Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
Series Editors: Terrance Hayes, New York University; Nancy Krygowski, Carnegie Mellon University; Jeffrey McDaniel, Sarah Lawrence College
Since its inception in 1967, the Pitt Poetry Series has been a vehicle for America’s finest contemporary poets. The series list includes Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco, Poet Laureate Billy Collins, Toi Derricotte, Denise Duhamel, Lynn Emanuel, Ross Gay, Etheridge Knight, Poet Laureate and Pulitzer Prize-winner Ted Kooser, Larry Levis, Sharon Olds, Alicia Suskin Ostriker, Afaa Michael Weaver, David Wojahn, Dean Young, and many others. Throughout its history, the Pitt Poetry Series has provided a voice for the diversity that is American poetry, representing poets from many backgrounds without allegiance to any one school or style.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780822966289
Pub Date: 05 Jun 2021
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Toi Derricotte’s story is a hero’s journey - a poet earning her way home, to her own commanding powers. “I”: New and Selected Poems shows the reader both the closeness of the enemy and the poet’s inherent courage, inventiveness, and joy. It is a record of one woman’s response to the repressive and fracturing forces around the subjects of race, class, color, gender, and sexuality.
Each poem is an act of victory as the author finds her way through repressive forces to speak with beauty and truth. This collection features more than thirty new poems as well as selections from five previous collections.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780822966586
Pub Date: 15 May 2021
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Holoholo is the Hawaiian word for walking out with no destination in mind. In the three sections of this book, Barbara Hamby walks out into the current American chaos with its inferno of wars, street violence, apocalyptic fantasies, and racial tension. Fueled by an American lingo that embraces slang, Yiddish, street talk, and the yearning to be able to describe her moment in time, these poems encompass the complicated past, difficult present, and unknown future.
Every foray offers a glimpse of the world constructed from one woman's collage of consciousness.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9780822966609
Pub Date: 15 May 2021
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
For twenty years, Ilan Stavans has been translating poetry from Spanish, Yiddish, Hebrew, French, Portuguese, Russian, German, Georgian, and other languages. His versions of Borges, Neruda, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Ferreira Gullar, Raúl Zurita, and dozens of others have become classics. This volume, which includes poems from more than forty poets from all over the world, is testimony to a life dedicated to the pursuit of beauty through poetry in different languages.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9780822966234
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2021
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Winner of PEN America Jean Stein Award Through a kind of lyric research, or lyric meditation, Be Holding connects Dr. J’s famously impossible move from the 1980 NBA Finals against the Los Angeles Lakers to pick-up basketball and the flying Igbo and the Middle Passage, to photography and surveillance and state violence, to music and personal histories of flight and familial love. Be Holding wonders how the imagination, or how our looking, might make us, or bring us, closer to each other.
How our looking might make us reach for each other. And might make us be reaching for each other. And how that reaching might be something like joy.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 62
ISBN: 9780822966302
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2021
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
In Earnest, Earnest?, the speaker, Eleanor, writes postcards to her on-again-off-again lover, Earnest. The fact that her lover’s name is Earnest and that their relationship is fraught, raises questions of sincerity and irony, and whether both can be present at the same time.
While Earnest can be read literally as Eleanor’s lover, he is best understood as another side of the poet’s self. The ambiguity at play in Earnest, Earnest? is embodied in the form of the “Earnest Postcards” that structure the book - these postcards are experimental in their use of images and formal in their dialogue with the sonnet. Thus, Earnest, Earnest? is a question of tone, address, and form.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9780822966258
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2021
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Eight years before Sylvia Plath published Ariel, the Uruguayan poet Idea Vilariño released Poemas del Amor, a collection of confessional, passionate poetry dedicated to the novelist Juan Carlos Onetti. Both of her own merit and as part of the Uruguayan writers group the Generation of ’45—which included Onetti, Mario Benedetti, Amanda Berenguer, and Ida Vitale - Vilariño is an essential South American poet, and part of a long tradition of Uruguayan women poets. Vilariño and Onetti’s love affair is one of the most famous in South American literature.
Poemas del Amor is an intense book, full of poems about sexuality and what it means to be a woman, and stands as a testament to both the necessity and the impossibility of love. This translation brings these highly personal poems to English speaking audiences for the first time side-by-side with the original Spanish language versions.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780822966241
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2021
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
What would it take to be home in one’s body, to walk around the world as oneself, knowing the pain within and without us? Jan Beatty boldly answers that question by making a fire map of the body. These roiling poems smack into walls of meditation, only to slide down the smooth concrete into the flatline of joy.
These are vital poems of dimension, of both psychic and literal travel, of the elasticity of truth and struggle, of the daily nature of desire that brings us to our knees - then shotguns us back to the heart’s center.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 214
ISBN: 9780822946403
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2021
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Alicia Suskin Ostriker’s passionate voice has long been acknowledged as a vital force in American poetry. From urgent spiritual quest to biting political satire, from elegy to comedy, from celebration of the city street and the world “as a paradise might be / if we had eyes to see,” to the “crack in earth… crack in her mind,” from brilliant evocations of art and music to mother-daughter wrestlings, Ostriker’s poetry rings with insistence on beauty and truth. Drawing from six of her previous books, and highlighting a sequence of bold new poems exploring the challenges and absurdities of aging, The Volcano and After is a masterpiece for our time.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 68
ISBN: 9780822966296
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2020
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Priest’s debut collection, Horsepower, is a cinematic escape narrative that radically envisions a daughter’s waywardness as aspirational. Across the book’s three sequences, we find the black-girl speaker in the midst of a self-imposed exile, going back in memory to explore her younger self - a mixed-race child being raised by her white supremacist grandfather in the shadow of Churchill Downs, Kentucky’s world-famous horseracing track - before arriving in a state of self-awareness to confront the personal and political landscape of a harshly segregated Louisville. Out of a space that is at once southern and urban, violent and beautiful, racially-charged and working-class, she attempts to transcend her social and economic circumstances.
Across the collection, Priest writes a horse that acts as a metaphysical engine of flight, showing us how to throw off the harness and sustain wildness. Unlike the traditional Bildungsroman, Priest presents a non-linear narrative in which the speaker lacks the freedom to come of age naively in the urban South, and must instead, from the beginning, possess the wisdom of “the horses & their restless minds.”
Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780822966043
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2020
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
The Woman in the Corner keenly observes and gives voice to the ambiguities and astonishments that we often turn away from - in human relationships and in our own unruly hearts. In poems that speak fearlessly about sex and grief, mothers and daughters, and friendships and marriage, Krygowski examines the beauty and danger of inhabiting a woman’s body in the twenty-first century while negotiating how our pasts infiltrate, for better or worse, the here and now. This intimate collection delivers hard won loves and insights, surprising humor, and daring imagination.
Krygowski celebrates our joys, gives witness to our pain, and never, never compromises.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9780822966098
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2020
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
The Painted Bunting’s Last Molt explores fatherhood, parenting, and separation anxiety; and the ways in which time and memory are both a prison and a giver of joy. Fifteen years in the making, Virgil Suárez’s new collection uses his mother’s return to Cuba after 50 years of exile as a catalyst to muse on familial relationships, death, and the passing of time.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 65
ISBN: 9780822966104
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2020
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
In his new collection, Jeffrey McDaniel confronts the insular and expansive qualities of loss. With electric language and surrealistic imagery, McDaniel’s poems deliver the quotidian elements of middle-age life while weaving us in & out of childhood and adulthood alongside body and mind. The tragic and life affirming share the same page and the same world, reminding us how close corruption can be to innocence; domesticity to fantasy; aging to youth.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780822966074
Pub Date: 14 Apr 2020
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
This collection juxtaposes text from Google Search autocomplete with the intimate language of prayer. Corporate jargon co-exists with the incantatory and ancient ghazal form. Ahmed’s second book of poetry explores the terrain of loss - of a beloved family member, of human dignity & potential, of the earth as it stands, of hope.
Her poems weave mourning with the erratic process of healing, skepticism with an unsteady attempt to regain faith.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9780822966050
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2020
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Sometimes the most compelling landscapes are the ones where worlds collide: where a desert meets the sea, a civilization, no-man’s land. Here in Bonfire Opera, grief and Eros grapple in the same domain. A bullet-hole through the heart, a house full of ripe persimmons, a ghost in a garden.
Coyotes cry out on the hill, and lovers find themselves kissing, “bee-stung, drunk” in the middle of road. Here, the dust is holy, as is the dark, unknown. These are poems that praise the impossible, wild world, finding beauty in its wake.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822966067
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2020
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Imperial Liquor is a chronicle of melancholy, a reaction to the monotony of racism. These poems concern loneliness, fear, fatigue, rage, and love; they hold fatherhood held against the vulnerability of the black male body, aging, and urban decay. Part remembrance, part swan song for the Compton, California of the 1980s, Johnson examines the limitations of romance to heal broken relationships or rebuild a broken city.
Slow Jams, red-lit rooms, cheap liquor, like seduction and betrayal - what’s more American? This book tracks echoes, rides the residue of music “after the love is gone.”
Format: Paperback
Pages: 60
ISBN: 9780822966159
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2020
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
In his new poetry collection, Chard deNiord explores the paradoxical nature of unknowing.