Humanities  /  Language & Literature
What it Means to Be Literate Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 188
ISBN: 9780822947233
Pub Date: 06 Dec 2022
Disability and literacy are often understood as incompatible. Disability is taken to be a sign of illiteracy, and illiteracy to be a sign of disability. These oppositions generate damaging consequences for disabled students (and those labeled as such) who are denied full literacy education and for nonliterate adults who are perceived as lacking intelligence, knowledge, and ability.
The Language of the In-Between Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 258
ISBN: 9780822947271
Pub Date: 08 Nov 2022
Series: Pitt Illuminations
Often, the process of modern state formation is founded on the marginalisation of certain groups, and Latin America is no exception. In The Language of the In-Between, Erika Almenara contends that literary production replicates this same process. Looking at marginalised communities in Chile and Peru, particularly writers who are travesti, trans, cuir/queer, and Indigenous, the author shows how these writers stake a claim for the liminal space that is neither one thing nor the other.
Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 22 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 142
ISBN: 9781463244910
Pub Date: 03 Nov 2022
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies
A refereed journal published annually by the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies.
Munere Mortis Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9781913701444
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2022
Series: Cambridge Classical Journal Supplements
Illustrations: 1 b&w
Colin Austin (1941–2010), Professor of Greek at Cambridge and distinguished editor of poetic texts, was renowned for the precision and brilliance of his scholarship. This collection of studies, offered by some of his pupils, aims to honour his memory. The papers combine philology and textual criticism with a strong interest in setting the works under examination in their literary and cultural context.
Journal of Language Relationship 20/1-2 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 186
ISBN: 9781463244811
Pub Date: 18 Oct 2022
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Journal of Language Relationship
The Journal of Language Relationship is an international periodical publication devoted to the issues of comparative linguistics and the history of the human language. The Journal contains articles written in English and Russian, as well as scientific reviews, discussions and reports from international linguistic conferences and seminars.
Invitación a la lengua siriaca Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 347
ISBN: 9781463206369
Pub Date: 28 Sep 2022
Imprint: Gorgias Press
A Spanish translation of George Kiraz's popular New Syriac Primer. This fruitful integration of scholarly introduction and practical application provides a primer that is more than a simple grammar or syntactic introduction to the language. Written in a style designed for beginners, Kiraz avoids technical language and strives for a reader-friendly inductive approach.
Vanishing Subjectivity Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 182
ISBN: 9788869773341
Pub Date: 28 Sep 2022
Series: Asian Philosophical Texts
The present volume brings together translations of hitherto neglected texts from Asian philosophical traditions, along with critical essays dealing with the philosophical issues of translating these texts into Western languages. As the third volume in the "Asian Philosophical Texts" series, dedicated to making primary sources of Asian philosophies available to a wider audience in Western academia and beyond, this book includes a diverse range of primary sources written by a broad spectrum of thinkers from different historical periods and intellectual traditions, including India, China, Korea and Japan. The main theme of the volume is the concept of "discontents", focusing on the way different philosophical traditions of Asia enter into dialogue with each other, as well as their critical engagement with Western thought.
Beyond the Walls of Baghdad Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9788869773273
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2022
Series: Literature
"In the beginning, the beginning of your story, this story that isn't yours, there was a single article…." These are the opening words: the location is Manhattan, the protagonist is Richard Schwan, journalist for the New York Times. There follows a newsroom, an airplane, more airplanes, an ocean, two oceans, then after New York there is Los Angeles, Istanbul, Baghdad, Rome and then the return to New York via Bamberg (Baveria), everything to cross over, suffer, enjoy, to be lived.
Peter Churchill Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 130
ISBN: 9788869773983
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2022
Series: Literature
After researching the life of a British Special Operation Executive agent, Oliver Churchill, who operated over the summer of 1944, Andrea Cominini found that his brother, Peter, had also been an SOE agent operating in France during WWII. Peter carried out four missions, spending 225 days in enemy territory. Finally captured, he spent over two years in captivity.
Writing Around the Ancient Mediterranean Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781789258509
Pub Date: 15 Aug 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Contexts of and Relations Between Early Writing Systems
Writing in the ancient Mediterranean existed against a backdrop of very high levels of interaction and contact. In the societies around its shores, writing was a dynamic practice that could serve many purposes – from a tool used by elites to control resources and establish their power bases to a symbol of local identity and a means of conveying complex information and ideas. This volume brings together contributions by members of the Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems (CREWS) research team and visiting fellows, offering a range of different perspectives and approaches to problems of writing in the ancient Mediterranean.
Mother Tongue Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 214
ISBN: 9781463244415
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2022
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Mother Tongue
The Selected Letters of John Cage Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 674
ISBN: 9780819580870
Pub Date: 07 Jun 2022
This selection of over five hundred letters gives us the life of John Cage with all the intelligence, wit, and inventiveness that made him such an important and groundbreaking composer and performer. The missives range from lengthy reports of his early trips to Europe in the 1930s through his years with the dancer Merce Cunningham, and shed new light on his growing eminence as an iconic performance artist of the American avant-garde. Cage's joie de vivre resounds in these letters - fully annotated throughout - in every phase of his career, and includes correspondence with Peter Yates, David Tudor, and Pierre Boulez, among others.
Children's Literature in the Nordic World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9788772195919
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2022
Illustrations: 10 Colour illustrations
This volume introduces an international readership to the role books have played in the lives and upbringing of young people in the Nordic countries from the 1750s until today. Charlotte Appel and Nina Christensen look beyond an overview of noteworthy texts and characters to address the region’s distinctive reading cultures and the interactions between literature and changing views of childhood, with a special focus on Denmark.The emergence of a dedicated market for children’s books in the Global North coincided with national school reforms, when Luther’s Small Catechism started to be supplemented—or replaced—by new books published for and about young readers, learners, and citizens.
Basque and its Closest Relatives Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 546
ISBN: 9781463244118
Pub Date: 28 Apr 2022
Imprint: Gorgias Press
John D. Bengston offers a detailed analysis of the Euskaro-Caucasian hypothesis in this new volume, exploring the idea that the Basque language is most closely related to the North Caucasian language family. He builds on ideas proposed by prominent scholars in the 20th century, notably the work of C.
Journal of Language Relationship Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9781463244453
Pub Date: 11 Apr 2022
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Journal of Language Relationship
The Journal of Language Relationship is an international periodical publication devoted to the issues of comparative linguistics and the history of the human language. The Journal contains articles written in English and Russian, as well as scientific reviews, discussions and reports from international linguistic conferences and seminars.
Dynamic Epigraphy Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9781789257892
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w and colour
This volume, with origins in a panel at the 2018 Celtic Conference in Classics, presents creative new approaches to epigraphic material, in an attempt to 'shake up' how we deal with inscriptions. Broad themes include the embodied experience of epigraphy, the unique capacities of epigraphic language as a genre, the visuality of inscriptions and the interplay of inscriptions with literary texts. Although each chapter focuses on specific objects and epigraphic landscapes, ranging from Republican Rome to early modern Scotland, the emphasis here is on using these case studies not as an end in themselves, but as a means of exploring broader methodological and theoretical issues to do with how we use inscriptions as evidence, both for the Greco-Roman world and for other time periods.