Aarhus University Press

Aarhus University Press is a commercial Foundation which was inaugurated in 1985 for the purpose of disseminating the results of scientific research, as well as other scientific activity within the University of Aarhus. The Foundation is managed by a board of at least 5 and maximum of 13 members appointed by the Academic Council of the University on the recommendation of the Rector on the basis of proposals from the main areas.

Transport Amphorae & Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9788779341180
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2005
As Peacock and Williams have noted, amphorae provide us "not with an index of the transportation of goods, but with direct witness of the movement of certain foodstuffs which were of considerable economic importance ..

Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens, Volume 4

Format: Paperback
Pages: 258
ISBN: 9788772887241
Pub Date: 20 Dec 2004
Illustrations: b/w photos & illus
This is the fourth volume of the journal of the Danish Institute at Athens with articles in the fields of Greek archaeology, history, philology and literature. The present volume contains two philological articles: Alkibiades and The Phaedrus: The Politics of the Appetites by Doug Al-Maini, and The Platonic Corpus in Antiquity by Jørgen Mejer. Birte Lundgreen's article, Use and Abuse of Athena in Roman Imperial Portraiture: The Case of Julia Domna, discusses the uses of Imperial Roman portraiture, particularly in the eastern provinces.

Tradition & Agency

Tracing Cultural Continuity & Invention
Format: Hardback
Pages: 355
ISBN: 9788779341388
Pub Date: 20 Dec 2004
Tradition helps to ensure continuity and stability in human affairs, signifying both the handing down of cultural heritage from one generation to the next, and the particular customs, beliefs and rituals being handed down. In the social sciences, tradition has been a central concept from the very start. Yet -- to update the old quip about nostalgia -- tradition is not what it used to be.
Jade Und Kupfe Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 436
ISBN: 9788788415261
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2004
Illustrations: illus
Text in German. The purpose of the present work is to combine the advantages of the various research traditions and at the same time to avoid the respective disadvantages. An attempt will be made to interpret the existing archaeological facts with reference to cultural development in large parts of Europe.
The Barbar Temples Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 429
ISBN: 9788788415278
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2004
Illustrations: illus
This book provides a detailed description of the three ancient temples unearthed between 1954-1961 near Barbar on the northern part of Bahrain island in the Persian Gulf. Two of the structures, from the centuries around 2000 BC, reveal traditions going back to Sumerian temples. A number of spectacular objects were found here, including cylindrical alabaster jars, a human-shaped copper mirror handle and the most famous object from the Barbar Temples, a bull's head of copper.

Writing Lives in Sports

Biographies, Life Histories & Methods
Format: Hardback
Pages: 191
ISBN: 9788779340848
Pub Date: 20 Oct 2004
Illustrations: tables
This is a book of stories about sports persons: sports stars, less-known athletes and relatively unknown physical education teachers and sports scientists. More exactly, these 13 essays all deal with problems associated with writing sport biographies - how does an author navigate among myths and truths? Why do some athletes live on in the public mind while others, whose achievements may have been greater, fade from memory?
Plotinus Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 397
ISBN: 9788779340985
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2004
Series: Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity
Illustrations: illus
As the most important philosophical work to emerge in the 700-year period between Aristotle and Augustine, The Enneads has been subject to intense scrutiny for more than 2000 years. But the mystical and abstract nature of these treatises by Plotinus continues to resist easy elucidation. In this volume, the latest in the Aarhus Studies on Mediterranean Antiquity, Asger Ousager grapples with the great neo-Platonist's conception of the individual.

Wiring Prometheus

Globalisation, History & Technology
Format: Paperback
Pages: 255
ISBN: 9788772889474
Pub Date: 20 Sep 2004
Illustrations: illus
As the 20th century drew to a close, the trend to globalisation became the focus of vigorous debate across the economic and political spectrum. It fascinated businessmen, intoxicated stock markets, angered trade unions, confused politicians and divided academic commentators. Everybody agreed, however, that one key element of the process of globalisation was the role played by new technology.
Coinage in Roman Egypt Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9788772889641
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2004
Illustrations: illus
Durable and iconic, coins are some of the most revealing everyday objects left to us from the ancient world. For the most part, however, they have been considered the special domain of numismatists, who typically seek to assemble as many varieties as possible. But in focusing on the rarities that form a collection's highlights, numismatists slight contextual clues to economic history and the daily use of coins as money.
From Handaxe to Khan Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 332
ISBN: 9788779341074
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2004
Illustrations: illus
From Handaxe to Khan - Essays Presented to Peder Mortensen on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
Ancient Fishing and Fish Processing in the Black Sea Region Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 222
ISBN: 9788779340961
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2004
Series: Black Sea Studies
This volume challenges the orthodox view that fishing and fish played only a marginal role in the economy of the ancient world. In fact, there is archaeological evidence for ancient fish processing on a commercial scale not only in the Mediterranean itself, but also on the Atlantic coast and in the Black Sea region, especially the Crimea. Our literary sources testify to the widespread culinary and medicinal use of salted fish and fermented fish sauces in antiquity, and especially in the first centuries AD.

Under Vitus Bering's Command

New Perspectives on the Russian Kamchatka Expeditions
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9788772889320
Pub Date: 20 Jun 2004
From 1725 until his death in 1741, Bering commanded two of the most ambitious journeys of exploration in the 18th century. Each required years of overland travel across Asia to reach desolate Kamchatka and the Pacific coast of Siberia, where the crews had to build their own ships. Only then could the search for the mythical Northeast Passage and the north-western coastline of America begin.
Pre-Columbian Woven Treasures in the National Museum of Denmark Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 127
ISBN: 9788789384917
Pub Date: 31 May 2004
The tremendous collection of about 500 pre-Columbian textiles held in the National Museum of Denmark are catalogued in this slightly oversized volume. The textiles, which are mainly fragments, date from c.500 BC-1550 AD and were found in tombs in Peru, particularly at Pachacamac.

Reality in the Mirror of Art

Format: Hardback
Pages: 559
ISBN: 9788772888606
Pub Date: 20 May 2004
To speak about the relationship between reality and art is like wanting to solve an equation with two unknowns. Nonetheless they are so closely bound up with each other that one is almost bound to mention the two quantities in the same breath. Is there much of a difference then between art and reality?
Diachronic Settlement Studies in the Metal Ages Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9788788415247
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2004
Illustrations: illus
Archaeological settlement studies are called diachronic when they deal with chronological development - local or regional - over time. The articles in this book remain within the Bronze Age for the most part, and cover periods that vary from a few hundred to thousands of years. The contributions represent three traditions in European diachronic settlement studies: a Northern, where posthole archaeology has become the norm; a Central European, dominated by other elements, including the crucial role of the Danube in the understanding of innovation; and a South European, dominated by massive, well preserved stone architecture.

Study of Religion in a New Key

Theoretical & Philosophical Soundings in the Comparative & General Study of Religion
Format: Paperback
Pages: 509
ISBN: 9788779340916
Pub Date: 20 Mar 2004
What are the global and cross-cultural phenomena of religion anyway? They are not things-in-the-world, not things "in themselves," and yet we know they are very real because they constitute the means by which we make up our lives. As thought, language, society and culture are not illusions, neither is religion.