Humanities  /  Language & Literature
Mark of the Beast Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9780813116808
Pub Date: 23 Jan 1989
The First World War is a watershed in the intellectual and spiritual history of the modern world. On the one hand, it brought an end to a sense of optimism and decency bred by the prosperity of nineteenth-century Europe. On the other, it brought forth a sense of futility and alienation that has since pervaded European thought.
American Women Writing Fiction Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780813101828
Pub Date: 30 Dec 1988
Illustrations: illus
American literature is no longer the refuge of the solitary hero. Like the society it mirrors, it is now a far richer, many-faceted explication of a complicated and diverse society -- racially, culturally, and ethnically interwoven and at the same time fractured and fractious.Ten women writing fiction in America today -- Toni Cade Bambara, Joan Didion, Louise Erdrich, Gail Godwin, Mary Gordon, Alison Lurie, Joyce Carol Oates, Jayne Anne Phillips, Susan Fromberg Schaeffer, and Mary Lee Settle -- represent that geographic, ethnic, and racial diversity that is distinctively American.
Beckett's Critical Complicity Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780813116648
Pub Date: 14 Oct 1988
Samuel Beckett's work harbors an inevitable complicity with traditional modes and values. His idealist and even nihilist inclinations, for example, are closely related to the abstracting and systematizing tendencies that have predominated in Western thinking. His drama and fiction, in reproducing these tendencies, also help to reinforce and legitimate them.
Robert Frost and the New England Renaissance Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780813116495
Pub Date: 27 Sep 1988
"A poem is best read in the light of all the other poems ever written." So said Robert Frost in instructing readers on how to achieve poetic literacy. George Monteiro's newest book follows that dictum to enhance our understanding of Frost's most valuable poems by demonstrating the ways in which they circulate among the constellations of great poems and essays of the New England Renaissance.
South from Hell-fer-Sartin Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780813101750
Pub Date: 04 Aug 1988
South from Hell-fer-Sartin, a short creek flowing into the Middle Fork of the Kentucky River, lies one of the of the most isolated regions in Kentucky. There, on the north slope of the Pine Mountain range in Leslie and Perry counties -- probably the last stronghold of white, English-language folk tales in North America -- Leonard W. Roberts recorded this rich collection more than three decades ago.
Gwendolyn Brooks Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780813101804
Pub Date: 21 Jun 1988
Illustrations: illus
Gwendolyn Brooks is one of the major American poets of this century and the first black woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for poetry (1950). Yet far less critical attention has focused on her work than on that of her peers.In this comprehensive biocritical study, Melhem -- herself a poet and critic -- traces the development of Brooks's poetry over four decades, from such early works as A Street in Bronzeville, Annie Allen, and The Bean Eaters, to the more recent In the Mecca, Riot, and To Disembark.
Divided Fictions Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780813116334
Pub Date: 22 Jan 1988
Today Fanny Burney's venture into authorship would not be questionable. She was, after all, a daughter of a celebrated musician, and the Burney family was know to the circle of Samuel Johnson and Hester Thrale. Yet as Kristina Straub ably shows, the public recognition which followed the publication of her first novel placed Fanny Burney in a situation of disturbing ambiguity.
Pious Brief Narrative in Medieval Castilian and Galician Verse Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9780813113814
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1987
Series: Studies in Romance Languages
"Brief narratives," or medieval precursors to the modern short story, are compositions couched in the form of a tale of reasonable short length. They began with writings in Latin and, eventually, made their way into the vernacular languages of Europe. They include the fable, the apologue, the exemplum, the saint's life, the miracle, the biography, the adventure tale, the romance, the jest, and the anecdote, among others.
The True Patriot and Related Writings Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 540
ISBN: 9780819551276
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1987
Series: Wesleyan Edition of The Works of Henry Fielding
Illustrations: 8 facs.
A substantial amount of the energy which Henry Fielding put into his writing was invested in political journalism and political pamphleteering. Indeed, next to his prose fiction and his plays, his political journalism looms largest in bulk, and reveals significant aspects of Fielding the man.Te present volume contains three pamphlets –; the Serious Address, the History of the Present Rebellion, and the Dialogue Between the Devil, the Pope, and the Pretender –; and one journal, the True Patriot of 1745-6.
Sonnets to Orpheus Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 134
ISBN: 9780819561657
Pub Date: 24 Jun 1987
Illustrations: Frontis.
Sonnets to Orpheus is Rainer Maria Rilke's first and only sonnet sequence. It is an undisputed masterpiece by one of the greatest modern poets, translated here by a master of translation, David Young.Rilke revived and transformed the traditional sonnet sequence in the Sonnets.
Voices, Visions, and a New Reality Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 278
ISBN: 9780822985655
Pub Date: 15 Apr 1986
This book introduces to a larger audience the work of a group of Mexican writers whose work reflects the stimulus of the \u201cboom\u201d of the 1960s, especially in the experimental nueva novella.Duncan views the work of six writers in the context of more well known writers of the period (Ruflo, Fuentes, and Del Paso), and concludes with a chapter on other recent innovators in Mexican literature. Despite their diversity, these texts share many common features, and unlike social realism, the works are not openly political, but at the same time they question assumptions about reality itself-and the relation of fiction to truth.
Colley Cibber Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780813115511
Pub Date: 07 Feb 1986
Illustrations: illus
Colley Cibber changed the course of the English-speaking theater. One of the most complete theater men in the history of the stage, he fostered the change from drama as the handmaiden of literature to theater as an independent and lively art. In the process, Cibber became one of London's brightest stars, one of its most popular playwrights and, for thirty years, manager of the most important theater in England, Drury Lane.
Domination And Defiance Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9780813115573
Pub Date: 24 Jan 1986
Shakespeare was clearly fascinated by the relationship between fathers and daughters, for this primal bond of domination and defiance structures twenty-one of his comedies, tragedies, and romances. In a conflict that is at once social and interpersonal, Shakespeare's fathers demand hierarchical obedience while their daughters affirm the new, more personal values upheld by Renaissance humanists and Puritans.In her penetrating analysis of this compelling relationship, Diane Dreher examines the underlying psychological tensions as well as the changing concepts of marriage and the family during Shakespeare's time.
Contemporary American Women Writers Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780813101682
Pub Date: 25 Oct 1985
Illustrations: illus
Ann Beattie, Annie Dillard, Maxine Hong Kingston, Toni Morrison, Cynthia Ozick, Grace Paley, Marge Piercy, Anne Redmon, Anne Tyler, and Alice Walker all seem to be especially concerned with narrative management. The ten essays in this book raise new and intriguing questions about the ways these leading women writers appropriate and transform generic norms and ultimately revise literary tradition to make it more inclusive of female experience, vision, and expression.The contributors to this volume discover diverse narrative strategies.
Reading Deconstruction/Deconstructive Reading Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9780813101651
Pub Date: 02 Feb 1985
Deconstruction -- a mode of close reading associated with the contemporary philosopher Jacques Derrida and other members of the "Yale School" -- is the current critical rage, and is likely to remain so for some time. Reading Deconstruction / Deconstructive Reading offers a unique, informed, and badly needed introduction to this important movement, written by one of its most sensitive and lucid practitioners. More than an introduction, this book makes a significant addition to the current debate in critical theory.
Encounters with Chinese Writers Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 117
ISBN: 9780819561565
Pub Date: 01 Nov 1984
Illustrations: End-paper illus.
It's been a pilgrimage for Annie Dillard: from Tinker Creek to the Galapagos Islands, the high Arctic, the Pacific Northwest, the Amazon Jungle-and now, China. This informative narrative is full of fascinating people: Chinese people, mostly writers, who encounter American writers in various bizarre circumstances in both China and the U.S.