Humanities  /  Language & Literature
Untersuchungen über die Quellen, die Abfassungszeit und die dogmatische Stellung des Verfassers der edessenischen Chronik Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 91
ISBN: 9781617196089
Pub Date: 13 Feb 2012
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This study of the mid-6th century Chronicle of Edessa explores its sources, date of composition, and doctrinal stance.
Gesenius' Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 933
ISBN: 9781611433128
Pub Date: 02 Feb 2012
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Kiraz Historical Dictionaries Archive
This work is a revised and expanded English translation of Wilhelm Gesenius' classic Hebrew dictionary.
Journal of Language Relationship vol 7 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 177
ISBN: 9781463201784
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2012
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Journal of Language Relationship
The Journal of Language Relationship is an international periodical publication devoted to the issues of comparative linguistics and the history of the human language. The Journal contains articles written in English and Russian, as well as scientific reviews, discussions and reports from international linguistic conferences and seminars.
Ural Altaic Studies (Vol 5) Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 142
ISBN: 9781463201685
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2012
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Ural-Altaic Studies
The journal "Ural-Altaic studies" is concerned with linguistic matters, connected with the Uralic and Altaic languages. It is bilingual; all papers are published in both Russian and English.
Dear Appalachia Cover Dear Appalachia Cover
Pages: 396
ISBN: 9780813130101
Pub Date: 16 Dec 2011
Illustrations: 15 b&w photos, 13 maps
Pages: 396
ISBN: 9780813161105
Pub Date: 03 Mar 2015
Illustrations: 15 b&w photos, 13 maps
Much criticism has been directed at negative stereotypes of Appalachia perpetuated by movies, television shows, and news media. Books, on the other hand, often draw enthusiastic praise for their celebration of the simplicity and authenticity of the Appalachian region.Dear Appalachia: Readers, Identity, and Popular Fiction since 1878 employs the innovative new strategy of examining fan mail, reviews, and readers' geographic affiliations to understand how readers have imagined the region and what purposes these imagined geographies have served for them.
Inscriptions Syriaques de Salamas, en Perse Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 28
ISBN: 9781463200909
Pub Date: 14 Dec 2011
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This publication presents the transcription and translation of eight Syriac inscriptions from the Persian region of Salamas found in ancient cemeteries and church buildings. The inscriptions are accompanied by brief commentary and helpful introduction.
An Outline of Middle Voice in Syriac Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 197
ISBN: 9781463201456
Pub Date: 13 Dec 2011
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Perspectives on Syriac Linguistics
This study presents a modern linguistic approach to the function of the Syriac et-verbal prefix. Based on a detailed analysis of a number of early Syriac texts, it proposes a unified account of the different values traditionally attributed to the Syriac et- stems. Farina views the data within a typologically comparative framework derived from a cross-linguistic study of middle conjugations.
Babylonische Kudurru-Inschriften Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 98
ISBN: 9781607240174
Pub Date: 13 Dec 2011
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
An early study of the Babylonian kudurru (boundary stone) inscriptions of what is now known as the Kassite Era, this booklet presents a self-contained exploration of two of the markers. Focusing on Kudurru Inscriptions III R. 43 and III R.
Modern Assyrian Language Grammar Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 284
ISBN: 9781611433449
Pub Date: 13 Dec 2011
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Abrohom Nuro Library
Nemrod Simono’s intermediate grammar for Modern Assyrian that serves as a follow up to his beginner’s grammar. The volume includes exercises for self-guided study.

On the Outskirts of Form

Format: Paperback
Pages: 344
ISBN: 9780819569585
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2011
Illustrations: 19 illus.
This new book by eminent scholar Michael Davidson gathers his essays concerning formally innovative poetry from modernists such as Mina Loy, George Oppen, and Wallace Stevens to current practitioners such as Cristina Rivera-Garza, Heriberto Yépez, Lisa Robertson, and Mark Nowak. The book considers poems that challenge traditional poetic forms and in doing so trouble normative boundaries of sexuality, subjectivity, gender, and citizenship. At the heart of each essay is a concern with the "politics of form," the ways that poetry has been enlisted in the constitution-and critique-of community.
Interests and Opportunities Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780822961734
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2011
In the late 1960s, colleges and universities became deeply embroiled in issues of racial equality. To combat this, hundreds of new programs were introduced to address the needs of \u201chigh-risk\u201d minority and low-income students. In the years since, university policies have flip-flopped between calls to address minority needs and arguments to maintain \u201cStandard English.
A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson Cover A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson Cover
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9780813134307
Pub Date: 16 Sep 2011
Series: Political Companions to Great American Authors
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9780813147406
Pub Date: 05 Aug 2014
Series: Political Companions to Great American Authors
From before the Civil War until his death in 1882, Ralph Waldo Emerson was renowned -- and renounced -- as one of the United States' most prominent abolitionists and as a leading visionary of the nation's liberal democratic future. Following his death, however, both Emerson's political activism and his political thought faded from public memory, replaced by the myth of the genteel man of letters and the detached sage of individualism. In the 1990s, scholars rediscovered Emerson's antislavery writings and began reviving his legacy as a political activist.
Introduction to Syriac Reading and Writing Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 56
ISBN: 9781463200855
Pub Date: 01 Aug 2011
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Gorgias Handbooks
This volume introduces the letters of the Syriac alphabet a few at the time, and each set of letters is accompanied by guides to pronunciation and the correct way to write the letters, including helpful charts and illustrations. Practice exercises at the end of each section provide the user with copious opportunities for review to facilitate rapid acquisition. This volume will be helpful to all who want to learn the basics of Syriac pronunciation and orthography without being inundated with technical linguistic jargon.
The Semitic Alphabets Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9781611436815
Pub Date: 21 Jul 2011
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Kiraz Historical Grammars Archive
Isaac Taylor (1829-1901) is best known for his archaeological and philological works, especially his detailed study of the alphabets published in 1883. This book on the Semitic alphabets comprises the first volume of Taylor’s 1883 study. Taylor begins with a discussion on the invention of writing and the origin of the alphabet, then gives a discussion of three alphabetic families, what he calls the Phoenician alphabet, the Aramean alphabets (covering Palmyra, Hebrew, Syriac, Mongolian, and Arabic), and the south Semitic alphabets (covering Sabean and Ethiopic).
Der Strophenbau in den Gedichten Ephraems des Syrers Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 105
ISBN: 9781617191756
Pub Date: 12 Jul 2011
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Syriac Studies Library
This volume studies the strophic patterns used by Ephrem the Syrian, which the author divides into five types. An appendix deals with possible relationships between Byzantine (esp. Romanos) and Syriac poetic forms.
Étude sur les emprunts syriaques dans les parlers arabes du Liban Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9781617192036
Pub Date: 12 Jul 2011
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Syriac Studies Library
The present work, Michel Feghali’s doctoral dissertation, is the first large scale investigation of the survival of Syriac linguistic features in Arabic dialects; he examines in particular, the Lebanese dialects.