Arts & Architecture Hero Image
Arts & Architecture
Intertwining Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 162
ISBN: 9788869771224
Pub Date: 21 May 2018
Series: Intertwining
Intertwining is an international, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to understanding the experience and making of architecture. It includes the voices of science alongside those of the arts - as both ways of knowing are critical to the multidimensional nature of our inquiry."We want to move beyond thinking of architecture as an object.
Montages Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9788869771026
Pub Date: 14 May 2018
Series: Cinema and Contemporary Art
Montage, today, is a widespread procedure that doesn’t concern just artistic production, but also our daily lives and the use everyone makes of that huge visual archive contemporary media places at our disposal. In a technologically advanced society, where the notion of postproduction regulates our relationship with images and objects, it is therefore necessary to thoroughly investigate the role, possibilities, and, most of all, anthropological and politic connotations of montage; and to ask ourselves whether – in comparison to the heroic years of the first avant-gardes – montage has become a faded and standardized practice or if it is a more and more effective means to understand and reprogram the world, especially in relation to the technical possibilities offered by new media and remix practices.
Lars von Trier's Renewal of Film 1984-2014 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9788771842302
Pub Date: 01 May 2018
Danish director Lars von Trier has produced more than 20 films since his first appearance with The Elements of Crime in 1984. One of the most acknowledged – and most controversial – film directors of our time, Trier’s films often escape the representational production of meaning. In Lars von Trier’s Renewal of Film 1984-2014.
Music & Camp Cover Music & Camp Cover
Pages: 292
ISBN: 9780819577818
Pub Date: 01 May 2018
Series: Music/Culture
Illustrations: 9 illus. (4 colour)
Pages: 292
ISBN: 9780819577825
Pub Date: 01 May 2018
Series: Music/Culture
Illustrations: 9 illus. (4 colour)
This collection of essays provides the first in-depth examination of camp as it relates to a wide variety of twentieth and twenty-first century music and musical performances. Located at the convergence of popular and queer musicology, the book provides new research into camp’s presence, techniques, discourses, and potential meanings across a broad spectrum of musical genres, including: musical theatre, classical music, film music, opera, instrumental music, the Broadway musical, rock, pop, hip-hop, and Christmas carols. This significant contribution to the field of camp studies investigates why and how music has served as an expressive and political vehicle for both the aesthetic characteristics and the receptive modes that have been associated with camp throughout twentieth and twenty-first-century culture.
18th Century Colour Palettes Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 132
ISBN: 9780946311019
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2018
Pigments described by the English chemist, Robert Dossie, the French artists' colourman, Jean Félix Watin, and the London-based pigment maker, Constant de Massoul. 18th century European painting saw the introduction of new pigments to the painters’ palettes, from Prussian Blue to the early synthetics such as Patent Yellow. It was a century rich in pigments, the authors of the treatises listing over 150 pigments that could be bought in the shops in London and Paris.
Public Space Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9788869771200
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2018
Series: Architecture
Public spaces have long been the object of countless studies. Yet, most of these have focused almost exclusively on the metropolitan setting, while neglecting the nature and function of public spaces in rural areas. This volume addresses precisely this gap, drawing from Henri Lefebvre’s theories in order to propose an alternative vision of public spaces – one which is centered on the local rhythms of rural areas and on their peculiar complexities.
Anna Freeman Bentley – Exclusive Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9781910221150
Pub Date: 20 Apr 2018
Illustrations: c. 40
In this publication, British artist Anna Freeman Bentley presents a series of new paintings and works on paper documenting her journey into the exclusive realm of private members clubs. Having started out in her home city of London, her research took her to California, and in particular to some of the most desirable clubs of Los Angeles, where through friends, professional networks and a number of courteous emails, doors were temporarily opened to her. In places where photography is often strictly forbidden, Freeman Bentley was authorized to document some of the many luxurious lounges, well-stocked bars, and high-end restaurants that are second homes to the members who pay considerable fees to use them.
Reimagining Brazilian Television Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780822964988
Pub Date: 05 Apr 2018
Series: Latinx and Latin American Profiles
Illustrations: 116 b&w Illustrations
The Brazilian television industry is one of the most productive and commercially successful in the world. At the forefront of this industry is TV Globo and its production of standardized telenovelas, which millions of Brazilians and viewers from over 130 countries watch nightly. Eli Lee Carter examines the field of television production by focusing on the work of one of Brazil's greatest living directors, Luiz Fernando Carvalho.
Superstructure Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9780946009732
Pub Date: 19 Mar 2018
In 2018 the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Opened in 1978, the building was both Sir Norman Foster’s first public commission and a new paradigm in museum design. The Sainsbury Centre forms part of one of the last, great phases of modernism, combining structural integrity and precision engineering with a radical approach to the integration of services.
Harry Clarke & His Legacy Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 70
ISBN: 9781910742976
Pub Date: 16 Feb 2018
Imprint: Liberties Press
Illustrations: fully illustrated
Harry Clarke is an internationally renowned Irish stained-glass artist. His magnificent windows in St Joseph’s Church, Terenure, highlight his unique style and skilled craftsmanship. He founded the Harry Clarke Studio in 1930 and the works of his successors are also on display in the church.
Body Images In The 
Post-Cinematic Scenario Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 198
ISBN: 9788869771095
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2018
Series: Cinema
What is the current status of the human body in the digital era? Taking this question as a starting point, the book explores how our perception of the body has been modified by the advent of new media (videogames, transmedia platforms, ARGs), by the rise of recent devices such as wearable technologies,Virtual Reality, cosmetic surgery and by the creation of different narratives such as science-fictions, and TV series. Which kind of identities emerge within this context?
Cinéma & Cie 
Vol. XVII, No. 28, Spring 2017 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9788869771453
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2018
Who is the Subaltern in the current global frame? Has neoliberalism changed the experience of subalternity? How do subalterns write history and what kind of history is written about subalternity?
Unlimit Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9788869771408
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2018
Series: Philosophy
Many voices today call for a profound rethinking of European identity. If we wish to answer their call, however, it is necessary to start with a reconsideration of the notion of boundaries, particularly as they are at work in the Mediterranean region. The knowledge and cultural values of the Mediterranean may be the driving force able to overcome the impasse from which Europe seems unable to free itself.
Resonances of Chindon-ya Cover Resonances of Chindon-ya Cover
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780819577788
Pub Date: 06 Feb 2018
Series: Music/Culture
Illustrations: 36 illus. (12 colour)
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780819577795
Pub Date: 06 Feb 2018
Series: Music/Culture
Illustrations: 36 illus. (12 colour)
In this first book-length study of chindon-ya, Marié Abe investigates the intersection of sound, public space, and sociality in contemporary Japan. Chindon-ya, dating back to the 1840s, are ostentatiously costumed street musicians who publicize a business by parading through neighborhood streets. Historically not considered music, but part of the everyday soundscape, this vernacular performing art provides a window into shifting notions of musical labor, the politics of everyday listening and sounding, and street music at social protest in Japan.
The Cemetery of Meir Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 151
ISBN: 9788566888478
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2018
Series: ACE Reports
Illustrations: 72 colour Plates; 24 b&w folded plates
ACE Report 41, The Cemetery of Meir Vol. IV: Tombs of Senbi I and Wekhhotep I, by N. Kanawati and L.
Alan Sorrell Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781785707407
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w and colour
Alan Sorrell’s archaeological reconstruction drawings and paintings remain some of the best, most accurate and most accomplished paintings of their genre that continue to inform our understanding and appreciation of historic buildings and monuments in Europe, the Near East and throughout the UK. His famously stormy and smoky townscapes, especially those of Roman Britain, were based on meticulous attention to detail borne of detailed research in collaboration with archaeologists such as Sir Mortimer Wheeler, Sir Cyril Fox and Sir Barry Cunliffe, who excavated and recorded his subjects of interest. Many of his reconstructions were commissioned to accompany visitor information and guidebooks at historic sites and monuments where they continue to be displayed.