Aarhus University Press

Aarhus University Press is a commercial Foundation which was inaugurated in 1985 for the purpose of disseminating the results of scientific research, as well as other scientific activity within the University of Aarhus. The Foundation is managed by a board of at least 5 and maximum of 13 members appointed by the Academic Council of the University on the recommendation of the Rector on the basis of proposals from the main areas.

Exploring Text & Emotions

Format: Paperback
Pages: 451
ISBN: 9788779345584
Pub Date: 01 Mar 2014
Series: Acta Jutlandica Series
The present volume is the second publication generated by the Project "Text, Action and Space". The first volume, Exploring Textual Action (Aarhus University Press, Acta Jutlandica, Humanistic Series, 2010), focused on textual action and performativity and their spatial implications. This volume aspires to contribute to the investigation of emotions and their interaction with the dynamics of textuality and spatiality, showing the essential role of literature and the arts in the understanding of affective phenomena, such as emotions, feelings, sentiments, dispositions and moods.

Literature & Chemistry

Elective Affinities
Format: Hardback
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9788771241747
Pub Date: 01 Mar 2014
This book investigates literary and chemical encounters, from medieval alchemy to contemporary science fiction, in works of the likes of Dante, Goethe, Baudelaire and Dag Solstad as well as in literary writing of scientists such as Humphry Davy, Ludwig Boltzmann and Oliver Sachs.

Industrial Heritage in Denmark

Landscape, Environments & Historical Archaeology
Format: Hardback
Pages: 285
ISBN: 9788771241082
Pub Date: 10 Jan 2014
In presenting 25 industrial sites of national significance in the context of changing techno-economic paradigms, this book considers the development of Danish industrial landscapes and built-up environments in the period 1840-1970. Three case studies of ports, sugar mills, and cement plants are also presented. The book concludes with two chapters that discuss perceptions and strategies for the conversion of industrial sites, and an overview is given covering the preservation of industrial heritage in Denmark, historically.

Sugar & Modernity

Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Format: Paperback
Pages: 172
ISBN: 9788771241105
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2014
Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other diseases related to modern lifestyles have spread with frightening speed all over the globe, a development that is often correlated with an increase in the consumption of sugar. Latin America -- the cradle of the world's sugar production -- is no exception; it has witnessed an explosion of cases of diabetes, especially in Brazil and Mexico. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the problem, this book asks two questions.

Representational Machines

Photography & the Production of Space
Format: Paperback
Pages: 269
ISBN: 9788771241655
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2013
Illustrations: photos
Since its inception in the 19th century, photography has brought to light a vast array of represented subjects. Always situated in some spatial order, photographic representations have been operatively underpinned by social, technical, and institutional mechanisms. Geographically, bodily, and geometrically, the camera has positioned its subjects in social structures and hierarchies, in recognisable localities, and in iconic depth constructions which, although they show remarkable variation, nevertheless belong specifically to the enterprises of the medium.
From Goths to Varangians Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 418
ISBN: 9788779345379
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2013
Series: Black Sea Studies
In late Antiquity, archaeology demonstrates lively and far-flung exchange along the river Dniester, through current Poland to the Baltic. By the 11th century the former Barbaricum had been transformed into a string of Christian kingdoms and principalities, whose parallel histories are as conspicuous as their differences. From the legendary (if possible real) migrations of the Goths in Antiquity to the Varangian guard at the imperial court of Byzantium in the late Viking Age, trans-cultural interaction complemented important historical development.

Making and Breaking the Gods

Christian Responses to Pagan Sculpture in Late Antiquity
Format: Hardback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9788771240894
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2013
Drawing on both textual and archaeological sources, this book discusses how Christians in Late Antiquity negotiated the sculptural environment of cities and sanctuaries in a variety of ways, ranging from creative transformations to iconoclastic performances. Their responses to pagan sculpture present a rich window into the mechanisms through which society and culture changed under the influence of Christianity. The book thus demonstrates how Christian responses to pagan sculpture rhetorically continued an old tradition of discussing visual practices and the materiality of divine representations.

Zackenberg -- On the Edge of Winter

A Photographic Journey into Northeast Greenland
Format: Hardback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9788771240979
Pub Date: 01 Jul 2013
Illustrations: colour photos
Zackenberg (or ZERO - Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations) is an ecosystem research station and monitoring facility situated in the Northeast Greenland National Park in north-eastern Greenland. Zackenberg is owned by The Government of Greenland and is operated by the Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University. The book's beautiful photographs document the people living at the station during winter and their field research in harsh conditions.
Mount Nebo -- An Archaeological Survey of the Region Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 146
ISBN: 9788771240788
Pub Date: 31 May 2013
During six seasons (1992-1998) an intensive survey of the Mount Nebo region was accomplished under the auspices of the Franciscan Archaeological Institute at Mount Nebo and the Danish Palestine Foundation. It was followed by a brief reconnaissance in 2008. The survey was centered around Siyagha, covering an area of approximately 35 square kilometres.

Developing Democracies

Democracy, Democratization & Development
Format: Paperback
Pages: 222
ISBN: 9788771241167
Pub Date: 01 May 2013
The Middle East captured front pages world-wide for the alleged Arab Spring in 2011. Large segments of the populations of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Syria took to the streets to voice their protest against autocratic regimes and to demand democracy. Violent uprisings followed, but the prospects of liberal democracy are still uncertain and distant.

Works of Light

Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9788771241686
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2013
A part of the subject area Art
Positiv psykologi Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 60
ISBN: 9788771241884
Pub Date: 10 Mar 2013
Vi er født til at nyde søvn, sex og syltetøjsmadder, og det gør vi. Men ellers fylder det dårlige - vi dyrker drab i nyhederne, husker skolens buksevand, som var det i går, og dødkeder os på arbejdet. Det ligger i generne, men det ligger også i kulturen.
Depicting the Dead Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 333
ISBN: 9788771240184
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2013
The present monograph takes its place in a now well-established tradition of seeing sarcophagi as visual statements of deceased individuals that used allegories to plot lives and personal memories against mythological and other idealised narratives. It focuses on Roman sarcophagi, often referred to as stadtrömisch, which reflects the fact that the field has traditionally been dominated by German scholars. The aim of the book is twofold: Firstly, it is an exploration of how to read Roman sarcophagi, which starts from those with portraits, but which can contribute more broadly to the study of sarcophagi in general.

Skelhøj & the Bronze Age Barrows of Southern Scandinavia

The Bronze Age Barrow Tradion & the Excavation of Skelhøj
Format: Hardback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9788788415797
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2013
Illustrations: illus., with plates
This volume contains an introduction to South Scandinavian Bronze Age barrows and a more detailed study of their architecture, ideas and practices. It also contains a presentation of the excavations (carried out between 1995 to 2003) of the large Early Bronze Age barrow Skelh, situated in the meadows on the banks of the River Kongeåen in SW Jutland (Denmark).
The Transport Amphorae and Trade of Cyprus Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9788771242133
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2013
Placed as a stepping stone on the sea route between Europe and the New East, Cyprus has always been a meeting place of many cultures. Though rarely united politically through many millennia of history - and for extended periods subject to foreign rule - the island nonetheless managed to maintain specific and unique identities. This publication seeks to throw new light on important aspects of the economy of Cyprus between c.

Creation, Rationality & Autonomy

Format: Paperback
Pages: 273
ISBN: 9788787564991
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2013
Cornelius Castoriadis was one of the most original and creative thinkers of the 20th century. Between 2006 and 2009, the Nordic Summer University hosted a series of workshops on his thought that attracted participants from various disciplinary fields and nations. This collection is a result from these encounters, with contributions from political philosophy, Hellenic studies, architecture, critique of ideology, pedagogy, sociology, phenomenology, psychology and psychoanalysis - and, true to the spirit of Castoriadis, combinations of these.