Archaeology & Ancient History Hero Image
Archaeology & Ancient History
Pattern and Process Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9781902937939
Pub Date: 05 Apr 2020
Series: CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time Series
The King’s Dyke and Bradley Fen excavations occurred within the brick pits of the Fenland town of Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire. The investigations straddled the south-eastern contours of the Flag Fen Basin, a small peat-filled embayment located between Peterborough and the western limits of Whittlesey ‘island’. Renowned principally for its Bronze Age discoveries at sites such as Fengate and Flag Fen, the Flag Fen Basin also marked the point where the prehistoric River Nene debouched into the greater Fenland Basin.
Impinging on the Past Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780992633691
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2020
Imprint: The Highfield Press
Illustrations: 34 illus.
The prehistoric, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon periods were all represented in an excavation carried out in the centre of a Worcestershire village some time ago, but with results that can now be seen in new light because of all the archaeological work that has taken place since. A deep Iron Age ditch can be set in the context of enclosures revealed, mainly by air photography, of the gravel terraces in the river valleys of the Severn and Avon. The Romano-British skeletons form a small, elderly and hard-worked group, providing a contrast to the better-known large urban cemeteries.
The Competition of Fibres Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781789254297
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: Colour
The central issues discussed in this new collected work in the highly successful ancient textiles series are the relationships between fiber resources and availability on the one hand and the ways those resources were exploited to produce textiles on the other. Technological and economic practices - for example, the strategies by which raw materials were acquired and prepared - in the production of textiles play a major role in the papers collected here. Contributions investigate the beginnings of wool use in western Asia and southeastern Europe.
Beyond the Romans Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9781789251364
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: TRAC Themes in Archaeology
Illustrations: b/w
This third volume in the TRAC Themes in Roman Archaeology series offers a new encounter between posthumanism and Roman archaeology. Posthuman theoretical perspectives have had substantial impacts in various fields, including archaeology, critical studies, and feminist studies, but only recently have emerged in the study of the ancient world. Posthumanism is an umbrella term for a multiplicity of theoretical perspectives that critique humanism, de-centre the human subject, reconsider the boundaries and relations among humans and the natural world, and frame the human condition as non-fixed and variable.
RRP: £40.00
EAA 171: Three Bronze Age Weapon Assemblages from Norfolk Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 100
ISBN: 9780905594552
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2020
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 43
Norfolk has a rich heritage of prehistoric metalwork from the daggers of the Early Bronze Age to the late pre-Roman Iron Age treasures of Snettisham. In recent years relatively little has been written about the Bronze Age metalwork. Individual classes, such as swords, have been recorded in Prähistorische Bronzefunde while depositional practices have been explored in a number of theses, building on earlier classification of hoards and other assemblages going all the way back to the work of Sir John Evans in the late 19th century.
Dariali: The 'Caspian Gates' in the Caucasus from Antiquity to the Age of the Huns and the Middle Ages Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 1088
ISBN: 9781789251920
Pub Date: 25 Mar 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: British Institute of Persian Studies Archaeological Monograph Series
Illustrations: 700 black and white & colour images
The Huns, invading through Dariali Gorge on the modern-day border between Russia and Georgia in AD 395 and 515, spread terror across the late antique world. Was this the prelude to the apocalypse? Prophecies foresaw a future Hunnic onslaught, via the same mountain pass, bringing about the end of the world.
The Architecture of Mastaba Tombs in the Unas Cemetery Cover The Architecture of Mastaba Tombs in the Unas Cemetery Cover
Pages: 188
ISBN: 9789088908958
Pub Date: 04 Mar 2020
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: The Munro Archive Project. Studies on the Unas Cemetery in Saqqara
Pages: 188
ISBN: 9789088908941
Pub Date: 04 Mar 2020
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: The Munro Archive Project. Studies on the Unas Cemetery in Saqqara
Until comparatively recently, there has been little attempt to produce a detailed study of the architectural make-up of multi-roomed mastaba tombs and the implications of these observations for understanding the ways in which this type of tomb was really used. No thorough and comprehensive investigation has ever been dedicated to the building techniques, materials and design of mastabas or, indeed, who built them. The Architecture of Mastaba Tombs considers the architectural components of tomb design that made an ideal burial and explores different aspects of the design and construction of mastabas in the late Old Kingdom (c.
Debasement Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781789253986
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w and colour
The debasement of coinage, particularly of silver, was a common feature of pre-modern monetary systems. Most coinages were issued by state authorities and the condition of a coinage is often seen (rightly or wrongly) as an indicator of the broader fiscal health of the state that produced it. While in some cases the motives behind the debasements or reductions in standards are clear, in many cases the intentions of the issuing authorities are uncertain.
RRP: £50.00
Ecology of a Tool Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9781789253863
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Archéo Logiques
Illustrations: b/w and colour
New Guinea, and especially Papua New Guinea, is the last country in the world where ethnologists were able to closely observe, film and photograph the whole manufacturing chaînes opératoires of polished stone felling tools, from quarry extraction to finished tool use. Research on the polished blades of PNG has evolved over the years, following changing philosophies and research agendas. While it is clear that an exceptional sum of information has been gathered, it remains centered on that small part of the Highlands where conditions for field research were more pleasant than elsewhere.
RRP: £45.00
The People of the Cobra Province in Egypt Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781789254211
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 100 b/w
The book delivers a history from below for the first half of Egyptian history covering the earliest settlements, state formation and the pyramid age. The focus is on the Wadjet province, about 350 km south of modern Cairo in Upper Egypt. Here archaeological records provide an especially rich dataset for the material culture of farmers.
RRP: £55.00
The Waithe Valley Through Time Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9781999615543
Pub Date: 19 Feb 2020
Imprint: Pre-Construct Archaeology
Series: The Central Lincolnshire Wolds Research Project
Illustrations: 169
This volume examines the archaeology of the Waithe Valley as it passes through the central Lincolnshire Wolds. It concentrates on fieldwork and finds from the eastern edge of the Wolds and was undertaken as part of the Central Lincolnshire Wolds Research Project. It documents the development of human presence in and use of the valley from prehistory to recent times, reporting on geophysical survey, fieldwalking and excavations.
Houses of the Dead? Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781789254105
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers
The chronological disjuncture, LBK longhouses have widely been considered to provide ancestral influence for both rectangular and trapezoidal long barrows and cairns, but with the discovery and excavation of more houses in recent times is it possible to observe evidence of more contemporary inspiration. What do the features found beneath long mounds tell us about this and to what extent do they represent domestic structures. Indeed, how can we distinguish between domestic houses or halls and those that may have been constructed for ritual purposes or ended up beneath mounds?
Making One's Way in the World Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781789254020
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
The book draws on the evidence of landscape archaeology, palaeoenvironmental studies, ethnohistory and animal tracking to address the neglected topic of how we identify and interpret past patterns of movement in the landscape. It challenges the pessimism of previous generations which regarded prehistoric routes such as hollow ways as generally undatable. The premise is that archaeologists tend to focus on ‘sites’ while neglecting the patterns of habitual movement that made them part of living landscapes.
Butrint 5: Life and Death at a Mediterranean Port Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9781785708978
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2019
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Butrint Archaeological Monographs
Illustrations: b/w and colour
This is the second volume arising from the 1994–2003 excavations of the Triconch Palace at Butrint (Albania), which charted the history of a major Mediterranean waterfront site from the 2nd to the 15th centuries AD. The sequence (Butrint 3: Excavations at the Triconch Palace: Oxbow, 2011) included the development of a palatial late Roman house, followed by intensive activity between the 5th and 7th centuries involving domestic occupation, metal-working, fishing and burial. The site saw renewed activity from the 10th century, coinciding with the revival of the town of Butrint, and for the following 300 years continued in intermittent use associated with its channel-side location.
RRP: £45.00

Elite Residence to Manufacturing Centre

Excavations on the site of the Archbishop of York’s Palace and the Battersea Enamelling Works, at the former Price’s Candle Factory, Regent and Grove Wharves and Bridges Wharf, Battersea
Format: Paperback
Pages: 175
ISBN: 9781999615536
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2019
Imprint: Pre-Construct Archaeology
Series: Thameslink Monograph Series
Excavations in Wandsworth along the riverfront to the east of the Thames (which here trends roughly south to north), have revealed details of the diverse history of this part of the borough and its fluctuating fortunes. This monograph details the results of excavations at three sites along that stretch of riverfront at Price’s Candle Factory, Regent and Groves Wharves and Bridges Wharf. A ditch and associated Middle and Late Bronze Age pottery are the only evidence for prehistoric activity here.
Illerup Adal 13 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9788788415629
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2019
Illerup Ådal Vol. 13 discusses the relationship between the use of weapons in war and the civilian use of bow and arrow for hunting or axes as a tool for daily tasks. Xenia Pauli Jensen writes about bows and arrows, and Lars Christian Nørbach analyses the axes and the production of them.