Arts & Architecture Hero Image
Arts & Architecture
Visual Culture Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 461
ISBN: 9780819562678
Pub Date: 01 May 1994
Illustrations: 124 illus.
"We can no longer see, much less teach, transhistorical truths, timeless works of art, and unchanging critical criteria without a highly developed sense of irony about the grand narratives of the past," declare the editors, who also coedited Visual Theory: Painting and Interpretation (1990). The field of art history is not unique in finding itself challenged and enlarged by cultural debates over issues of class, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, and gender. Visual Culture assembles some of the foremost scholars of cultural studies and art history to explore new critical approaches to a history of representation seen as something different from a history of art.
Black Noise Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 257
ISBN: 9780819562753
Pub Date: 29 Apr 1994
Illustrations: 10 illus. 4 figs. Map.
From its beginnings in hip hop culture, the dense rhythms and aggressive lyrics of rap music have made it a provocative fixture on the American cultural landscape. In Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America, Tricia Rose, described by the New York Times as a "hip hop theorist," takes a comprehensive look at the lyrics, music, cultures, themes, and styles of this highly rhythmic, rhymed storytelling and grapples with the most salient issues and debates that surround it.Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and History at New York University, Tricia Rose sorts through rap's multiple voices by exploring its underlying urban cultural politics, particularly the influential New York City rap scene, and discusses rap as a unique musical form in which traditional African-based oral traditions fuse with cutting-edge music technologies.
Gustave Doré's London Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780872331075
Pub Date: 11 Apr 1994
Illustrations: 53
Gustave Dorês unforgettable images of Victorian London portray in stark contrast the affluent world of monumental buildings, horse racing, and scoiety balls against the teeming populace of city streets and the raw poverty of slums, homelessness, and hopelessness. To reinforce Dore's powerful engravings, Coolidge draws skillfully upon the written observations of contemporary European visitors such as Taine, Heine, Gautier and Dostoyevsky.
Dissonant Identities Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780819562760
Pub Date: 01 Apr 1994
Illustrations: 9 illus. Map.
Music of the bars and clubs of Austin, Texas has long been recognized as defining one of a dozen or more musical "scenes" across the country. In Dissonant Identities, Barry Shank, himself a musician who played and lived in the Texas capital, studies the history of its popular music, its cultural and economic context, and also the broader ramifications of that music as a signifying practice capable of transforming identities.While his focus is primarily on progressive country and rock, Shank also writes about traditional country, blues, rock, disco, ethnic, and folk musics.
Writing Dancing in the Age of Postmodernism Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 428
ISBN: 9780819562685
Pub Date: 28 Mar 1994
Illustrations: 20 illus. 20 figs.
Drawing of the postmodern perspective and concerns that informed her groundbreaking Terpsichore in Sneakers, Sally Banes's Writing Dancing documents the background and developments of avant-garde and popular dance, analyzing individual artists, performances, and entire dance movements. With a sure grasp of shifting cultural dynamics, Banes shows how postmodern dance is integrally connected to other oppositional, often marginalized strands of dance culture, and considers how certain kinds of dance move from the margins to the mainstream.Banes begins by considering the act of dance criticism itself, exploring its modes, methods, and underlying assumptions, and examining the work of other critics.
Upside Your Head! Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9780819562876
Pub Date: 19 Nov 1993
Illustrations: 78 illus. Fig.
Legendary jazzman Johnny Otis has spent a lifetime at the center of L.A.'s black music scene as a composer, performer, producer, d.
The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 392
ISBN: 9780813118598
Pub Date: 29 Sep 1993
" William Walker's Southern Harmony, first published in 1835, was the most popular tune book of the nineteenth century, containing 335 sacred songs, dominated by the folk hymns of oral tradition and written in the old four-shape notation that was for generations the foundation of musical teaching in rural America. Born in 1809 in South Carolina, William Walker grew up near Spartanburg and early became devoted to the Welsh Baptist Church of his ancestors and to the musical heritage that church had brought to early America. Walker became a singing master, and Southern Harmony was compiled for his students in hundreds of singing schools all over North and South Carolina and Georgia and in eastern Tennessee.
Kentucky Quilts and Their Makers Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9780813100968
Pub Date: 27 Sep 1993
Illustrations: color illus
Kentucky's contribution to the perennially popular American craft of quiltmaking is a rich and varied one. Mary Clarke examines here the state of the craft in Kentucky and finds it as lively today as it was 150 years ago.Like a fingerprint, every Kentucky quilt differs from all others in some respects, whether it is an original creation or a variation of one of the traditional patterns long popular in the United States.
My Music Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9780819562647
Pub Date: 01 May 1993
My Music is a first-hand exploration of the diverse roles music plays in people's lives. "What is music about for you?" asked members of the Music in Daily Life Project of some 150 people, and the responses they received -- from the profound to the mundane, from the deeply-felt to the flippant -- reflect highly individualistic relationships to and with music.
Subcultural Sounds Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 139
ISBN: 9780819562616
Pub Date: 01 Apr 1993
Illustrations: 1 Table.
The study of subcultural musics, what Mark Slobin calls "small musics in big systems," is characterized by a tremendously expanding search for cultural identity within multiethnic societies that are increasingly caught up in global cultural flow. Subcultural Sounds is the first critical attempt to explore the dynamics of this process in Europe and America, the heartland of music production and bellwether for global culture. By combining interpretation with concrete analysis, Slobin works toward a comparative approach for understanding the "micromusics" of Euro-America.
The Voice of the Frontier Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9780813118017
Pub Date: 28 Mar 1993
From 1826 to 1829, John Bradford, founder of Kentucky's first newspaper, the Kentucky Gazette, reprinted in its pages sixty-six excerpts that he considered important documents on the settlement of the West. Now for the first time all of Bradford's Notes on Kentucky -- the primary historical source for Kentucky's early years -- are made available in a single volume, edited by the state's most distinguished historian.The Kentucky Gazette was established in 1787 to support Kentucky's separation from Virginia and the formation of a new state.
Singing The Glory Down Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780813117577
Pub Date: 12 Sep 1991
Illustrations: illus
In Singing the Glory Down, William Lynwood Montell contributes to a fuller understanding of twentieth-century American culture by examining the complex relationships between gospel music and the culture of the nineteen-county study area in which this music has flourished for a hundred years. He has recorded the memories and feelings of those who were young while the movement gathered steam and who remember it at its high point, and stories about those who have passed over that river about which they loved to sing.In the early 1900s, a singing school or gospel convention was a major social event that enticed people to walk for miles to learn to sing or to hear someone who already had.
Terpsichore in Sneakers Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 311
ISBN: 9780819561602
Pub Date: 01 Jun 1987
Illustrations: 13 illus. 4 figs.
Drawing on the postmodern perspective and concerns that informed her groundbreaking Terpischore in Sneakers, Sally Bane's Writing Dancing documents the background and development of avant-garde and popular dance, analyzing individual artists, performances, and entire dance movements. With a sure grasp of shifting cultural dynamics, Banes shows how postmodern dance is integrally connected to other oppositional, often marginalized strands of dance culture, and considers how certain kinds of dance move from the margins to the mainstream.Banes begins by considering the act of dance criticism itself, exploring its modes, methods, and underlying assumptions and examining the work of other critics.

Vision and the Visual Arts in Galdos

A Study of the Novels and Newspaper Articles
Format: Hardback
Pages: 242
ISBN: 9780905205304
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1986
Imprint: Francis Cairns Publications
Illustrations: x + 242 pages.
Throughout his life the major Spanish novelist Benito Perez Galdós (1843-1920) took a keen interest in the visual arts. Parts I and II of this book discuss Galdós's art journalism and his artistic contributions to the illustrated edition of the historical novels. But the main focus (part III) is on references to the visual arts and pictorial landscapes, particularly in the serie contemporánea, the contemporary social novels.
Calderón Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780813114408
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1982
Although Pedro Calderón de la Barca was one of the greatest and most prolific playwrights of Spain's Golden Age, most of his nonallegorical comedias -- 118 in all -- have remained unknown. Robert ter Horst presents here the first full-length study of these works, a sustained, meditative analysis dealing with more than 80 plays, conveying a sense of the whole of Calderón's secular theater.To approach so vast a body of literature, Mr.
The Guardian Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 832
ISBN: 9780813114224
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1982
In 1713, soon after publication of the Spectator had come to an end, its place on breakfast tables of Queen Anne's London was taken by the Guardian. Richard Steele, continuing in the new paper the blend of learning, wit, and moral instruction that had proved so attractive in the Tatler and Spectator, was the editor and principal writer; in the 175 numbers of the Guardian he included 53 essays by Joseph Addison, as well as contributions by Alexander Pope, George Berkeley, and several others, some of whom doubtless transmitted their papers through the famous lion's head letterbox that Addison had erected in Button's coffeehouse. "These papers," as John C.