Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781842170137
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2001
Series: Archaeology Data Service & Digital Antiquity Guides to Good Practice
This guide provides advice on legal issues such as Copyright and Rights Management when creating and using digital picture resources, technical advice on software and producing good quality images, standards for data documentation, project management, storage and preservation, and innovative creative techniques, including web design and virtual reality.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9781842170144
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Neo-Darwinism is becoming an increasingly important influence on archaeological theory, as a number of recently edited books on `Darwinian archaeologies' make clear. However, many of these volumes are internationally inconsistent and reflect the muddled understanding many archaeologists have of the potential of Darwin's thought for interpreting material culture. Ben Cullen's book starts by critiquing some recent neo-Darwinist approaches, including cultural evolutionism and cultural sociobiology.
He then presents a neo-Darwinian paradigm of extreme power, which he has termed the Cultural Virus Theory (CVT). This focuses on explaining the transmission of ideas by comparing cultural memes wit natural genes. In the final section he takes the important step of applying this theory to real materials; demonstrating how CVT can be used to understand the spread of megalithic monuments in prehistoric North-West Europe, the diffusion of the renaissance in medieval Europe and the basis of stylistic change in pottery. Tragically this collection of brilliant thoughts is published posthumously. Ben Cullen was close to finishing a major book when he died suddenly in 1995 and his writings have been gathered into a consistent whole by James Steele, Richard Cullen and Christopher Chippendale.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 76
ISBN: 9781900188739
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Series: Archaeology Data Service & Digital Antiquity Guides to Good Practice
A straightforward guide which provides advice on preparing and depositing digital archives which also includes recommendations for archive curators and collecting agencies and copyright considerations. The book contains practical information and guidelines for depositing an archive with the Archaeological Data Service and the principals behind archiving archaeological data in a digital form.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 154
ISBN: 9780947816513
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Illustrations: (A Tschan & P Daly). 154p, b/w illus, tbs
These nine papers, based on the 4th World Archaeological Congress held in South Africa in 1999, take a critical view of computer usage in archaeology and study its impact on the discipline and especially in terms of archaeological method and theory. Contents: Introduction (Gark Lock & Kayt Brown) ; Computers and archaeological cultural change (J Huggett) ; Archaeological computing and disciplinary theory (J Gidlow) ; Mathematics and computers (H Forsyth) ; Virtual reality (G Goodrick & M Gillings) ; Archaeological archives for the 21st century (F Grew) ; Intellectual excavation (A Beck) ; English sites and monuments records (B Robinson) ; Can computers help aerial survey? (R Palmer) ; Is there such a thing as `Computer Archaeology'?
Format: Hardback
Pages: 526
ISBN: 9789602133996
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Imprint: Ekdotike Athenon
God, Man, and the world have always been, and are still today, the constant unchanging focus of humankind's spiritual concerns, marking the civilization which the people of the globe have inherited with its own particular features. But it has been Christianity, able to rise above those persistent concerns through the ages, that has revealed the true relationship between God, Man and the world, and has clothed it in the Greek language and with Greek ideas. As we view Christianity's progress in the world, two thousand years after the incarnation of God the Word, we can see very clearly that the holy fountain of all Christendom has always been Orthodoxy.
Developing impressively in the Eastern regions of the then civilized world, where the strata of humankind were fertile in religious visions, Orthodoxy was to give shape and definition to its spiritual majesty through the thousand years of the Byzantine Empire, in order that it might live out its glory to the present day -a glory steeped in the blood of the Cross.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9781902937021
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Series: McDonald Institute Monographs
Illustrations: b/w pls
In the early 1990s the University of Cambridge reopened excavations at the Neolithic site of Catalhöyuek in central Turkey, abandoned since the 1960s. In this volume, Ian Hodder explains his vision of archaeological excavation, where careful examination of context and an awareness of human bias allows researches exciting new insights into prehistoric cognition. The aim of the volume is to discuss some of the reflexive or postprocessual methods that have been introduced at the site in the work there since 1993.
These methods involve reflexivity, interactivity, multivocality and contextuality or relationality.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9781842170090
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Twelve papers presented by Michael Wilks between 1965 and his death in 1999, two of which are published here for the first time. Wilks' research into Wyclif and 14th-century England was very much rooted in Wyclif's own prolific writings, a perspective that differed from the more traditional Reformation viewpoint. The papers trace Wyclif's early history in northern England and Oxford and ask why the established and favoured civil servant turned against Edward III and Richard II and died a traitor and heretic.
Wilks' detailed analysis of Wyclif's Latin texts, with numerous extracts and copious notes, presents Wyclif's demands for reform and his determined campaign against the church and the religious orders. Wyclif's name was inevitably linked with the Peasants' Revolt, even though it attacked his patron and former defender John of Gaunt, but even in exile he continued his fight with attacks on both the Schism popes. The essays are the result of 35 years of evolving ideas and opinions but all reflect the great learning and energy of Wilks' scholarship.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9781900188937
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1999
Series: Bournemouth Conservation
A volume of essays on communicating archaeology by every imaginable means provides an excellent tribute to the work of Bill Putnam - always a communicator. Learning by doing (Philip Rahtz), field archaeology in the 70s and 80s (John Hinchliffe), ignore good communication at your peril (Andrew Lawson), the IFA: what it means to be a member of a professional body (Timothy Darvill), talking to ourselves (Ellen McAdam), commissioning knowledge or making archaeology for books (Peter Kemmis Betty), arcane to ARC: the York experience (Andrew Jones), the National Curriculum (Mike Corbishley), past experience: the view from teacher education (Tim Copeland), child's play: archaeology out of school (Kate Pretty), university archaeology: ivory tower or white elephant? (Kevin Andrews) , liberal adult education in the second half of the twentieth century (Trevor Rowley), the local societies (John Manley) , archaeology in museums (Roger Peers).
Format: Paperback
Pages: 61
ISBN: 9781900188975
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1999
Illustrations: b/w figs and pls
A collection of short papers and abstracts from the 4th, 5th and 6th proceedings of the Osteological Research Group, held in April and November 1996 and June 1997. The papers cover a wide range of subjects including technical information, evidence derived from bone assemblages and specific individual examples. Studies are presented on archaeozoology, domesticated animal bone assemblages, evidence of violence and stress indicators, measurement and statistical analysis and current research in the field of osteoarchaeology.
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9781900188760
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1999
These essays, in honour of John Coles, reflect his interests in experimental archaeology and in the exploration of wetland sites. Contents include: Palaeolithic Archaeology: Radiocarbon dating and the origins of anatomically modern populations in Europe ( P Mellars ); The Chauvet cave dates ( J Clottes ); The archaeology of Scotland: The Hidden landscape: the Neolithic of Tayside ( G J Barclay ); The stony limits - rock carvings in passage graves and in the open air ( R Bradley ); Evidence, North and South, in the earlier Neolithic ( R J Mercer ); The birth of the Scottish Bronze Age ( J N Graham Ritchie ); Drinking, driving, death and display: Scottish Bronze Age artefacts since Coles ( A Sheridan ). Bronze Age archaeology: Bronze Age landscapess in Southern Europe ( G Barker ); From Skåne to Scotstown: some notes on amber in Bronze Age Ireland ( G Eogan ); Swords, shields and scholars: Bronze Age warfare, past and present ( A Harding ); Gold reflections ( J J Taylor ); Rise and fall: the deposition of Bronze Age weapons in the Thames valley and the Fenland ( R Thomas ); Bronze Age settlement in south Scandinavia - territorality and organisation ( H Thrane ); Experimental Archaeology: Getting to grips with music's prehistory: experimental approaches to function, design and operational wear in excavated musical instruments ( G Lawson ); Experimental ship archaeology in Denmark ( O Crumli-Pedersen ); Wood-tar and pitch experiments at Biskupin Museum ( W Piotrowski ); The nature of experiment in archaeology ( P J Reynolds ).
Wetland Archaeology: Somerset and the Sweet conundrum ( B Coles ); Paths, tracks and roads in early Ireland: viewing people rather than the trees ( B Raftery ); Underwater medieval sites on Lake Paladru (Isère, France): from rescue excavations to cultural project ( M Colardelle & E Verdel ). Epilogue: Of weapons and wetlands ( T Champion ). J M Coles - a bibliography.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 276
ISBN: 9781900188746
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1999
Series: Archaeology of Mediterranean Landscapes
. The fourth book in the Archaeology of Mediterranean Landscapes series
Format: Hardback
Pages: 396
ISBN: 9781900188920
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1999
Illustrations: with illus
Even before the Mayflower sailed across the Atlantic in 1620, the material and cultural lives of the 'Old' and 'New' worlds were inextricably linked. This book reflects the techniques which archaeologists have used over the last 30 years to try and unravel, from a mass of material evidence, the lives of early Americans, and their English contemporaries. This book discusses the unique methodologies which historical archaeologists (in both Britain and the US) have developed to study early modern and industrial societies and new theoretical approaches focusing on ethnicity and domestic space, and new practical techniques using environmental as well as artifactual evidence.
The book contains forty two essays arranged thematically. Five are concerned with the use and interpretation of evidence; thirteen describe settlements and their communities on both sides of the Atlantic; four are on nautical and military operations; thirteen are concerned with artefacts and pottery and their manufacture and distribution; and seven use environmental evidence to throw new light on the human populations, and the plant and animal worlds of the time.
Crafts and Technologies
Some Traditional Craftsmen of the Western Grasslands of Cameroon
Format: Paperback
Pages: 108
ISBN: 9780861591077
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1997
Series: British Museum Press Occasional Paper
Illustrations: 62 b/w plates
Since time immemorial, inhabitants of the Western Grasslands of Cameroon in west Africa have been evolving an educational system devoid of literacy. Teaching focused on traditional crafts, including weaving, stitching of traditional dress, carving, sculpture, pottery, smelting of materials and smithing. The skills the people learned served them well, as many of them followed trades, vocations and professions that helped in improving the social and economic life of the area.
This book aims to document those crafts in order for the people of Cameroon to have a record of these skills which are gradually dying out and to encourage them to continue to practise these ancient crafts. Each craft is described in some detail; the areas it is practised in, materials used, techniques involved. Photographs document stages of production and examples of the end result.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9780861591183
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1996
Series: British Museum Press Occasional Paper
Illustrations: 8 plates
A transcription of a day-long seminar held at the British Museum in 1995 to discuss aspects of display at the museum. Invited guests examined specific displays and were joined by many of the staff and other curators. A stimulating discussion ensued which makes fascinating reading for all involved with heritage management.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 322
ISBN: 9788785180308
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1996
Series: Ships & Boats of the North
Illustrations: 328 illus
Ships and shipbuilding were important elements of Viking culture and a precondition for trade, warfare and conquest. The important excavations at the Viking towns of Hedeby and Schleswig-Holstein revealed a rich body of finds of wrecks and parts of ships. This is a report on this material and also examines the role of the towns as ports and the role of trading in their development.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 315
ISBN: 9788772884394
Pub Date: 31 Jan 1996
Illustrations: b/w illlus
Basing this study of South Scandinavia's Maglemosian economy on a selection of the faunal assemblages of the period, this book uses spatial analysis and multivariate correspondence analysis to draw together theories on human movements of the time.