Archaeological Method & Theory
Interamna Lirenas Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 172
ISBN: 9781913344108
Pub Date: 26 Jun 2023
This volume provides the results of the application of non-destructive archaeological methods (geophysical prospection and systematic surface collections) to the study of the urban site. It includes a review of what was known of the town and a discussion of the development, potential and limitations of the kind of high-resolution, extensive ground-penetrating radar survey which was carried out. Special emphasis is placed on the earliest colonial phase as well as later transformations, and explores how the inhabitants of Interamna Lirenas responded to the challenges and opportunities presented by a growing Roman world.
Thirdspace in Assyrien und Urartu Cover Thirdspace in Assyrien und Urartu Cover
Pages: 330
ISBN: 9789464280555
Pub Date: 25 May 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 51fc / 78bw
Pages: 330
ISBN: 9789464280548
Pub Date: 25 May 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 51fc / 78bw
Wie lässt sich Subalternität in der Vergangenheit untersuchen, wenn heute fast ausschließlich Hinterlassenschaften der Eliten erhalten sind? Warum lohnt sich eine solche Untersuchung und wo führt sie hin? Diesen Fragen wird in dem vorliegenden Buch über die Beziehung von Assyrien und Urartu im eisenzeitlichen Nordmesopotamien (ca.
Containers of Change Cover Containers of Change Cover
Pages: 286
ISBN: 9789464270525
Pub Date: 24 May 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 52fc / 45bw
Pages: 286
ISBN: 9789464270518
Pub Date: 24 May 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 52fc / 45bw
Across Western Asia, the astonishing increase in the availability of durable ceramic containers in the seventh millennium BCE had significant societal repercussions – so much so that vital social, economic, and symbolic activities became dependent upon the availability of pottery containers. These early ceramic containers, however, established themselves alongside flourishing pre-existing container traditions, with vessels made in a wide range of materials including clay, bitumen, basketry, leather, wood, and stone. How did prehistoric people respond to the emergence of containers as a key factor in their lives?
From Quarries to Rock-cut Sites Cover From Quarries to Rock-cut Sites Cover
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9789464261653
Pub Date: 23 May 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 61fc / 47bw
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9789464261646
Pub Date: 23 May 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 61fc / 47bw
The archaeological study of quarries focuses mainly on the reconstruction of the extraction process, while rock-hewn spaces have often been approached from the point of view of architectural styles or art-history. Nevertheless, a holistic structural approach to the study of these spaces could allow a better understanding of the agency of those who carved the stone. Stone quarries and rock-cut sites have rarely been included in global studies of historical landscapes and few are the forums dedicated to the theoretical and methodological debate over the importance that these sites have for the understanding of past societies.
Commemorating Classical Battles Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9781789259353
Pub Date: 15 May 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w and colour
This is a study of the commemoration of Classical Greek battles, approaching monuments and other mnemonic practices as vital elements in the creation and curation of memories. It analyses the diachronic development of battlefield, sanctuary, and city spaces, as evidenced by archaeological remains and ancient literary sources. In addition, it explores the experience of the commemorative spaces through the application of theories of space, phenomenology, and social memory.
Fabric of the Frontier Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9781789259506
Pub Date: 15 May 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w and colour
What is Hadrian’s Wall made of, where did this material come from and how has it been reused in other buildings in the communities that emerged in the centuries after the Roman Empire? By studying the fabric of Hadrian’s Wall using a geological approach combined with archaeological methods, is it possible to refine our answers to these questions? This study describes how the relationship between the geology of the Wall’s landscape and its fabric may be used to further understand the Wall and presents a significant set of new geological and archaeological data on the Wall’s stones from across the length of the Wall.
Sentient Archaeologies Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9781789259322
Pub Date: 15 May 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w and colour
Archaeology in the past century has seen a major shift from theoretical frameworks that treat the remains of past societies as static snapshots of particular moments in time to interpretations that prioritise change and variability. Though established analytical concepts, such as typology, remain key parts of the archaeologist’s investigative toolkit, data-gathering strategies and interpretative frameworks have become infused progressively with the concept that archaeology is living, in the sense of both the objects of study and the discipline as a whole. The significance for the field is that researchers across the world are integrating ideas informed by relational epistemologies and mutually constructive ontologies into their work from the initial stage of project design all the way down to post-excavation interpretation.
The Archaeology of Wild Birds in Britain and Ireland Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781789259568
Pub Date: 15 May 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w
Renowned archaeologist, Dale Serjeantson, tells the story of human engagement with birds from the end of the last Ice Age to around AD 1650. In this book, she integrates the study of archaeological bird remains with ethnography and the history of birds and avian biology. It identifies changing patterns of wetland, water bird and game species through time, and in addition to their food value, examines our changing interactions with them.
Variant scholarship Cover Variant scholarship Cover
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9789464270464
Pub Date: 19 Apr 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 7fc / 12bw
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9789464270457
Pub Date: 19 Apr 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 7fc / 12bw
Since the eighteenth century, many if not most ancient and medieval manuscripts or other text-bearing or associated objects have been procured through imperial expropriation or through the antiquities market with little or no evidence of findspot or place of original deposition and with no assurance of legal provenance or authenticity. The consequences of these questionable acquisition practices for scholarship and for our understanding of the past are the focus of much enquiry. Recent high-profile acquisitions (and subsequent returns) of text-bearing objects by prominent private collectors and museums and the appearance on the market of demonstrably modern forgeries have resulted in increased scrutiny of the intellectual and commercial impacts of academic engagement.
Textiles in Motion Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781789257984
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Ancient Textiles
Illustrations: B/w and colour
Dress is at the core of dance. It adorns dancers, defines various roles and forms symbolic expressions that, for example, either bind people together or opposes them. It is a communicative tool that gives crucial information for understanding the dance as well as the culture and the sociological effects of a group of people.
The Drowning of a Cornish Prehistoric Landscape Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781789259230
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Prehistoric Society Research Papers
Illustrations: B/W and colour
Between 2018 and 2019, Cornwall Archaeological Unit undertook two projects at Mount’s Bay, Penwith. The first involved the excavation of a Bronze Age barrow and the second, environmental augur core sampling in Marazion Marsh. Both sites lie within an area of coastal hinterland, which has been subject to incursions by rising sea levels.
RRP: £35.00
The Submerged Site of La Marmotta (Rome, Italy) Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9781789258714
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: Colour
The shift from a hunting and gathering economy to a productive economy, based on the domestication of plants and animals, is one of the most important changes in human history. This change, which manifested itself in different forms and at different times in different areas of the Old and New Worlds, is still a subject of debate and discussion today. How and why does such a profound change occur in the relationship with the environment and the land?
RRP: £38.00
Archaeology Without Digging Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781789259261
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w and colour
Over the last 30 years, the Connecticut Office of State Archaeology and the Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service have entered into a partnership employing ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to the study of the state’s archaeology and history. As a result, many historical cemeteries and places of note in Connecticut have been investigated. The authors have selected 10 geophysical surveys, which have used GPR as a non-intrusive, non-destructive exploratory tool, that have elicited positive results in the search for unmarked burials, confirmation of marked burials and to authenticate areas of known historical events.
Contemporary Philosophy for Maritime Archaeology Cover Contemporary Philosophy for Maritime Archaeology Cover
Pages: 344
ISBN: 9789464270402
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 32fc / 30bw
Pages: 344
ISBN: 9789464270396
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 32fc / 30bw
While terrestrial archaeology has engaged with contemporary philosophy, maritime archaeology has remained in comparative disciplinary – or subdisciplinary – isolation. However, the issues that humans face in the Anthropocene – from global warming to global pandemics – call for transdisciplinary cooperation, and for thinking together beyond the confines of the human-centered philosophical tradition. Growing areas such as the “blue humanities” and “oceanic thinking” draw directly on our maritime past, even as they ponder the future.
Religious Individualisation Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9781789259650
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B&W images
The Roman world was diverse and complex. And so were religious understandings and practices as mirrored in the enormous variety presented by archaeological, iconographic, and epigraphic evidence. Conventional approaches principally focus on the political role of civic cults as a means of social cohesion, often considered to be instrumentalised by elites.
Revealing Christian Heritage Cover Revealing Christian Heritage Cover
Pages: 110
ISBN: 9789464261585
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 5fc / 15bw
Pages: 110
ISBN: 9789464261578
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 5fc / 15bw
This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a period of great political transition. By turning the light on lesser-known stories on a wider European and Mediterranean horizon (Greece, Holy Land, Eritrea, Malta, Norway), this book gives a strong contribution to the history of Christian archaeology. All articles deal with many topics of the field (museology, cultural heritage protection law, history of religious orders, field archaeology, military explorations), and therefore offer a strong interdisciplinary cut.