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Archaeology & Ancient History
Roman Legionaries Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781612006116
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2018
Series: Casemate Short History
Illustrations: 30 b/w illustrations
The might of Rome rested on the back of its legions; the superbly trained and equipped fighting force with which the imperial Roman army conquered, subdued and ruled an empire for centuries. The legionary soldier served for 20 years, was rigorously trained, highly equipped, and motivated by pay, bonuses and a strong sense of identity and camaraderie. Legionaries wore full body-armour, carried a shield which could be used defensively to form a shield wall or a tortoise, or it could be used offensively to punch at opponents and throw them off-balance in close-quarters fighting, as well as two javelins, a sword, and a dagger.
RRP: £7.99
Gill Mill Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 916
ISBN: 9781905905423
Pub Date: 20 Jul 2018
Series: Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph
Illustrations: 410 illustrations; 168 tables
The valley floodplain landscape covered by the Gill Mill quarry, almost 130ha, was intensively exploited from about 300 BC at a variety of Iron Age settlements. The largest of these remained in occupation into the early 3rd century AD, but meanwhile a large nucleated settlement grew up around a road junction roughly 1km distant to the NW. This became the sole focus of occupation, covering an area of about 10ha.
Oceans of Archaeology Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 239
ISBN: 9788793423183
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2018
Vast coastal plains that vanished below the waves thousands of years ago were highways to new territories and a cornucopia of natural riches for early humankind. Oceans of Archaeology presents these virtually unexplored areas of the archaeologicially world map. It scrutinises the submerged early prehistory of Europe and reveals a richness and diversity unmatched around the globe.
Crossing the Threshold Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781789250763
Pub Date: 12 Jul 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w
Every day millions of people enter public buildings of many forms and functions: Notre-Dame in Paris, Central Station in New York; the British Museum in London, that are decorated with recessed doorways. None of them is likely to be aware that this style of decoration has been continuously employed for 6500 years in temples, royal palaces, tombs, churches, synagogues and modern public buildings, becoming a symbol of the divine and of a place of worship. During this very long period, from the ancient Near East until today, the world has undergone immense changes, but the concept of the recessed opening was never forgotten or abandoned.
From Roman Civitas to Anglo-Saxon Shire Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9781785709845
Pub Date: 12 Jul 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w and colour
This book is the culmination of the author’s lifelong interest in the Roman to medieval transition in England and in the analysis of the historic landscape of Wessex. It begins with a focused, referenced, and critical exploration of the thorny, but crucial, issues of post-Roman personal and group identity, employing linguistic, historical, archaeological and toponymical evidence. A series of integrated studies seek to elucidate changes in the territorial organisation of the Wessex landscape, from Somerset to Hampshire, from the Roman period to the emergence of the historic counties.
Neolithic Bodies Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 154
ISBN: 9781785709012
Pub Date: 12 Jul 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers
Illustrations: b/w
As a result of recent methodological and theoretical developments in approaches to the human body in archaeological contexts, the theme has recently become a particularly dynamic research area. This volume, building on the Neolithic Studies Group conference 2014, captures the variety of debates developing across research into the Neolithic bodies of the Near East and Europe. Papers are divided into three themes; living bodies, the body in death and the representation of the body.
Trends in Biological Anthropology 2 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9781785706202
Pub Date: 02 Jul 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Trends in Biological Anthropology
Illustrations: b/w
The articles included in this volume were all presented at the 15th annual British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO) conference held at the University of York on the 13th and 15th of September 2013. Ten papers are presented, on a range of topics and themes, including that of ‘Constructing Identities: Ethnicity and Migration’ exploring theoretical approaches to the multiple identities of the body and multidisciplinary approaches to investigating the African origin of African American communities in parts of South America. Papers exploring the theme ‘Treatment of the Body: Understanding and Portrayals’ focus on the visibility of prehistoric burial practice in Britain and the Levant (the ‘invisible dead’), and evidence for diversity in late medieval Christian burial practice in Taunton, Somerset.
RRP: £49.99
Faversham in the Making Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781911188353
Pub Date: 29 Jun 2018
Imprint: Windgather Press
Well known for its later gunpowder industry and the famous Shepherd Neame brewery, Faversham’s earlier medieval history also reveals it to have been an important religious and administrative centre. The town archives possess an unusually complete set of medieval-onwards town charters and other documents including a Magna Carta. Using archaeological and historical evidence set in an ever-changing physical and social context, the authors argue that there is a great deal more to this small town on the north Kent coast than is obvious at first glance.
The Times of their Lives Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781785706684
Pub Date: 29 Jun 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
The hunt is on for the most detailed histories of people in the remote past that we can achieve. We can now routinely, through Bayesian modelling of radiocarbon dates, construct much more precise chronologies than previously, down to the scales of lifetimes and generations, and even on occasion of decades. Better timing opens estimates of duration and the evaluation of the tempo of change.
RRP: £40.00
Bestiarium Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 286
ISBN: 9788869771248
Pub Date: 08 Jun 2018
The human-animal relationship has always been characterized by a wide net of interactions and exchanges. By providing an overview of the concept of animality - and of the several meanings attached to it - this book aims at rethinking the real nature of this notion, towards a new definition of both the human and the animal. The authors highlight the need to overcome the traditional tendency to read the animal merely as a symbol, a metaphor or an allegory, whose only purpose is that of representing and negotiating human power relations of race, class, and gender.
A Journey through Time Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 60
ISBN: 9781907586422
Pub Date: 31 May 2018
Has the Thames always looked like it does today, confined to the same course, muddy, brackish and tidal? Through analysis of the archaeology investigated along the Crossrail south-east line, which diverts from the main west–east route across the Thames floodplain from Stepney Green to Abbey Wood, this book tells the story of the lower Thames throughout the Holocene (from c. 10,000 years ago to the present).
Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2015 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 696
ISBN: 9788073087586
Pub Date: 31 May 2018
Illustrations: Black and white photographs, plans and figures
The Czech Institute of Egyptology of the Charles University in Prague has since the start of the third millennium established the tradition of organising on a regular basis a platform for scholars, active in the pyramid fields and the cemeteries of the Memphite region (Abusir, Saqqara, Dahshur and Giza in particular), to meet, exchange information and establish further cooperation. The present volume, containing 43 contributions by 53 scholars, is the result of the already fourth "Abusir and Saqqara" conference held in June 2015. The volume reflects the widespread, often multidisciplinary interest of many researchers into a wide variety of different topics related to the Memphite necropoleis.
Insularity and Identity in the Roman Mediterranean Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781785705809
Pub Date: 28 May 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w
Insularity – the state or condition of being an island – has played a key role in shaping the identities of populations inhabiting islands of the Mediterranean. As entities surrounded by water and usually possessing different landscapes and ecosystems from those of the mainland, islands allow for the potential to study both the land and the sea. Archaeologically, they have the potential to reveal distinct identities shaped by such forces as invasion, imperialism, colonialism, and connectivity.
RRP: £38.00
Debating Religious Space and Place in the Early Medieval World (c. AD 300-1000) Cover Debating Religious Space and Place in the Early Medieval World (c. AD 300-1000) Cover
Pages: 225
ISBN: 9789088904196
Pub Date: 23 May 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 27fc/25bw
Pages: 225
ISBN: 9789088904189
Pub Date: 23 May 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 27fc/25bw
Religious spaces are often some of the most debated, contested, or otherwise scrutinized in the early medieval world. That space and place were important to people in the past is evident in their architecture, artwork, literature, and in their cemeteries and burial grounds. While these observations are not new, this volume brings together interdisciplinary and multi-national archaeologists, historians, and geographers to discuss and debate ‘space’ and ‘place’ with a focus on new methodologies and current approaches to Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.
The Black Prince and the Capture of a King Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9781612004518
Pub Date: 18 May 2018
Illustrations: 16 pages of b/w photos
The capture of a king in the course of a battle was a relatively rare event. This, the climactic event of the Black Prince's first campaign as commander, came at the end of nearly a year of campaigning across the southwest of France. The battle of Poitiers in 1356 is less well known than more famous clashes such as Agincourt, however, Poitiers was no less dramatic, and equally important in terms of the course of the Hundred Years War.
RRP: £25.00
Format: Hardback
Pages: 484
ISBN: 9781902937847
Pub Date: 01 May 2018
Series: New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region
The 2010–11 excavations along Trumpington’s riverside proved extraordinary on a number of accounts. Particularly for its ‘dead’, as it included Neolithic barrows (one with a mass interment), a double Beaker grave and an Early Anglo-Saxon cemetery, with a rich bed-burial interment in the latter accompanied by a rare gold cross. Associated settlement remains were recovered with each.