Archaeology & Ancient History Hero Image
Archaeology & Ancient History
Empire and Communities Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9788869772825
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2020
The reduction of the shares of internal sovereignty, the emergence of transnational or international authorities, the overcoming financial systems’ power, underline the inadequacy of governments based on the obsolete dimension of “nation”. Hence the lack of power to determine the future of all people, in particular the Communities forgotten or disregarded because considered minorities for the nation. The imperial rule might guarantee in the future the equal people’s dignity, providing that it represents the fusion of earthly and sacred characters with which it was endowed during its splendour in the Middle Age.
Stonehenge for the Ancestors Cover Stonehenge for the Ancestors Cover
Pages: 520
ISBN: 9789088907036
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2020
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: The Stonehenge Riverside Project
Illustrations: 190fc/202bw
Pages: 520
ISBN: 9789088907029
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2020
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: The Stonehenge Riverside Project
Illustrations: 190fc/202bw
For many centuries, scholars and enthusiasts have been fascinated by Stonehenge, the world’s most famous stone circle. In 2003 a team of archaeologists commenced a long-term fieldwork project for the first time in decades. The Stonehenge Riverside Project (2003-2009) aimed to investigate the purpose of this unique prehistoric monument by considering it within its wider archaeological context.
Affective Relations and Personal Bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9781789254983
Pub Date: 15 Oct 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w
The intense bonds among the king and his family, friends, lovers, and entourage are the most enticing and intriguing aspects of Alexander the Great’s life. The affective ties of the protagonists of Alexander’s Empire nurtured the interest of the ancient authors, as well as the audience, in the personal life of the most famous men and women of the time. These relations echoed through time in art and literature, to become paradigm of positive or negative, human behavior.
RRP: £55.00
Romans at War Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9781612008851
Pub Date: 15 Oct 2020
Illustrations: Over 250 color and black-and-white photographs and illustrations
In Romans at War ground-breaking research is presented in an accessible, entertaining, and sumptuously illustrated format, including: • A new consideration of the nature of late Roman military leaders; the author argues they were effectively independent warlords.• Cutting edge research regarding the Severan campaigns to conquer Scotland in the early 3rd century AD.• A new analysis of the nature of late Roman troops, both mounted and foot.
RRP: £29.95
The Economy of a Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 608
ISBN: 9781789255386
Pub Date: 15 Oct 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Bornais
Illustrations: colour and b/w
This book explores the economic evidence for the settlement at Bornais on South Uist. It reports in detail on the large assemblages of material found during the excavations at mounds 2 and 2A. There is important evidence for craft activity, such as bone and antler working and this includes the only comb making workshop from a rural settlement in Britain.
RRP: £35.00
The Dyer's Handbook Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781789255492
Pub Date: 01 Oct 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Persian blue, pomegranate flower, spiny lobster, wine soup, pale flesh, dove breast, golden wax, grass green, green sand, rotten olive, modest plum, agate, rich French gray, gunpowder of the English..
Archaeology and the Early Church in Southern Greece Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781789255751
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: B/w and colour
A study of archaeology and the early Church in Greece is long overdue. So far, no book has been published in English that examines the growth of Christianity in southern Greece from New Testament times until the medieval period, taking into account both contemporary theological expertise and a detailed knowledge of the numerous and exciting current archaeological excavations. Situated between Israel and Italy, Greece is now yielding vital evidence of the development of early Christianity.
RRP: £55.00
Current Approaches to Tells in the Prehistoric Old World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781789254860
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Deeply stratified settlements are a distinctive site type featuring prominently in diverse later prehistoric landscapes of the Old World. Their massive materiality has attracted the curiosity of lay people and archaeologists alike. Nowadays a wide variety of archaeological projects are tracking the lifestyles and social practices that led to the building-up of such superimposed artificial hills.
RRP: £38.00
Monumentalising Life in the Neolithic Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781789254945
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: colour and b/w
One of the principal characteristics of the European Neolithic is the development of monumentality in association with innovations in material culture and changes in subsistence from hunting and gathering to farming and pastoralism. The papers in this volume discuss the latest insights into why monumental architecture became an integral part of early farming societies in Europe and beyond. One of the topics is how we define monuments and how our arguments and recent research on temporality impacts on our interpretation of the Neolithic period.
RRP: £50.00
Prehistoric Ukraine Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781789254587
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w
This volume covers the Prehistory of Ukraine from the Lower Palaeolithic through to the end of the Neolithic periods. This is the first comprehensive synthesis of Ukrainian Prehistory from earliest times through until the Neolithic Period undertaken by researchers who are currently investigating the Prehistory of Ukraine. At present there are no other English language books on this subject that provide a current synthesis for these periods.
The Oasis Papers 8 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781789255713
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2020
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Dakhleh Oasis Papers
Illustrations: B/w
This is the only volume to present significant results of research into the Pleistocene of the Western Desert of Egypt. Research on Pleistocene prehistoric remains in Dakhleh Oasis began during survey in the 1978 Dakhleh Oasis Project (DOP) season, with discovery of the ubiquity of stone artefacts. Dedicated work by both prehistorians and environmentalists continued until 2011.
RRP: £45.00
Hellenistic Architecture and Human Action Cover Hellenistic Architecture and Human Action Cover
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9789088909108
Pub Date: 10 Sep 2020
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 29fc/38bw
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9789088909092
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2020
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 29fc/38bw
This book examines the mutual influence of architecture and human action during a key period of history: the Hellenistic age. During this era, the profound transformations in the Mediterranean’s archaeological and historical record are detectable, pointing to a conscious intertwining of the physical (landscape, architecture, bodies) and social (practice) components of built space. Compiling the outcomes of a conference held in Kiel in 2018, the volume assembles contributions focusing on Hellenistic architecture as an action context, perceived in movement through built space.
Cleaning and Value Cover Cleaning and Value Cover
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9789088909221
Pub Date: 04 Sep 2020
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 54fc/16bw
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9789088909214
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2020
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 54fc/16bw
This volume combines scholarly contributions on the relation between values and cleaning processes in different places, cultures and times. The core disciplines are archaeology and anthropology with interdisciplinary additions from sinology, classic philology, philosophy, sociology and fine arts.
Island of the Setting Sun Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781916099852
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2020
Imprint: Liffey Press
Illustrations: 170+
Ireland is home to some of the world’s oldest astronomically-aligned structures, giant stone monuments erected over 5,000 years ago. Despite their apparent simplicity, these megalithic edifices were crafted by a scientifically knowledgeable community of farmers who endeavoured to enshrine their beliefs in a stellar afterlife within the very fabric of their cleverly-designed stone temples. Finally back in print, this reissued edition presents evidence suggesting the builders of monuments such as Newgrange and its Boyne Valley counterparts were adept astronomers, cunning engineers and capable surveyors.
The Art of Medieval Warfare Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 100
ISBN: 9789490258214
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2020
Series: Medieval Warfare Special
The 2020 special edition of Medieval Warfare is a compilation of covers, battle scenes and unit reconstructions from the first fifty issues of the magazine. Compiled and edited by Peter Konieczny, with contributions from the rest of the Medieval Warfare staff, this 100-page full-colour book features artwork by favourite illustrators such as Jose Cabrera-Pena, Darren Tan, Rocio Espin, and Zvonimir Grbasic to name but a few. Also included are articles by the staff with insight into our philosophy for commissioning artwork, and a "behind-the-scenes" look at how illustrations are produced.
Rural Settlement and Economic Activity Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781900971294
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2020
Imprint: Society for Libyan Studies
Rural Settlement and Economic Activity is a key new addition to literature on the rural economy of Tripolitania during Antiquity. The chapters explore the geography and climate of the area and present the results of the author’s archaeological survey. Settlement types and their constructions are examined, followed by a detailed analysis of olive oil presses and their production capacity.