Oxbow Books
Oxbow Books is a leading publisher in the fields of archaeology, ancient history and medieval studies, with an international reputation for quality and affordability. Oxbow's archaeology publishing covers all periods from earliest prehistory through classical archaeology, the ancient Near East, Egyptology, the Middle Ages and post-medieval archaeology. They publish a wide variety of books including scholarly monographs, edited collections of papers, and excavation and research reports in related fields such as archaeological practice and theory, archaeozoology, and environmental, landscape and maritime archaeology.
Founded in Oxford in 1983 by academic and museum archaeologist, David Brown, Oxbow Books has evolved and expanded significantly over the years. Now celebrating their 40th anniversary, Oxbow remains dedicated to the quality of their publishing for readers, and the contribution their books bring to the scholarly and professional communities more broadly.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 172
ISBN: 9781900188296
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1997
Series: TRAC
Illustrations: 43 figs
Eighteen papers from the 1996 TRAC gathering. The contributions are: Theorising Roman Archaeology ( J C Barrett ); Romanization'-imperialism': What are we talking about? ( P Freeman ); Technologies of power in Roman Britain ( C Forcey ); The enemy without, the enemy within: more thoughts on the images ( I Ferris ); The role of African Red Slip ware vessel volume in Mediterranean demography ( J W J Hawthorne ); Samian: beyond dating ( S Willis ); Symbols, pottery and trade ( P Rush ); Native or Roman?
Ironwork hoards in Roman Britain ( A R J Hutcheson ); Abandonment, rubbish disposal and special' deposits at Newstead ( S Clarke ); The use of animal bone in the intepretation of the Iron Age to Roman cultural transition ( J E Richardson ); Human sacrifice in Roman Britain ( R M J Isserlin ); Elite settlements in the Roman and Sub-Roman period ( D Petts ); Settlement and the construction of ethnicity in Roman Sardinia ( E Blake ); Invisible peasants and consumer subcultures in north-west Britannia ( K J Matthews ); Aspects of Romanization in the Wroxeter hinterland ( R White and M van Leusen ); The use of water for social control in the Roman Empire ( S P Ellis ); Towards a theory of Roman urbanism: beyond economics and ideal-types ( M Grahame ); Roman' urban form and culture difference ( S Clarke and D J Robinson ).
Format: Paperback
Pages: 167
ISBN: 9781900188258
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1997
Series: Journal of Roman Pottery Studies
Illustrations: many figs
This issue of JRPS is devoted to a comprehensive study of stamped decoration of flue tiles. There is a catalogue of the known patterns and a complete corpus of the known examples of each with their distribution. It is a volume that will be valuable for future reference as well as for an understanding of the manufacture and trade in the tiles.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 356
ISBN: 9781900188333
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1997
Illustrations: numerous illustrations
Landscape archaeology, a recent theoretical discovery in the west, has long been practised by eastern european scholars. This stimulating collection of papers ranges over the whole of central and eastern Europe and from the Neolithic to the early Medieval periods.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781900188227
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1997
Illustrations: with 21 b/w plates
Naukratis, the first city in Egypt where Greeks were permitted to settle and one of the major centres of the ancient world, is located in the West Nile Delta south of modern Alexandria, It was first excavated by Flinders Petrie in 1884; his discoveries indicated occupation from the Archaic Period to Late Antiquity. The limited extent of Petrie's excavations and the erosion of the site inspired the American Ancient Naukratis Project to start new fieldwork in 1980. This volume contains details of an intensive surface survey (with selective drill-sampling) of the area surrounding Petrie's trenches, which have become waterlogged.
Intensive cataloguing of pottery and small find distribution allows full appreciation of the functional and chronological patterning of the larger site. An historical essay on the possible origins of Naukratis, a study of stamped amphora handles, a geological study and new studies of material from Petrie's original excavations are also included in this volume.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 162
ISBN: 9780961349134
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1996
Illustrations: with illus .
This is the first study of goldsmiths who were apprenticed and/or worked in the City of Oxford. Manuscripts in both Oxford and London reveal an enormous amount of information regarding not only their work, but also their personal lives, relationships and politics.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9781900188173
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1996
Illustrations: numerous illus
The naval history of the Lower Danube and the Black Sea in Roman and Byzantine times is here brought to light in a series of essays that look at the historical and archaeological evidence for the fleet and its role as a frontier force; the structure of the fleet; the types of ships; the ports and harbours; the activity and use of the fleet during the first to sixth centuries AD; and the epigraphic evidence for it. The text is in French throughout.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781900188012
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1995
Illustrations: with drawings and photos
A collection of papers that document some of the huge wealth of archaeological material currently being discovered around the shores of the Black Sea. Papers include: Thracia Pontica ( Alexander Fol ); The problem of Krounoi-Dionysopolis: one settlement ot two? ( Zlatozara Gocheva ); Colchis and Bosporus: two models of colonisation?
( G A Koshelenko and V D Kuznetsov ); Joint excavation in Tanais ( Burkhard Böttger ); Achilles and Helen on White Island Euxine Sea ( John Hind ); The Bronze-Working and toreutics of the Pontus ( M Y Treister ); Stone matrices with griffins from Nymphaeum and Euesperides ( M Treister and M Vickers ).
Format: Paperback
Pages: 103
ISBN: 9780946897957
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1995
Series: JRMES
Illustrations: illus
Topics include: fragments of a lorica hamata from Fluitenberg; a bronze spearhead from Augusta Rauricorum; stone barracks built to replicate tents from Spain; The de munitonibus castrorum; Hedgehogs, caltrops and palisade stakes; The ownership and disposal of military equipment in the Late Roman army; decorative objects from a Roman villa at Wange; Two dolphin scabbard runers from Carlisle.
Some Challenges in Contemporary Archaeology
Format: Paperback
Pages: 12
ISBN: 9780946897988
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1995
Archaeology is a diverse discipline, it operates through a number of institutional arrangements, each of which has a particular agenda and set of agreed working practices. Diversity might be regarded as a strength, reflecting the dynamism with which archaeological concerns have become a widely used currency in our modern world. But if we accept that diversity exists in a single discipline we might also wonder what defines the common ground; what is it that, at the end of the day, continues to make us all archaeologists?
' The second Oxbow Lecture' presents the text of a lecture delivered in 1995 at the Institute of Field Archaeologist's annual Archaeology in Britain Conference , and explores the current state and priorities of British archaeology.
Urban-Rural Connections
Perspectives from Environmental Archaeology
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9780946897810
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1995
Series: Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology
Illustrations: with fig & illus.
The potential of environmental evidence in the archaeological record for investigating the links between towns and their rural hinterlands is the focus of this volume. Most papers use evidence from Roman and Medieval Britain but there are also case studies from Paris, medieval Holland, and Oslo. Essential reading for specialists, this book also amply demonstrates the relevance of environmental evidence to central theoretical debates in historic archaeology.
Contributors include: E Schia (Urban Oslo and its relation to rural production in the hinterland: An archaeological view) ; R I Macphail (The reworking of urban stratigraphy by human and natural processes) ; M Hill (Insect assemblages as evidence for past woodlands around York) ; H Kenward & E Allison (Rural origins of the urban insect fauna) ; H van Haaster (Plant resources and environment in late medieval Luebeck) ; M Maltby (The meat supply in Roman Dorchester and Winchester) ; Bob Wilson (Mortality patterns, animal husbandry and marketing in and around medieval and post-medieval Oxford) ; B Noddle (The under-rated goat) ; D Brothwell (On the possibility of urban-rural contrasts in human population palaeobiology) ; P Ciezar et al (In Suburbano: New data on the immediate surroundings of Roman and early medieval Paris) ; W Groenman van Waateringe (The menu of different classes in Dutch medieval society) .
Format: Paperback
Pages: 55
ISBN: 9780946897841
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1995
Series: Well Built Mycenae
Illustrations: figs, 11 pls, 3 fiche, fold-out map
The structures, building techniques, distribution of finds, function of the complex and parallels with similar sites. NO FICHE LEFT
Format: Paperback
Pages: 298
ISBN: 9780946897933
Pub Date: 01 Jan 1995
Series: Oxbow Monographs
Illustrations: b/w illus
The conference in Manchester in 1992 which this book came out of was organised to raise the profile of the study of mortuary remains in the Ancient Near East. Thirty papers from the conference are published here, covering a wide variety of regions and periods, from Epipalaeolithic to modern. Many different aspects are examined: physical anthropology, burial goods, social structure, ethoarchaeology, etc.
This volume has a wide relevance not only to the areas specifically addressed, but also in the interpretation of burial remains and the evolution of society.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9780946897681
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1994
Illustrations: 236 with illus throughout.
Bernard Ashmole (1894-1988) was one of the outstanding classical archaeologists of the 20th century and a world authority on ancient Greek sculpture. His first post was as Director of the British School at Rome, and he went on to hold the posts of Professor at University College, London, and keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum. After holding the Lincoln Professorship of Classical Art and Archaeology at Oxford, Ashmole spent much of his retirement as adviser to John Paul Getty on the purchase of Greek and Roman antiquities for his museum in Malibu.
This autobiography was written at the behest of his grandchildren, and recounts both his fascinating experiences as a scholar and his armed service in both World Wars. Also included are a full bibliography of Ashmole's published writings, an Appreciation' by Martin Robertson, and essays on Ashmole and the British Museum' by I Jenkins and `The Ashmole Archive at King's College, London' by G Waywell.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780946897735
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1994
Illustrations: with figs & illus.
The sixteen papers in this volume demonstrate the active role of European museums and museum staff in archaeology, with examples from all over Europe showing active participation in excavations, conservation, and museum display. Based on a conference held at the British Museum in 1992, contributors include: I Longworth (Museums and archaeology) ; J Warren (The European Community and heritage protection) ; J Verwers (Archaeology and the National Museum of Antiquities, The Netherlands) ; J Baart (Archaeology in Dutch town-museums) ; G Krause (Museum rescue-archaeology in Duisburg, the Lower Rhineland) ; H Lidén (Archaeology and the Museum of National Antiquities, Stockholm) ; I Billberg (Excavations in the medieval centre of Malmö) ; J-Y Marin (L'acquisition des objets archéologiques par les musées en France) ; B Dunning (A new archaeological museum at Neuchâtel, Switzerland) ; W Brzezínski (Museum archaeology in Poland) ; L Pekarskaya (Archaeology in the Kiev History Museum) ; B Kirigin (Archaeological museums in Croatia) ; A Saville (Artefact research in the National Museums of Scotland) ; M Biddle (Curatorship and the archaeological explosion) .
Format: Paperback
Pages: 122
ISBN: 9780946897742
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1993
Series: JRMES
Illustrations: with text-figs & illus.
This edition of this journal contains eight articles.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 154
ISBN: 9780946897551
Pub Date: 30 Jun 1993
Series: JRPS
Illustrations: 590 pls
A visual index of photographs for identifying charred remains of roots and tubers from archaeological sites in Europe and the Near East. Although often present in archaeological deposits the charred remains of vegetative organs, roots, tubers, rhizomes and corns are rarely, or erratically, identified. This manual covers Europe and the Near East.