Classical World  /  Rome & the Roman Provinces
Ivories from Nimrud VI Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 444
ISBN: 9780903472265
Pub Date: 25 Aug 2009
The great, ninth century palace which Ashurnasirpal II (883-859) built at his new capital of Kalhu/Nimrud has been excavated over 150 years by various expeditions. Each has been rewarded with remarkable antiquities, including the finest ivories found in the ancient Near East, many of which had been brought to Kalhu by the Assyrian kings. The first ivories were discovered by Austen Henry Layard, followed a century later by Max Mallowan, who found superb ivories in Well NN.
Italy and the West Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 233
ISBN: 9781842170427
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2009
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: many b/w illus
Nineteen papers examining varied responses to Romanization, and how this affects our view of the development of the Roman Empire. The traditional view of Romanization is as the triumph of a superior and more advanced culture over primitive communities, brought about by military expansion and resulting in the creation of a uniform political and cultural entity. It is only in the last twenty years that the variety of responses that Romanization elicited among the various ethnic groups, social classes, genders, spheres, and even within the same person in different conjunctures of his or her life, has begun to be appreciated.
A New Millennium at Southwark Cathedral Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9780954293871
Pub Date: 27 Jul 2009
Imprint: Pre-Construct Archaeology
This volume presents the story of 2000 years of occupation around Southwark Cathedral as demonstrated by a combination of building recording and archaeological excavation. The story begins in the first years of Roman occupation, with the construction of a road heading southwest from a crossing point of the Thames, close to modern London Bridge. The story of the foundation, construction and subsequent history of the medieval priory of St Mary Overie is then explored and presented in the form of a tour through the Cathedral and out into the claustral buildings.
Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Volume 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 196
ISBN: 9780905205519
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2009
Imprint: Francis Cairns Publications
Series: ARCA, Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs
This volume constitutes a work of fundamental importance for historians of the period. Part One analyzes the background, opinions, and historiography of each of the four writers, with particular emphasis on recovering from the fragments the original structure of their works. Part Two presents an annotated conspectus, based on close study of all relevant writings, ancient and modern.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9789088900167
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2008
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Beneath the surface of Aardenburg, a small town in the south-western part of the Netherlands, lie the remains of a Roman settlement that is presumed to have been named Rodanum. Extensive archaeological excavations from the late 1950s to the late 1980s revealed that the settlement was similar in size or even larger than the modern town. Its centre was formed by a large castellum-type fortification wall that enclosed several large stone buildings.

Urban Life & Local Politics in Roman Bithynia

The Small World of Dion Chrysostomos
Format: Hardback
Pages: 211
ISBN: 9788779343504
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2008
Series: Black Sea Studies
Illustrations: b/w photos
Most studies of Roman local administration focus on the formal structures of power: provincial laws, imperial edicts, urban institutions and magistracies. This book explores the interplay of formal politics with informal factors such as social prejudice, parochialism and personal rivalries in the cities of northwestern Asia Minor from the first to the fifth centuries AD. Through a detailed analysis of the municipal speeches and career of the philosopher-politician Dion Chrysostomos, we gain new insights into the petty conflicts and lofty ambitions of an ancient provincial small-town politician and those around him.

Werkzeuge aus Kaiserzeitlichen Heeresausruestungsopfern

Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9788788415483
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2008
Feeding the Roman Army Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 169
ISBN: 9781842173237
Pub Date: 10 Apr 2008
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w illus
These ten papers from two Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (2007) sessions bring together a growing body of new archaeological evidence in an attempt to reconsider the way in which the Roman army was provisioned. Clearly, the adequate supply of food was essential to the success of the Roman military. But what was the nature of those supply networks?
JJP Supplement 7 (2007) Journal of Juristic Papyrology Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 346
ISBN: 9788391825068
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2007
Imprint: Journal of Juristic Papyrology
Series: JJP Supplements
Contents include: The place of Nomos Arsinoites in the Egyptian administrative system under the Roman rule; Nomos Arsinoites - its nomarchai, strategoi and basilikoi grammateis. The Arsinoite merides; The Arsinoite toparchies; Komogrammateiai as administrative units. Village officials (komogrammateis, presbyteroi acting as komogrammateis, amphodokomogrammateis, komarchai); Pagi in the Arsinoite nome: Unification of the administrative structures.
The Best Training Ground for Archaeologists Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 688
ISBN: 9781842172803
Pub Date: 10 Dec 2007
Imprint: Oxbow Books
To his contemporaries, Francis John Haverfield was the 'father of Romano-British studies', and his death on September 30th 1919 was greeted with widespread lamentation. In the decades immediately following his death, Haverfield's reputation survived largely undiminished, in fact his view of the Romanisation of Britain became so widely accepted that it held sway for almost a century, and is only now being re-examined by both positive and negative interpreters of his views. What is clear however, is that his immense contribution to the study of Roman Britain is worthy of attention.
Travel, Geography and Culture in Ancient Greece, Egypt and the Near East Cover Travel, Geography and Culture in Ancient Greece, Egypt and the Near East Cover
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781842172490
Pub Date: 11 Jul 2007
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Leicester Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781785705502
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2016
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Leicester Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society
This collection of essays looks beyond the focus of existing works on ancient travel and its documentation, to examine its social and cultural implications. For travel (and the reasons behind it) offers a window on to many features of ancient societies - sense of place, perceptions of space, administration, relations with foreign powers, engagement with other cultures, and representation of homelands. Also of import is the study of ancient geographical knowledge, as well as ancient travel writing (an increasingly popular genre today), its popularity and purpose.
Common Ground Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 640
ISBN: 9781842171837
Pub Date: 21 Dec 2006
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w line drawings and photographs
This volume contains over 150 papers presented at the Classical Congress held in Boston, Massachussetts in August 2003.
Rome & the Black Sea Region Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 183
ISBN: 9788779341746
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2006
Series: Black Sea Studies
Illustrations: b/w photos & maps
In 89 BC, Roman legionaries intervened in the Black Sea region to curb the ambitions of Mithridates VI of Pontos. Over the next two centuries, the Roman presence on the Black Sea coast was slowly, but steadily increased. This volume deals with the Roman impact on the indigenous population in the Black Sea region and touches on the theme of romanisation of that area.
Anastasius I Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 351
ISBN: 9780905205434
Pub Date: 22 Aug 2006
Imprint: Francis Cairns Publications
Series: ARCA, Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs
When Anastasius I came to the throne in 491, the Late Roman Empire was in severe difficulty. Internal instability, exacerbated by the dominance of the unpopular Isaurians in Constantinople, resulted in a struggling economy, hostile relations with Persia, the abandonment of Italy to a barbarian king, and doctrinal schisms. Anastasius, an elderly statesman with long experience as an administrator and economist, turned his attention first to the Isaurians, ousting them from the imperial capital and defeating them in their homeland; he could then focus on streamlining the administration, improving the economy, and securing peace and stability on the borders.
Deliciae Fictiles III Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 434
ISBN: 9781842172087
Pub Date: 11 Jul 2006
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 16p col plates, b/w illus
This edited volume of forty-four papers on terracottas opens with a section on New Research , followed by five geographical sections on: Etruria; Umbria and Abruzzo; The Faliscans, Rome and Latium; Campania and Magna Graecia; and Sicily. The terracottas in question are the various parts of roofing systems used by the ancient Italians Italic, Etruscan and colonial Greek and cover both domestic and temple architecture. Thirty-three papers are in Italian, nine in English and two in German.
Portus Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9780904152470
Pub Date: 03 May 2006
Series: Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome
Illustrations: 233 b/w illus, one fold-out
In AD 42, the Emperor Claudius initiated work on the construction of a new artificial harbour a short distance to the north of the mouth of the Tiber. The harbour facilities were enlarged at the instigation of the Emperor Trajan at the beginning of the second century AD, and Portus remained the principal port for the City of Rome into the Byzantine period. The surviving archaeological remains and comments by ancient sources make it clear that Portus lay at the heart of Rome's maritime façade.
RRP: £49.50