Classical World
Upper Zohar Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 161
ISBN: 9780197270080
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1995
Illustrations: 20 b/w plates, 25 figs
The final report of excavations undertaken by the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem. The fort dates from the late fifth to early seventh centuries and was the first such fort to have been fully investigated. It was a small but strategically placed military installation which provided evidence for the late antique military system and the daily life of traders and travellers.
RRP: £52.50
Well Built Mycenae Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 55
ISBN: 9780946897841
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1995
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Well Built Mycenae
Illustrations: figs, 11 pls, 3 fiche, fold-out map
The structures, building techniques, distribution of finds, function of the complex and parallels with similar sites. NO FICHE LEFT
Bernard Ashmole Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9780946897681
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1994
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 236 with illus throughout.
Bernard Ashmole (1894-1988) was one of the outstanding classical archaeologists of the 20th century and a world authority on ancient Greek sculpture. His first post was as Director of the British School at Rome, and he went on to hold the posts of Professor at University College, London, and keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum. After holding the Lincoln Professorship of Classical Art and Archaeology at Oxford, Ashmole spent much of his retirement as adviser to John Paul Getty on the purchase of Greek and Roman antiquities for his museum in Malibu.

Seneca's Troades

Introduction, Text, Translation and Commentary
Format: Paperback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9780905205885
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1994
Imprint: Francis Cairns Publications
Seneca (ca 1 B.C.-A.

Centre and Periphery in the Hellenistic World

Format: Hardback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9788772883175
Pub Date: 31 Mar 1994
Series: Studies in Hellenistic Civilisation Series
Illustrations: illus
Centre & Periphery in the Hellenistic World
EAA 60: Caister-on-Sea Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 290
ISBN: 9780905594071
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1993
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: with 36 plates, 174 figs, 69 tables & microfiche.
The Roman defended site at Caister, hitherto viewed as a small town, can now be seen as an early coastal fort probably contemporary with Reculver and Brancaster, both of which appear in the Notitia Dignitatum as forts of the Saxon shore. The Caister fort is of earlier Roman type, with a defensive wall backed up by an earthen rampart. Finds indicate occupation by cavalry from the early 3rd century to later 4th century, although specifically late military equipment is absent.

Doctrine and Exegesis in Biblical Latin Poetry

Format: Hardback
Pages: 147
ISBN: 9780905205861
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1993
Imprint: Francis Cairns Publications
Illustrations: x + 147 pages.
Up to the eighteenth century, the Latin biblical epic poets of late antiquity were much read, and were influential on various strands within European poetry. Milton's Paradise Lost is the culmination of the English branch of the tradition. Renewed scholarly interest in the literature of the late Roman period has included a revaluation of its biblical poetry.
Excavations at Roughground Farm, Lechlade Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9780947816834
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1993
Series: Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph
Illustrations: illus
Excavations that demonstrate the changing fortunes of a stone-built villa from the 2nd century to at least AD 360.
Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies, Volume 3, 1992 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 122
ISBN: 9780946897742
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1993
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: JRMES
Illustrations: with text-figs & illus.
This edition of this journal contains eight articles.
RRP: £35.00
Lefkandi II Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 103
ISBN: 9780904887112
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1993
Series: BSA Supplementary Volume
Illustrations: 38 pls
RRP: £52.00

The Sage, the Shepherdess and Caesar

Format: Paperback
Pages: 19
ISBN: 9780905205854
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1993
Imprint: Francis Cairns Publications
EAA 53: Excavations in Theford 1980-82, Fison Way Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 213
ISBN: 9780905594057
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1992
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: text, 156 figs, 42 tables, 2 microfiche.
The discovery of the Thetford treasure (a spectacular hoard of late Roman gold and silver jewellery), a mass of late Roman finds from metal detecting and a striking multiple enclosure cropmark led to the decision to excavate 5ha of this site in advance of development. The principal use of the site belongs to the Iron Age and Early Roman period, ending in the mid 60s AD. A series of hilltop enclosures dating back to the Middle Iron Age is replaced, at about the time of the Roman conquest, by a single substantial circular building within a double-ditched enclosure, surrounded by smaller peripheral enclosures containing possible graves.
Archanes, Crete Cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789602132340
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1992
Imprint: Ekdotike Athenon
The guide focuses on "Archanes" an important archeological site of the Minoan civilisation. In this guide the archeologists John and Efi Sakellarakis, present the excavations they have conducted in the site. With this guide at hand one can visit the parts of the splendid palace which are preserved amongst the houses of the modern town, the impressive cemetery complex at the neighbouring area Phourni as well as the Anemospilia excavations which have revealed sensational evidence of a human sacrifice.
RRP: £14.99

East Roman Foreign Policy

formation and conduct from Diocletian to Anastasius
Format: Hardback
Pages: 283
ISBN: 9780905205830
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1992
Imprint: Francis Cairns Publications
Illustrations: with 4 maps.
The early Roman empire took a militaristic attitude towards its neighbours, but by the reign of Justinian a complex stance had evolved in which military force was tempered by diplomacy. Covering the period from the Peace of Nisibis in 299 to the death of Anastasius in 518, the author traces the development of the diplomatic element in late East Roman foreign policy from a mere adjunct or epilogue to war, into something with the capacity of being an alternative for war. Offers a detailed narrative history of the military and diplomatic activity in this field.
Gravina Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 259
ISBN: 9780904152227
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1992
Illustrations: b/w figs
This volume presents the evidence uncovered by the BSR between 1965 and 1974 for the Iron Age city of Silvium and for the Roman settlement that succeeded it. It concentrates especially on the defences of the city of the late 4th century BC which were partially destroyed by the Romans in 307 or 306 BC and on the economic and social transformations of the middle 2nd century BC.
RRP: £22.50
Gravina Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 399
ISBN: 9780904152234
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1992
Illustrations: incl 120 figs & 21 plates
RRP: £30.00