Humanities / Language & Literature
Format: Paperback
Pages: 45
ISBN: 9781617195280
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
In this essay, Lamy discusses the Chronography of east Syriac author Elias of Nisibis (975-1046). Numerous extracts in Syriac and in French translation are included.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 402
ISBN: 9781611432954
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Kiraz Historical Grammars Archive
Presented here is a complete Hebrew grammar compiled by the learned Venetian rabbi Elijah Levita.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 281
ISBN: 9781617194184
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Syriac Studies Library
This impressive volume is a collection of inscriptions, mostly Syriac, but also two in Akkadian and some in Aramaic, collected by Pognon during travels in the Middle East. They are accompanied with detailed notes and French translations.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 57
ISBN: 9781617195952
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This grammatical study focuses on how the relative particle is used in the Demonstrations of fourth century Syriac author Aphrahat. A great number of examples from Aphrahat’s writings are included in both Syriac and in German translation.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 6148
ISBN: 9781617198458
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2012
This partial catalogue of one of the greatest Arabic-language collections in the world, housed in what in now the Berlin State Library, describes over 10,000 manuscripts in nine volumes.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9781593336455
Pub Date: 06 Sep 2012
Historical syntax has long been neglected in the study of the Semitic languages, although it holds great value for the subgrouping of this diverse language family. Focusing on the development of adverbial subordination, nominal modifiers and direct speech marking, as well as reviewing changes through language contact and drift, this book is the first step in the syntactic reconstruction of the Aramaic dialect group, the longest-attested branch of the Semitic language family.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 728
ISBN: 9781611430738
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
This catalog contains detailed descriptions and tables of contents for Turkish manuscripts from the Bibliotheque Nationale; manuscripts are classified by subject.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 24
ISBN: 9781611433098
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This paper, reprinted from the Journal Asiatique, provides a handy introduction to the Sogdian alphabet used for Buddhist texts in Central Asia.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 20
ISBN: 9781463201401
Pub Date: 24 Aug 2012
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Takahashi and Weitenberg provide the history and linguistic analysis of Ms. Yale Syriac 9. Only three such Syriac-Armenian lexica are known to survive.
The glossary is classified as the Western branch of Modern Armenian, attributed to Dialect Group 5.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780822962045
Pub Date: 19 Aug 2012
Urban sprawl is omnipresent in America and has left many citizens questioning their ability to stop it. In Distant Publics, Jenny Rice examines patterns of public discourse that have evolved in response to development in urban and suburban environments. Centering her study on Austin, Texas, Rice finds a city that has simultaneously celebrated and despised development.
Rice outlines three distinct ways that the rhetoric of publics counteracts development: through injury claims, memory claims, and equivalence claims. In injury claims, rhetors frame themselves as victims in a dispute. Memory claims allow rhetors to anchor themselves to an older, deliberative space, rather than to a newly evolving one. Equivalence claims see the benefits on both sides of an issue, and here rhetors effectively become nonactors. Rice provides case studies of development disputes that place the reader in the middle of real-life controversies and evidence her theories of claims-based public rhetorics. She finds that these methods comprise the most common (though not exclusive) vernacular surrounding development and shows how each is often counterproductive to its own goals. Rice further demonstrates that these claims create a particular role or public subjectivity grounded in one’s own feelings, which serves to distance publics from each other and the issues at hand.Rice argues that rhetoricians have a duty to transform current patterns of public development discourse so that all individuals may engage in matters of crisis. She articulates its sustainability as both a goal and future disciplinary challenge of rhetorical studies and offers tools and methodologies toward that end.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 1752
ISBN: 9781611430684
Pub Date: 14 Aug 2012
This work is a catalog of over 2,000 Persian manuscripts from the Bibliotheque Nationale, classified by subject.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 487
ISBN: 9781611430325
Pub Date: 13 Aug 2012
These three volumes describe over 3,000 Arabic works from more than 1,000 authors, including several hundred anonymous works.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9781611433012
Pub Date: 13 Aug 2012
Series: Kiraz Historical Grammars Archive
This work introduces a new method of learning Hebrew: through conversation.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 434
ISBN: 9781617198564
Pub Date: 10 Aug 2012
This work contains the manuscript catalogue of the Oriental Section of the Royal Danish Library, classified by language and genre.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 326
ISBN: 9781611432862
Pub Date: 09 Aug 2012
Series: Kiraz Historical Grammars Archive
This is an exhaustive work on the nature and force of the tenses in Hebrew, with a plenitude of examples, digressions and appendices on other topics.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 385
ISBN: 9781617190056
Pub Date: 08 Aug 2012
Series: Kiraz Manuscript Archive
This splendid collection from the Khedivial Library contains Arabic calligraphy produced from the first century until AH 1240 (AD 1825).