Humanities  /  Language & Literature
Calderón Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780813114408
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1982
Although Pedro Calderón de la Barca was one of the greatest and most prolific playwrights of Spain's Golden Age, most of his nonallegorical comedias -- 118 in all -- have remained unknown. Robert ter Horst presents here the first full-length study of these works, a sustained, meditative analysis dealing with more than 80 plays, conveying a sense of the whole of Calderón's secular theater.To approach so vast a body of literature, Mr.
Poetry Of Discovery Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 246
ISBN: 9780813114613
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1982
A leading critic of contemporary Spanish poetry examines here the work of ten important poets who came to maturity in the immediate post-Civil War period and whose major works appeared between 1956 and 1971: Francisco Brines; Eladio Cabañero; Angel Crespo; Gloria Fuertes; Jaime Gil de Biedma; Angel González; Manuel Mantero; Claudio Rodríguez; Carlos Sahagún; and José Angel Valente.Although each of these poets has developed an individual style, their work has certain common characteristics: use of the everyday language and images of contemporary Spain, development of language codes and intertextual references, and, most strikingly, metaphoric transformations and surprising reversals of the reader's expectations. Through such means these poets clearly invite their readers to join them in journeys of poetic discovery.
Metafictional Muse, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780822984894
Pub Date: 15 Oct 1982
McCaffery interprets the works of three major writers of radically experimental fiction: Robert Coover; Donald Barthelme; and Willam H. Gass. The term \u201cmetafiction\u201d here refers to a strain in American writing where the self-concious approach to the art of fiction-making is a commentary on the nature of meaning itself.
The Shadow of Eternity Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780813114446
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1981
The poetry of Herbert, Vaughan, and Traherne represents "an attempt to shape their lives and verse around the fact of divine presence and influence," writes Sharon Seelig. The relationship between belief and expression in these three metaphysical poets is the subject of this deeply perceptive study.Each of these poets held to some extent the notion of dual reality, of the world as indicative of a higher reality, but their responses to this tradition vary greatly -- from the ongoing struggle between God and the poet of The Temple, which finally transforms the materials of everyday life and worship; to the more difficult unity of Silex Scintillans, with its tension between illumination and resignation; to the ecstatic proclamations of Thomas Traherne, whose sense of divine reality at first seems so strong as to destroy the characteristic metaphysical tension between this world and the next.
Black American Literature and Humanism Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9780813114361
Pub Date: 30 Dec 1981
For Black writers, what is tradition? What does it mean to them that Western humanism has excluded Black culture? Seven noted Black writers and critics take up these and other questions in this collection of original essays, attempting to redefine humanism from a Black perspective, to free it from ethnocentrism, and to enlarge its cultural base.
Nathaniel Hawthorne Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 324
ISBN: 9780822984795
Pub Date: 16 Jan 1981
In 1853, when he was forty-nine and at the height of his literary career, Nathaniel Hawthorne accepted the post of U.S. consul at Liverpool, England, as a reward for writing the campaign biography of his college friend President Franklin Pierce.
The Transformations of Godot Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780813113920
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1980
Didi, Gogo, Pozzo, Lucky -- the bizarre names stand out strangely against the bare-bones landscape of Waiting for Godot. In an intriguing new study of one of the most haunting plays of this century, Frederick Busi shows that these names serve important dramatic functions, reinforcing the changing roles assumed by the mysterious characters in their tortuous search for -- and avoidance of -- self.Busi also explores Beckett's convoluted literary relationship with James Joyce, especially as revealed in the plays-within-the-play and verbal jigh jinks of Finnegan's Wake, where, as in Godot, the same characters keep dreamily encountering themselves in different disguises, under shifting names.
The Half-Blood Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9780813113906
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1979
The half-blood -- half Indian, half white -- is a frequent figure in the popular fiction of nineteenth-century America, for he (or sometimes she) served to symbolize many of the conflicting cultural values with which American society was then wrestling. In literature, as in real life the half-blood was a product of the frontier, embodying the conflict between wilderness and civilization that haunted and stirred the American imagination. What was his identity?
The Impossible Observer Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9780813113890
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1979
Rationality, objectivity, symmetry: were these really principles urged and exemplified by eighteenth-century English prose? In this persuasive study, Robert W. Uphaus argues that, on the contrary, many of the most important works of the period do not actually lead the reader into a new awareness of just how problematical, how unsusceptible to reason, both the world and our easy assumptions about it are.
Great Succession, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9780822984740
Pub Date: 15 Dec 1979
The first book devoted to the literary relationship between Henry James and his American predecessor, Nathaniel Hwthorne. Robert Emmet Long demonstrates JamesÆ transformation of HawthorneÆs romantic forms into realism, as one of the significant features of JamesÆ early career. Long shows that Hawthorne provided James ith a native tradition having its own conceptions of American psychological experience.
The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 1023
ISBN: 9780819560483
Pub Date: 31 Jul 1975
Series: Wesleyan Edition of The Works of Henry Fielding
Illustrations: 1 facs. 1 Map.
The Wesleyan edition of Tom Jones is widely acknowledged as the best available, and this new paperback reproduces the handsomely composed text and notes of that edition. A new Critical Introduction, a brief chronology of Fielding's life, and a selected bibliography of relevant criticism especially designed for student use have been added. The map – A Geography of Tom Jones – has been retained, while the General and Textual Introduction and six bibliographical Appendices of the two volume clothbound edition have been omitted.
Dylan Thomas’ Early Prose Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780822952152
Pub Date: 15 May 1970
This first full-scale treatment of the early prose of Dylan Thomas demonstrates the unity of his total work. Pratt argues that the inward journey of the poetic imagination which is implicit in poetry is often explicit in prose. Her study of ThomasÆ early prose alongside his early poetry helps to elucidate all of his writing.
Composition of Tender is the Night, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780822983835
Pub Date: 15 Oct 1963
Working with the complete collection of Tender is the Night manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, Matthew J. Bruccoli reconstructs seventeen drafts and three versions of the novel to answer questions about F. Scott FitzgeraldÆs major work that have long puzzled critics of modern literature.
James Gould Cozzens Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 196
ISBN: 9780822950592
Pub Date: 15 Sep 1963
During the early 1930s, after James Gould Cozzens had published four romantic novels and then withdrawn them from circulation, he wrote the first three of what Brenden Gill called his eight \u201ccanonical works.\u201d But it was only after the publication of By Love Possessed in 1957 that he achieved wide popularity. Mooney closely examines each of CozzensÆ novels, isolating and defining his main themes and addressing the critical acclaim and condemnation of his works.
Samuel Pepys in the Diary Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780822960508
Pub Date: 15 Nov 1958
In this work, the reader experiences the life of Samuel Pepys and his freinds, great and small, in seventeenth-century London. We see great men of war, business and letters, enhanced by Percival HuntÆs comprehensive bibliography.

The Verbal Icon

Studies in the Meaning of Poetry
Format: Paperback
Pages: 318
ISBN: 9780813101118
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1954
The sixteen essays in this volume form a series of related focuses upon various levels and areas of literary criticism. W.K.