Humanities Hero Image
Resisting Brown Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780822965558
Pub Date: 16 Oct 2018
Many localities in America resisted integration in the aftermath of the Brown v. Board of Education rulings (1954, 1955). Virginia’s Prince Edward County stands as perhaps the most extreme.
Responsive Rhetorical Art, A Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780822965503
Pub Date: 16 Oct 2018
A Responsive Rhetorical Art explores the risk-ridden realm of wise if always also fallible rhetorical action—the productive knowledge building required to compose and to leverage texts, broadly construed, for the purposes of public life marked by shrinking public resources, cultural conflict, and deferred hope. Here, composition and literacy learning hold an important and distinctive cultural promise: the capacity to invent with other people new ways forward in light of their own interests and values and in the face of obstacles that could not have otherwise been predicted. Distributed across publicly situated strangers, including citizen-educators, this work engages a persistent challenge of early rhetorical uptake in public life: that what might become public and shared is often tacit and contested.
Sidebend World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 106
ISBN: 9780822965619
Pub Date: 16 Oct 2018
With eleven full-length books and a spate of major prizes, Charles Harper Webb—once a well-kept secret in the poetry underground—has gained national recognition as a writer of poems that are complex yet reader-friendly. Sidebend World shows clearly why Webb has been called one of the most inventive, incisive, and psychologically astute poets writing in the U.S.
Yellow Moving Van Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 65
ISBN: 9780822965626
Pub Date: 16 Oct 2018
Ron Koertge’s Yellow Moving Van is a collection of relaxed and buoyant and sometimes very funny poems that address Desi & Lucy with the same courtesy as Walt Whitman. The author celebrates his roots in the Mid-West and a few pages later stops off in Transylvania. These poems like to sometimes embrace and sometimes confound expectations, and they all stand together as enemies of the murky and pompous.
Materials for the Intellectual History of Imāmī Shīʿism in the Safavid Period Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 564
ISBN: 9781463239237
Pub Date: 27 Sep 2018
Imprint: Gorgias Press
In 1934 the New York Public Library (NYPL) purchased a sizable collection of 250 volumes of Arabic manuscripts through the fund for Semitic literature that had been provided by Jacob Heinrich Schiff. Ms New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division, Arabic Manuscripts Collection, Volume 51985A, a facsimile of which is included in the present publication, belongs to the Shīʿī material among the collection. It is a multitext volume of 269 leaves which in its present form comprises seven individual works.
The Philosophy of War Films Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 538
ISBN: 9780813176222
Pub Date: 21 Sep 2018
Wars have played a momentous role in shaping the course of human history. The ever-present specter of conflict has made it an enduring topic of interest in popular culture, and many movies, from Hollywood blockbusters to independent films, have sought to show the complexities and horrors of war on-screen.In The Philosophy of War Films, David LaRocca compiles a series of essays by prominent scholars that examine the impact of representing war in film and the influence that cinematic images of battle have on human consciousness, belief, and action.
Cease Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780822965572
Pub Date: 18 Sep 2018
CEASE begins with the words, “to keep the peace/we need a wall/to fall to our knees before….” Framed by the long poem, “wall,” Beth Bachmann’s new collection of poetry wildly upturns the boundaries between bodies at peace and bodies at war, between the human territory of border walls and the effects of war on the environment and landscape, between the movements of soldiers and of refugees, between terror as an interior state and violences performed on the body, and between the words of politicians and the breath of a poem. Taking up Muriel Rukeyser’s call for women poets to respond to war, “Women and poets see the truth arrive,” the poems in CEASE are almost breathless in their speed and presence on the page.
I Can't Talk About the Trees Without the Blood Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780822965589
Pub Date: 18 Sep 2018
For poet Tiana Clark, trees will never be just trees. They will also and always be a row of gallows from which Black bodies once swung. This is an image that she cannot escape, but one that she has learned to lean into as she delves into personal and public histories, explicating memories and muses around race, elegy, family, and faith by making and breaking forms as well as probing mythology, literary history, her own ancestry, and, yes, even Rihanna.
Refuse Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822965602
Pub Date: 18 Sep 2018
Set against the backdrop of the Obama presidency, Julian Randall's Refuse documents a young biracial man's journey through the mythos of Blackness, Latinidad, family, sexuality and a hostile American landscape. Mapping the relationship between father and son caught in a lineage of grief and inherited Black trauma, Randall conjures reflections from mythical figures such as Icarus, Narcissus and the absent Frank Ocean. Not merely a story of the wound but the salve, Refuse is a poetry debut that accepts that every song must end before walking confidently into the next music.
Journal of Language Relationship 16/1-2 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 177
ISBN: 9781463239329
Pub Date: 05 Sep 2018
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Journal of Language Relationship
The Journal of Language Relationship is an international periodical publication devoted to the issues of comparative linguistics and the history of the human language. The Journal contains articles written in English and Russian, as well as scientific reviews, discussions and reports from international linguistic conferences and seminars.
American Poets in the 21st Century Cover American Poets in the 21st Century Cover
Pages: 416
ISBN: 9780819578297
Pub Date: 04 Sep 2018
Series: American Poets in the 21st Century
Illustrations: 2 illus.
Pages: 416
ISBN: 9780819578303
Pub Date: 04 Sep 2018
Series: American Poets in the 21st Century
Illustrations: 2 illus.
Poetics of Social Engagement emphasizes the ways in which innovative American poets have blended art and social awareness, focusing on aesthetic experiments and investigations of ethnic, racial, gender, and class subjectivities. Rather than consider poetry as a thing apart, or as a tool for asserting identity, this volume’s poets create sites, forms, and modes for entering the public sphere, contesting injustices, and reimagining the contemporary. Like the earlier anthologies in this series, this volume includes generous selections of poetry as well as illuminating poetics statements and incisive essays.
Autobiography of a Wound Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780822965671
Pub Date: 04 Sep 2018
In ancient fertility carvings, artists would drill holes into the woman’s body to signify penetrability, which is the basis of Autobiography of a Wound: allowing those wounds and puncture marks to speak through the fertility figures. The wounds are chronicled through letters and poems addressed to F (F stands for the fertility carvings themselves, which are being addressed as one unified deity), and A (Aphrodite, who is being referenced as a general deity of womanhood, a figurine that reappears throughout the poems, and a symbol that is referenced or portrayed in almost every fertility figurine or carving). Autobiography of a Wound reconstructs the narrative surrounding female pathos and the idea of the hysteric girl.
bury it Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780819577313
Pub Date: 04 Sep 2018
sam sax’s bury it, winner of the 2017 James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets, begins with poems written in response to the spate of highly publicized young gay suicides in the summer of 2010. What follows are raw and expertly crafted meditations on death, rituals of passage, translation, desire, diaspora, and personhood. What’s at stake is survival itself and the archiving of a lived and lyric history.
Atmosphere/Atmospheres Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 154
ISBN: 9788869771231
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2018
Series: Atmospheric Spaces
What is an “Atmosphere”? As part of the book series “Atmospheric Spaces”, this volume analyses a new phenomenological and aesthetic paradigm based on the notion of the "Atmosphere", conceived as a feeling spread out into the external space rather than asa private mood. The idea of "Atmosphere" is here explored from different perspectives and disciplines, in the context of a full valorization of the so-called “affective turn” in Humanities.
A Day in the Life of Louis Bloom Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780802313621
Pub Date: 21 Aug 2018
Imprint: Dufour Editions
A welcome return for Brendy McCusker… Charles crafts with such a careful eye on the sparks that can fly-some of them charming, some witty, some downright menacing-between characters who don't happen to see eye to eye, or sometimes even to be operating in the same galaxy. Once again, it's hard to resist a hero who realizes, "He just had a habit of opening his mouth and not knowing what was going to come out." (Kirkus Reviews).
Sounding Composition Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9780822965336
Pub Date: 21 Aug 2018
In Sounding Composition Steph Ceraso reimagines listening education to account for twenty-first century sonic practices and experiences. Sonic technologies such as audio editing platforms and music software allow students to control sound in ways that were not always possible for the average listener. While digital technologies have presented new opportunities for teaching listening in relation to composing, they also have resulted in a limited understanding of how sound works in the world at large.