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Archaeology & Ancient History
The Dark Side of Childhood in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9781842174173
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2011
Imprint: Oxbow Books
This volume examines conceptions, ideas and habits connected with children in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, focusing on the "dark sides of childhood" in the pre-modern world. The authors investigate the long-term attitudes of people, as well as ruptures in habits and customs. The book is divided into three parts.
The Archaeology of the Gravel Terraces of the Upper and Middle Thames Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 582
ISBN: 9780954962784
Pub Date: 09 Mar 2011
Series: Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph
A review of the rich and diverse evidence for understanding past climate and environmental change in the Thames Valley, and the effects on plant and animal populations and the challenges and opportunities these presented to early humans. Part 1 of this volume covers the Pleistocene, the epoch of the Ice Ages, in an integrated review of the geological, palaeontological and archaeological data for the last half million years and more. Part 2 takes up the story from the beginning of the Holocene, the warm period in which we are still living, which began around 11,500 years ago.
RRP: £34.99

Medieval Garments Reconstructed

Norse Clothing Patterns
Format: Hardback
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9788779342989
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2011
Illustrations: illus
Short introduction to the amazing finds of garments from the Norse settlement of Herjolfnes in Greenland by Else Østergård. Chapters on technique: production of the tread, dyeing, weaving techniques, cutting and sewing by Anna Nørgaard. Measurements and drawing of garments, hoods, and stockings with sewing instructions by Lilli Frandsen.
Memory and Mourning Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781842179901
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2011
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 13 b/w figs
This book explores the themes of memory and mourning from the Roman deathbed to the Roman cemetery, drawing subject matter from the literature, art, and archaeology of ancient Rome. It brings together scholarship on varied aspects of Roman death, investigating connections between ancient poetry, history and oratory and placing these alongside archaeological and textual evidence for Roman funerary and commemorative rituals. A series of case studies centred on individual authors and/or specific aspects of ritual behaviour, traces the story of Roman death: how the inhabitants of the Roman world confronted their mortality, disposed of the dead, remembered the dead and praised the dead, thereby enhancing our understanding of Roman society.
Roman Colonies in the First Century of Their Foundation Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781842179741
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2011
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Research on the nature of cultural change in the Roman Empire has traditionally been divided between the Western and Eastern provinces. Papers in this volume aim to reunite the provinces by approaching the question of cultural change across the Empire through a range of material culture and historical sources focusing on the first 100 years of the foundation of a colony.
The Archaeology of the West Midlands Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9781842174272
Pub Date: 26 Feb 2011
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: col illus throughout
The West Midlands is a region of geographical, topographical and geological contrasts, forming disparate landscapes that are reflected in the nature and diversity of its rich archaeology. This ranges from evidence of its prehistory to the important industrial heritage of its major conurbations. This book represents an attempt by the region's archaeologists to draw these varying archaeological landscapes together to produce a research framework and agenda for their future management.
Ships and Guns Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9781842179697
Pub Date: 22 Feb 2011
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w illus
Ships and Guns brings together experts from the field of historic artillery and underwater archaeologists to present a series of papers which focus on the development of naval ordnance in Europe and, especially, Venice, in the 15th17th centuries, as exemplified by the maritime archaeological resource. Subjects include Venetian ordnance in shipwrecks of the Mediterranean and Atlantic, the race to develop big calibres in the first war of Morea, Genoese ordnance aboard galleys in the 16th century, the strategic logistics of guns at sea during the Spanish armada of 1588 and ships and guns of the Tudor navy. Often specialists in ordnance study artefacts recovered from wrecks without a complete knowledge of the archaeological context from which they have been recovered.
Calendars and Years II Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9781842179871
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2011
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w illus
Understanding the calendars used by ancient and medieval cultures is essential to the writing of history. Equally important, however, is understanding the basis upon which our current knowledge of these calendars rests. This second volume of Calendars and Years explores the calendars of ancient and medieval China, India, the ancient Jewish world, the medieval Islamic world, and the Maya.
Les Chevaliers Teutoniques Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9782840482956
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2011
Imprint: Heimdal
Illustrations: fully illustrated in colour throughout
This illustrated history presents a history of the Teutonic Order in the Middle Ages; its creation, its role in the Holy Land and on the shores of the Baltic Sea, its expansion in Prussia and the Baltic States. The Teutonic Knights were members of the order of the Teutonic Knights of the Hospital of the Blessed Virgin. They were a military-religious order of knights that restricted membership to Germans.
RRP: £16.99
Alesia, 52 BC Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9782352501237
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2011
Series: Men & Battles
Illustrations: fully illustrated throughout
The Romans had been at odds with the Gauls for a very long time indeed. Somewhere between 390 and 386 BC, a Senoni warchief called Brennus managed to capture Rome and ransom the city with his famous Vae Victis.The Urbs was then a city whose authority was only relative.
Great Excavations Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9781842174098
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2011
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 146 b/w and col illus
Great excavations inspire and capture the imagination of both the public and archaeologists alike; sites like Danebury, Sutton Hoo, Maiden Castle, Mucking and York conjure images of great discoveries and leaps in knowledge. But what was it like to participate in these excavations? What is the story of these projects, and what made them great?
Of Plants and Snails Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 284
ISBN: 9789088900518
Pub Date: 15 Jan 2011
Imprint: Sidestone Press
This richly illustrated book contains 24 scientific articles on plants and molluscs written by 38 colleagues and former students of Wim Kuijper. The majority of these articles deal with one or a few species found on archaeological excavations, from corncockle via Glycymeris shells to forget-me-nots. A member of staff of the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University for 40 years, Wim has supervised students and advised colleagues in the fields of plant and mollusc remains with great enthusiasm and success.
Siege Of Orléans And The Loire Campaign 1428-1429 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9782352501190
Pub Date: 15 Jan 2011
Series: Men & Battles
Illustrations: 160 illustrations
The year is 1428, and the war between England and France has been raging for nearly one hundred years. The English control territory to the north of the Loire, but have no control of regions beyond the river. During the summer, the Duke of Bedford decides to eliminate his enemy and besieges Orléans.


Format: Paperback
Pages: 630
ISBN: 9789979654117
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2010
Imprint: University of Iceland Press
This is one of the oldest preserved sagas in Icelandic and is compiled from Latin sources, mainly Bellum lugurthinum and Coniutario Catilinae by Sallustius and Pharsalia by Lucanus. The first section is on the Jugurthine wars and then Catilina and his gathering of men. In the later section, the conflict between Pompey and Julius Caesar is depicted.
The Archaeology of Fazzan volume 3 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 641
ISBN: 9781900971102
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2010
Imprint: Society for Libyan Studies
Series: Society for Libyan Studies Monograph
The Archaeology of Fazzan is a major series of reports on the archaeology and history of Libya’s south-west desert region.This volume contains reports and analysis on a series of excavations carried out between 1958 and 1977 by the British archaeologist Charles Daniels, lavishly illustrated by site plans and numerous colour photographs – particularly of the rich artefact assemblages recovered. The publication will be high profile and a significant landmark in work seeking to record information about Libya’s long-term Saharan heritage.
Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781842173909
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2010
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 152 b/w illus, 53 tables
Animals in complex human societies are often both meal and symbol, related to everyday practice and ritual. People in such societies may be characterized as having unequal access to such resources, or else the meaning of animals may differ for component groups. Here, in this book, 28 peer-reviewed papers that span 4 continents and the Caribbean islands explore in different ways how animals were incorporated into the diets and religions of many unique societies.