Humanities  /  Language & Literature
Writing against Racial Injury Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780822963622
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2015
Writing against Racial Injury recalls the story of Asian American student rhetoric at the site of language and literacy education in post-1960s California. What emerged in the Asian American movement was a recurrent theme in U.S.
The Gift in the Heart of Language Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 486
ISBN: 9788869770128
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2015
Series: Sociology
The author offers a paradigm-shifting view of the structure of material and verbal communication, based on the mother-child experience and confirmed by recent research in infant psychology. This view justifies a relational epistemology that informs the material gift economy, as well as the structure of language itself. Provisioning economies give value to the receivers, and the circulation of gifts consolidates community.
Chica Lit Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9780822963653
Pub Date: 11 Jun 2015
Series: Latinx and Latin American Profiles
In Chica Lit: Popular Latina Fiction and Americanization in the Twenty-First Century, Tace Hedrick illuminates how discourses of Americanization, ethnicity, gender, class, and commodification shape the genre of "chica lit," popular fiction written by Latina authors with Latina characters. She argues that chica lit is produced and marketed in the same ways as contemporary romance and chick lit fiction, and aimed at an audience of twenty- to thirty-something upwardly mobile Latina readers. Its stories about young women's ethnic class mobility and gendered romantic success tend to celebrate twenty-first century neoliberal narratives about Americanization, hard work, and individual success.
Italian America Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 100
ISBN: 9788857526584
Pub Date: 17 Apr 2015
This book offers the reader a tool to address the largely still uncharted territory of contemporary migration literature. In addition to presenting and commenting on the production of the prolific writer Helen Barolini, author Margherita Ganeri nurtures her ambition to investigate one of the questions running through the debate on the relationship between literary writing and socio-cultural groups: namely, the possibility to define literature, in particular Italian American literature, on the basis of ethnicity. The book includes a preface by Melania G.
Neo-Aramaic and its Linguistic Context Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 502
ISBN: 9781463204105
Pub Date: 02 Jan 2015
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Gorgias Neo-Aramaic Studies
This volume contains papers on the Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects and the languages in contact with them. The papers make important contributions to the documentation of the dialects and to the understanding of their development in the context of non-Semitic contact languages.
The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9780813153520
Pub Date: 25 Dec 2014
Illustrations: 7 color photos, 5 b&w photos
Poet, social justice advocate, and theologian Thomas Merton (1915--1968) is arguably the most influential American Catholic author of the twentieth century. In his short lifetime, he penned over seventy books and maintained a brisk correspondence with colleagues around the globe. However, many Merton scholars and fans remain unaware of the significant body of letters that were exchanged between the Trappist monk and Victor and Carolyn Hammer.
How Reading Is Written Cover How Reading Is Written Cover
Pages: 269
ISBN: 9780819575111
Pub Date: 02 Dec 2014
Illustrations: 1 illus.
Pages: 269
ISBN: 9780819575128
Pub Date: 02 Dec 2014
Illustrations: 1 illus.
Gertrude Stein is a seminal figure in modern and postmodern literature, yet her work is not easily defined and has had both fierce supporters and equally fierce detractors. In a series of linked essays, How Reading Is Written considers a set of questions associated with reading Gertrude Stein today. In particular, how can we read a body of work that is largely resistant to conventional and interpretation-based models of literary criticism?
Eden of the North Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780982915561
Pub Date: 23 Nov 2014
Imprint: International Polar Institute
Illustrations: 1 map
First English translation of this 19th century novel tracing the relationship between traditional Greenlandic life and the interaction with the culture of their Danish colonizers.These first hand accounts of Greenlanders have rarely been recorded. Written in 1887, with exquisite poetic detail, the dynamics driving ritual, domestic affairs and women's place in society are described as never before.
Foundations for Syriac Lexicography IV Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 254
ISBN: 9781611439335
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2014
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Perspectives on Syriac Linguistics
The fourth published colloquia of the International Syriac Language Project (ISLP), presenting papers from an international team of authors working to develop contemporary, interdisciplinary approaches to linguistics and lexicography.
A Smyrneika Lexicon Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 235
ISBN: 9781463202514
Pub Date: 17 Oct 2014
Imprint: Gorgias Press
A lexicon of Smyrneika, the Greek dialect that functioned as a lingua franca amongst the Levantine merchant communities of the Mediterranean. Rediscovering Turkey’s Ottoman past, including lost minority cultures… a study by three amateur lexicographers. The vocabulary is followed by a collection of proverbs and a series of dialogues illustrating the language and customs … “ Peter Mackridge www.
Literate Zeal Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780822963271
Pub Date: 08 Oct 2014
In Literate Zeal, Janet Carey Eldred examines the rise of women magazine editors during the mid-twentieth century and reveals their unheralded role in creating a literary aesthetic for the American public. Between the sheets of popular magazines, editors offered belles-lettres to the masses and, in particular, middle-class women. Magazines became a place to find culture, humor, and intellectual affirmation alongside haute couture.
The Invention Of The Text Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9788857523910
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2014
The notion of text is perhaps the most used and discussed within social and human sciences. Nevertheless, it is surprisingly one of the worst defined. Philology and Linguistics, Literary Criticism and Aesthetics, Philosophy of Language, Hermeneutics, Ethnology, Psychoanalysis, Sociology, Semiotics: all these disciplines refer in various ways to the "text", to make of it the basic object of their analysis or to measure the distance they keep from it.
The Murray Edwards Duse Collection Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9788857512556
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2014
The Murray Edwards Duse Collection is the best record of Eleonora Duse’s literary background. So advanced was her artistic and literary emancipation that she was considered one of the foremost Italian aesthetes. The discovery and reconstruction of The Collection change in many ways the reception of her acting and of her intellectual profile, shedding new light on her art.
Wor(L)ds In Progress Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 154
ISBN: 9788884837783
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2014
Series: Sociology
In the contemporary world, the figure of the migrant, moving across spaces, cultures and languages,has acquired unprecedented centrality. Migrants have transformed the ways of representingand narrating the transnational world in which they live, responding in new fashions to one of the oldest impulses of men and women of every place and time: the impulse to tell stories. By engaging with the notions of diaspora, postcoloniality, nomadism, translation, and exile, Di Maio moves across the Anglophone and Italophone spectra offering a compelling definition of migrant literature at the turn of the millennium.
Pronunciation is in the Brain, not in the Mouth Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 276
ISBN: 9781463204150
Pub Date: 28 Aug 2014
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This book investigates the cognitive roots of pronunciation in children and adults and the emergence of accent with adults when learning a second language (L2). Subsequently, any teaching of L2 pronunciation to adults should be premised on a multisensory and multicognitive approach covering a wide selection of teaching and learning strategies consistent with the cognitive roots.
Rethinking Community from Peru Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780822963073
Pub Date: 27 Aug 2014
Series: Illuminations
Peruvian novelist, poet, and anthropologist José María Arguedas (1911–1969) was a highly conflicted figure. As a mestizo, both European and Quechua blood ran through his veins and into his cosmology and writing. Arguedas’s Marxist influences and ethnographic work placed him in direct contact with the subalterns he would champion in his stories.