photo Series on World War II German small arms. This volume is dedicated to the millions of small arms that were captured by the German army in more than 12 different countries.
RRP: £28.50
From the Riviera to the Rhine Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781612006239
Pub Date: 01 Nov 2018
Series: WWII Historic Battlefields
Illustrations: 450 b/w and colour photographs throughout
Two months after D-Day, just as the battle of Normandy was reaching its climax, with all eyes on the Falaise Pocket, the Allies unleashed the second invasion of France not in the Pas de Calais but the French Riviera. Immaculately planned, effectively undertaken, the Allies quickly broke out of their bridgehead, drove 400 miles into France in three weeks, and liberated 10,000 square miles of French territory while inflicting 143,250 German casualties. On September 10 they linked up with Patton’s Third Army and advanced into the Vosges Mountains, taking Strasbourg and holding the area against the Germans’ final big attack in the west: Operation Nordwind in January 1945.
RRP: £19.99
Les Paras de la Waffen-SS Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9782840484066
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2018
Imprint: Heimdal
Former captain of the paratroopers of the Luftwaffe, the author went on to earn his degree during the 60’s, and became a historian.This is the first volume three, each detailed history is close to 400 pages each. The first volume is dedicated to the operation against Tito’s troops in Yugoslavia, the second to the engagement in the Baltic States and the third to operations in Hungary, in the Ardennes, and at the bridgehead of the Oder Front.
RRP: £61.00