Humanities  /  Language & Literature
Fragments of Rationality Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780822954927
Pub Date: 22 Dec 1992
In an insightful assessment of the study and teaching of writing against the larger theoretical, political, and technological upheavals of the past thirty years, Fragments of Rationality questions why composition studies has been less affected by postmodern theory than other humanities and social science disciplines.
Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780822954859
Pub Date: 18 Dec 1992
This collection of essays traces the attempts of one writing teacher to understand theoretically - and to respond pedagogically - to what happens when students from diverse backgrounds learn to use language in college.Bizzell begins from the assumption that democratic education requires us to attempt to educate all students, including those whose social or ethnic backgrounds may have offered them little experience with academic discourse. Over the ten-year period chronicled in these essays, she has seen herself primarily as an advocate for such students, sometimes called “basic writers.
The Love Story in Shakespearean Comedy Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780813117867
Pub Date: 03 Jul 1992
In this fascinating study, Anthony J. Lewis argues that it is the hero himself, rejecting a woman he apprehends as a threat, who is love's own worst enemy. Drawing upon classical and Renaissance drama, iconography, and a wide range of traditional and feminist criticism, Lewis demonstrates that in Shakespeare the actions and reactions of hero and heroine are contingent upon social setting -- father-son relations, patriarchal restrictions on women, and cultural assumptions about gender-appropriate behavior.
The Excellence of Falsehood Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780813117645
Pub Date: 24 Dec 1991
"The only excellence of falsehood..
From the Book to the Book Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780819562524
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1991
"To take the wrong door means indeed to go against the order that presided over the plan of the house, over the layout of the rooms, over the beauty and rationality of the whole. But what discoveries are made possible for the visitor! The new path permits him to see what no one other than himself could have perceived from that angle.
Heroism in the New Black Poetry Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780813108070
Pub Date: 26 Nov 1991
D.H. Melhem's clear introductions and frank interviews provide insight into the contemporary social and political consciousness of six acclaimed poets: Amiri Baraka, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jayne Cortez, Haki R.
The American Vision of Robert Penn Warren Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9780813117560
Pub Date: 08 Oct 1991
In 1976 -- the bicentennial year -- Robert Penn Warren told Bill Moyers that he was "in love with America" but his love for the nation was more often than not troubled and angry. Warren once remarked that "any intelligent person is inclined to criticize his country more strongly than he will criticize anything else. And he should It's a way of criticizing himself, too.
The Book of Questions Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 452
ISBN: 9780819562487
Pub Date: 01 Sep 1991
Between Hell and Reason Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 182
ISBN: 9780819551894
Pub Date: 01 Aug 1991
CONTRIBUTORS: Elizabeth Young-Bruehl.
The Courtship Novel, 1740-1820 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780813117362
Pub Date: 03 Jan 1991
The period from her first London assembly to her wedding day was the narrow span of autonomy for a middle-class Englishwoman in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. For many women, as Katherine Sobba Green shows, the new ideal of companionate marriage involved such thoroughgoing revisions in self-perception that a new literary form was needed to represent their altered roles.That the choice among suitors ideally depended on love and should not be decided on any other grounds was a principal theme among a group of heroine-centered novels published between 1740 and 1820.
Prospects Of Power Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780813117249
Pub Date: 27 Nov 1990
Genre -- the articulation of "kind" -- is one of the oldest and most continuous subjects of theoretical and critical commentary. Yet from Romanticism to postmodernism, the concept of genre has been punched with so many holes that today it hardly seems graspable, let alone viable. By combining theory with dialectical literary histories of three significantly different genres -- tragedy, satire, and the essay -- John Snyder reconstructs genre as the figural deployment of symbolic power.
From the Country of Nevermore Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780819511782
Pub Date: 01 Oct 1990
Teillier poems focus on the politics of the psyche and are haunted by ill-fated dreams of happiness. Selections from his work have been translated into French, Italian, Rumanian, Russian, Swedish, Polish, and Czechoslovakian. Teillier lives near Santiago, Chile.
Inter/View Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780813117805
Pub Date: 14 Sep 1990
Illustrations: illus
Twenty-eight powerful and individual voices are heard as Pearlman and Henderson offer a forum for a generous cross-section of the women writing fiction in America today -- writers whose vital statistics cross the borders of race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual preference, marital status, age, geography, and lifestyle. Each writer is presented in an essay/interview reflecting the dynamic that develops naturally when two vital minds meet to discuss topic of mutually interest. The writers talk about the role of memory, space, and family in their work, about politics, dreams, and race, about their mothers and children and alma maters, about book reviewing and their agents, editors, and publishers, and about each others' work.
The Alphabet in the Park Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780819511775
Pub Date: 01 Jun 1990
This is the first book published in English by of the work of Brazilian poet Adélia Prado. Incorporating poems published over the past fifteen years, The Alphabet in the Park is a book of passion and intelligence, wit and instinct. These are poems about human concerns, especially those of women, about living in one's body and out of it, about the physical but also the spiritual and the imaginative life.
Feminist Literary Criticism Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9780813101903
Pub Date: 14 Sep 1989
The first major book of feminist critical theory published in the United States is now available in an expanded second edition. This widely cited pioneering work presents a new introduction by the editor and a new bibliography of feminist critical theory from the last decade. This book has become indispensable to an understanding of feminist theory.
Desert Tracings Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 87
ISBN: 9780819511584
Pub Date: 01 May 1989
Illustrations: Frontis.
According to legend, the Bedouin tribes of pre-Islamic Arabia held poetry competitions during annual fairs near Mecca. The wining poems called Mu'allaqát, or Hanging Odes, were embroidered in gold on banners and suspended from the walls of Arabia's most sacred shrine, Ka'ba. Desert Tracings is a translation of six classical sixth to eighth century odes.